61st Street and Broadway (GMaps)
June 15, 2016 Staff Report
A drunk man ran headfirst into a light pole in Woodside Sunday and sustained life-threatening injuries, according to police.
Jayson Kim, 23, ran into a light pole on the corner of Broadway and 61st Street at 4:55 am on Sunday. He suffered severe head injuries and had seizures and went into cardiac arrest on the scene, police said.
EMS arrived and conducted CPR, before transporting Kim to Elmhurst General Hospital.
The Daily News reported yesterday that Kim was brain dead.
Kim showed up drunk at a friend’s house in Woodside at 2:30 am, before leaving at 4:15 am, the Daily News reported. He yelled, screamed and acted irrationally before running into the pole.
Police were not sure whether this was an accident or a suicide.
Anytime there is a “tragic” headline I immediately click to read the comments and more likely than not the funniest and albeit most wrong one of the lot has the most likes, which really restores my faith that Americans are not just a ton of sensitive whingebags who haven’t forgotten laughter is the best medicine.
Best thread I have read in a while. My sides hurt.
Me too
Really sad. So young and such an unnecessary (and unexpected) way to die.
I’m glad I wasn’t driving home and this idiot ran in front of me, or attacked some poor innocent bystander . I have enough problems without some nut running in front of me because he want to die . I don’t care what you people think of my comment, this guy was obviously a danger to himself, that makes him a danger to us all. Some people do suicide by cop, suicide by car, this guy did suicide by pole. Its a shame, but it could be worse if he ruined somebody elses life. All you bleeding hearts make me laugh, like you care, like your walking around all depressed because this guy offed himself on a pole. I can just hear you,”oh my ,do you know if it was a wood pole, did they say if it was steel? Oh my, this has to stop, the poor guy, when does it end? You know, the city should outlaw poles!” Get real, you bunch of phonies and dont tell me to have respect for somebody who doesn’t respect life itself.
You sound really angry. Good luck with life.
How about showing some respect for the person that died
Was it the bulimic panda ????
This article seems like click bait.
Hey maybe if that 2 year old in Florida had a gun he wouldn’t have died. Guns for all.
car? bike? on foot? hoverboard? need some more info
What a weird and poorly written article .
How’s the pole?
This is a human being, somebody’s son somebody’s friend. You should have some respect and keep your wise comments to yourself
I actually saw this man that night, he was running and screaming belligerently, bumping into cars and on the street. Let this be a lesson to all you kids out there, drink responsibly.
Hello sir. Would you be willing to talk to me?? I was his dearest friend.
ummm….hopefully ur not the friend that he visited at 230 am?!?! because if so i guess you felt it was ok for him to leave?!?!?!
Ummm…NO I wasn’t. Save the exclamation marks.
How would you feel If he ran Into you or one of your family members.
Would that be okay. How do you know It was Suicide.
I think he had more then drink in him –
hope he makes it. That would be a really stupid way to die
Was he running or driving? It’s unclear.
I think he was brain dead before he ran into the pole.
It’s just official now.
No after going to Elmhurst
Have some respect. This is somebody’s son just as you are.
The Lowry Bar will have its grand opening Monday June 20 at 4 pm. Free food from 4-7 pm. Be there!
Will there be Poles?
It’s tasteless to advertise in the comments of a man who died an accidental death involving alcohol. Have some dignity.
Pretty sure the post was not really made by the owners of the Lowery as the poster spelled the name of the bar wrong.
Thank goodness. That would be a really bad lack of judgement.
He must have been running very fast to hurt himself that badly.
Angle counts for a lot.
Very sad