Donovan Richards and Elizabeth Crowley (Campaign photos)
July 3, 2021 By Christian Murray
Donovan Richards has stretched his lead over Elizabeth Crowley in the tight Democratic primary for Queens Borough President.
Richards, the incumbent, is ahead of Crowley by 3,313 votes following the implementation of ranked choice voting, according to the results released by the NYC Board of Elections Friday night. However, the race is far from over with 35,550 absentee ballots still to be counted.
The margin that separated the pair on election night was 2,076 votes—based on 95 percent of the scanners of first-choice votes.
The lead increased to 2,481 after the remainder of first choice votes were counted and before ranked choice voting went into effect.
Richards’ lead increased once again when the third candidate in the race—Jimmy Van Bramer—was eliminated and Van Bramer’s second choice votes were tabulated.
Richards wound up with 78,752 votes, or 51.1 percent of the count, after the completion of ranked choice voting, ahead of Elizabeth Crowley who brought in 75,439 votes or 48.9 percent.
The incumbent was viewed as the strong favorite going into the race, having taken office in December after winning a primary and special election last year.
He had the backing of the major unions and elected leaders. However, Crowley had the money.
She spent $1,188,572 on the campaign, while Richards spent $557,530, according to June 11 campaign finance filings.
Richards’ current term ends Dec. 31, since he is completing what would have been Melinda Katz’s term.
The BOE will not be releasing the results with absentee ballots included until at least July 6. The results are expected to be certified the week of July 12 or later.
James G. Van Bramer: ELIMINATED
With 35,550 absentee ballots still to be counted, it’s too early to call.
Purely race-based voting, such as Hannah’s insistence the Borough President should be Black as the sole criteria for voting, is why Queens has seen crime increase dramatically. Donovan Richards is responsible for the huge multibillion dollar Riker’s Island jail being squeezed into the residential community of Kew Gardens – across the street from a public school. This corrupt land grab is able to be accomplished by mindless voters who are virtue signalers. We needed the BEST person for Queens. His opponent, Elizabeth Crowley, (whom I didn’t know), has been involved with the borough all her life and has fought against this corrupt enterprise that will clear Rikers Island real estate and forever destroy Queens if built. It appears Donovan Richards & the City Council have rushed to start construction before anyone can halt this runaway multibillion dollar devastation.
Unfortunately, if Donovan Richards wins, the only hope to save this borough is to vote Republican. It doesn’t matter what race, religion, creed, age, gender, sexual orientation that candidate is. He, she, or it will put a stop to bringing this fake “social justice” that has resulted in bail reform laws that led to weekly robberies of most local pharmacies.
If Richards wins, be prepared to see a massive real estate sell off in Queens. There won’t be any going back after bringing felons literally into residential areas. Only in New York.
The Queens Borough President should be a person of color to represent the most borough in the world.
The racist voting, such as Hannah’s insistence the Borough President should be Black as the sole criteria for voting, is why Queens has seen crime increase dramatically. Donovan Richards is responsible for the huge multibillion dollar Riker’s Island jail being squeezed into the residential community of Kew Gardens – across the street from a public school. This corrupt land grab is able to be accomplished by mindless voters who are virtue signalers. We needed the BEST person for Queens. His opponent, Elizabeth Crowley, (whom I didn’t know), has been involved with the borough all her life and has fought against this corrupt enterprise that will clear Rikers Island real estate and forever destroy Queens if built. It appears Donovan Richards & the City Council have rushed to start construction before anyone can halt this runaway multibillion dollar devastation.
Unfortunately, if Donovan Richards wins, the only hope to save this borough is to vote Republican. It doesn’t matter what race, religion, creed, age, gender, sexual orientation that candidate is. He, she, or it will put a stop to bringing this fake “social justice” that has resulted in bail reform laws that led to weekly robberies of most local pharmacies.
If Richards wins, be prepared to see a massive real estate sell off in Queens. There won’t be any going back after bringing felons literally into residential areas. Only in New York.
Most diverse borough in the world.
No it shouldn’t be a person of color. The most qualified person. This city is a mess. I don’t want someone who is put in office because of their color. This is the mentality that is killing this city. If the best person is black or brown or yellow or red or orange or white I want them.