Oct. 5, 2009 Staff Report
The Democratic party will be showing its support for Jimmy Van Bramer next week, despite failing to endorse him in the party’s primary for the District 26 council seat in September.
During the primary, Van Bramer was not endorsed by the party and many of this area’s heavy hitters. Congressman Joseph Crowley, Queens Borough President Helen Marshall, Assemblywoman Marge Markey, Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley, and many others backed his opponent Deirdre Feerick. To top it off, Eric Gioia, the current District 26 councilman and a Democrat, supported Feerick.
But now many of the party’s influential leaders are getting behind Van Bramer– and are organizing an October 13 fundraiser (6pm-8pm) at Dazies Restaurant. Congressman Joseph Crowley will be one of two guest speakers, along with New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.
The invitations are being sent out by Congresswomen Nydia Velazquez and Carolyn Maloney; Congressman Anthony Weiner; State senator Joseph Addabbo; and long-time supporters Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan and Community Board 2 Chairman Joe Conley.
“Please make checks payable to Friends for Jimmy Van Bramer…” the invitation reads.

Photo: Office of Jimmy Van Bramer for City Council
True….. WFP is not ACORN. But Van Bramer did use Data Field Services, which has a direct link to ACORN!!
WFP has nothing to do with ACORN. No need to sling mud.
Isn’t Van Bramer the ACORN/WFP guy?
Will Deirdre Feerick attend?