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Disgruntled Customer Arrested for Fatal Shooting of Forest Hills Food Deliveryman: NYPD

Zhiwen Yan and his wife (GoFundMe) and screenshot of Yan on his bike

June 2, 2022 By Christian Murray

The police have arrested a man for allegedly killing a food delivery worker while he was making deliveries in Forest Hills in late April.

Glenn Hirsch, 51, was arrested last night at his Briarwood apartment on murder and weapons charges for the shooting death of Zhiwen Yan.

Yan, 45, was gunned down at around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 30, while he was on a scooter making deliveries for the Great Wall Chinese restaurant located at 104-37 Queens Blvd.

Great Wall Restaurant, located at 104-37 Queens Blvd in Forest Hills

Yan, a married father of three, had worked at the restaurant for more than a decade and was a recognizable face in the community. He had immigrated to the U.S. from China about 20 years ago.

Cops said Hirsch had a grudge against the restaurant, having had multiple arguments with workers at the restaurant.

The NYPD said that he had harassed the restaurant manager with a gun in the past and twice vandalized staff vehicles.

Video from the scene of the night of the killing showed Yan pulling onto 108th Street and 67th Drive in Forest Hills and someone approaching him on foot with a gun.

Yan is seen trying to move away from the gunman before being fired on several times. He was hit in the chest and was later pronounced dead at Elmhurst Hospital.

Following the arrest, Yan’s widow released the following statement:

“We were all relieved that someone had been arrested. We are grateful to the NYPD and have full confidence that the Queens District Attorney will bring justice to Zhiwen Yan, a loving and kind husband, father, son, friend and community member.”

Friends in the community have been leaving flowers, cards and hand-written notes at the restaurant since he was killed.

Congressmember Grace Meng tries to comfort Eva Zhao, whose husband Zhiwen Yen was shot and killed in Forest Hills on the night of Saturday, April 30, while making a delivery for a Chinese restaurant. Yen, who lived in Middle Village, leaves behind a wife and three kids, ages 2, 12 and 14.

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Gullible Republicans believe myths fairytales and conspiracy theories

Why’d it take a month for the NYPD to make the arrest? Did they have a hard time finding the key to his apartment door? ?


Don’t you think if this man has harassed this restaurant before and has been approached by cops in the past for this, that he probably prepared and tried to cover his tracks this time around, making it hard for the police to catch him? But I guess, that’s just common sense.

And by all means, if you can do better, please leave the blogs of SSP and go out to the world and solve the crimes that plague us with your keen intellect. Don’t waste your time here with us common folk. Don’t worry, some troll will take your place telling us: FOX NEWS is bad, buzzwords are bad, Republicans are bad…etc. And once you solve all the mysteries of the world, please come back with a new catchy moniker.

C'mon Man

I agree with the second paragraph but this guy was arrested in his home. Early on they reported that they already had a name. Since the police were involved in the past with him bringing in a gun to the restaurant why didn’t the cops keep him on file? Isn’t that common sense? What cover up could he have possibly have done.

mamadou Fall (ABDUL)

today is the best day in my life since they got the killer of my best friend .thank you to the police


For anyone to thumbs down this man’s comments for mourning his friend and thanking the police shows you how politics really warped people’s minds. Instead of being happy for this man and the victim’s family that the killer was brought to justice, the progressives still throw shade at this grateful and heartfelt comment because he is thankful for the cops.

Bake 'em Away, Toys

> The NYPD said that he had harassed the restaurant manager with a gun in the past

And NY’s Finest did…what exactly? Thanks for the lax gun laws Republicans!

C'mon Man

so he was arrested multiple times and convicted, and his record is sealed? what kind of liberal judge puts lives in danger like this? these judges are as guilty for the murder. thanks for the lax prosecution laws, democrats.

What's a "prosecution law" ?

Great point, Republicans made it easy for him to get a gun and use it with very little penalty. So let’s blame democrats…

Fan of Dough Boy park

2 Democratic State senators, back to back Democratic Mayors, Democratic Governor. But it’s the Republicans’ fault? Keep that head buried deep in the sand.

After the arrests, genius

The DAs have to prosecute. Don’t blame the cops. It’s up to the judicial system to pursue justice.

Agreed, police are not "law enforcement"

Great point, NYPD did not stop someone with a violent criminal past. They just passed the buck.

Why do liberals keep pushing such lax gun laws?! ?


I am so saddened by this. The poor guy was just trying to make a living and support his family. The crazy nut that shot him should have been arrested for his gun threats, vandalism and more long ago.


So now you can slash people’s tires and threaten them with a gun and still not get arrested?! Seems this pointless murder may have been avoided a long time ago. Either the 112 is an awful precinct or this is just the new normal in NYC…smh.


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