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Feb. 2, 2017 Staff Report
A new deli will open up next month on Greenpoint Avenue, taking the place of the former Nonna Gina Pizzeria.
The new deli, called Greenpoint Deli, will open up sometime in early March at 43-24 Greenpoint Avenue after fully renovating the space, confirmed the building owner.
The new deli is a recent plan for the space, after a plan to turn it in to a craft bar fell through, for unknown reasons.
Hopeful bar owner Kristopher Medina applied for a liquor license and spoke at a Community Board 2 City Services and Public Safety Committee meeting in October of last year, explaining that he hoped to open a craft wine, beer and cider bar with a focus on local breweries.
However he received some pushback from the committee, which expressed concerns that he wanted to stay open until 4 a.m., and voted to reduce his hours to only allow him to remain open until 2 a.m.
Medina did not end up opening a bar in the space, though it is unknown why.
That guy who owns that bar next door must be happy this place didnt open as a bar. But then again hes always going to have all the losers that go in his bar now. Nobody else would want those barflys as customers. All trash
A well stocked “Gun Shop” would be a great addition to the neighborhood. In the past the “Bliss Sports Shop” on 46th Street did very well, selling firearms and ammunition as well as other Sporting Gear, for fishing, tennis, baseball etc. Even Sears Roebuck sold ammunition and rifles, fishing rods etc.
This would be a fine location for a “Gun Shop” with NRA certified instructors to advise the clientele.
We have too many Bars, Deli, etc., at this time. Why not something interesting?
they spending all this money to fix the store. i hops he don’t make it 24 hours
Should make it a real kosher deli. Bodega deli ain’t gonna cut it.
That’d be good.
I live next door to this location. And I agree I don’t think a deli will work unless it offers something different. Like everyone else has said – we get our deli stuff across the street at the grocery store.
I am very glad it won’t be open until 4am. This corner is loud enough. I was hoping for a chill bar / cafe / open mic space. It’d be great to see a place showcase some of the talent in the neighborhood and give all the work-from-home folks a place to be productive in the day time. On that note, Coffee-Tossy has been a welcome addition to the hood.
deli not gone a work on this area
Madina dodged a bullet not opening a bar in that space. The owner of the building is definitely not a stand up person. Especially after the fiasco of jacking the rent on the last pizza place and the owner ultimately having to close up shop after investing all that money. People will say oh ‘that’s business’ but there was a real lack of decency to how it went down. Also that is a tricky location I’m not sure it gets the foot traffic to cover the massive rent. The owner will do the same thing all over again. It’s a shame the commercial rents are so exhorbitant that it’s pushing small business owners out.
This space could work for a REAL deli serving fres, hot food, sandwiches, cold cuts etc. I highly doubt this will be a bodega / grocery. The space contains a large brick pizza oven and the rear 50% is configured as a kitchen / food prep area. So pretty much a gut reno would be needed to knock down walls, remove oven and turn this into a giant bodega (or small “supermarket”). You’d have to be crazy to open a new bodega in this neighborhood. Just ask the guys that bought Raphael Deli on 41st ST (an existing bodega) how that went … was it 3 months before they closed?
I would definitely stop in to a place like this if they were serving good hot sandwiches, soups, and had a small seating area. I don’t ever patronize supermarket deli counters for hot / prepared food. I’d prefer something reasonably freshly-made with a nice place to sit. To the future tenants: think Oasis on Queens Blvd but aim higher.
The reason it didn’t open and he didn’t go through with it is because of the landlord and the lease he’s trying to get some idiot to sign on to.
He’s asking $6500 a month which is what they want on Queens Blvd at meat boutique, plus he wants someone to pay extra for what he’s calling an improvement district he also has a few other hidden agendas rolled into it. He’s a real conniver. And Madina must have had a lawyer look it over and advise that it’s not worth the money.
This is the real reason.
Landlords are killing small business in this neighborhood and that’s why you won’t see anything creative come here for a long time.
Not landlords. It’s the law that allows land owners to jack up rent as far as the market will bear. He should call Chase or RIte Aid to open another branch.
Everyone seems to think small business is the only and best thing that will save this county’s middle class. It’s a smoke screen. Don’t believe it. Small business isn’t what this country was build on. The ruling rich class wants you to believe you can own your small business and take a piece of the fallacy of the American Dream. Meanwhile, corporations take tax credits and continue the lie that is trickle down economics to further their riches and power.
they spend lot of money for nothing deli grocery not so good on this neighborhood.
don’t need deli grocery in this area. with all this big supermarket they want survive to long.
deli not gone a work here. with cooper landlord rent its to high may be 6 months close down
greenpoint deli spent a lots money for the cooper landlord. 2 pizzaria close down so how’s deli gone a make a money. big greenvalley supermarket so how’s he gone a pay his rent. we need other then deli business
I hope it’s cash only.
Not what the neighborhood needed or will support in profitable numbers. We already have numerous supermarkets with deli departments. I miss the pizza place, which had a unique type of oven for the area. But the owners didn’t do much in promotion or advertising.
I much prefer an independent deli over some supermarket deli. We used to have bakers, butchers, delis, and fruit/produce markets, all of which supermarkets have gone out of their way to eliminate. If supermarkets start offering beauty salons and manicure, local merchants will be in real trouble. If you care about the local economy and prefer NOT to support remote corporate offices that know nothing about our neighborhood, support your LOCAL merchants. Buy real pizza, not frozen; real coffee that’s not from a can, and freshly butchered meat.
It’ll open as a korean deli, just like the one on 46th street and Qns Blvd after the first one burned down. It was really nice for the first six months, then it turned into garbage with nothing but overpriced shite. Changed owners and as usual, went downhill from there. Crappy produce, bad coffee, limited selection of drinks, and arseholes behind the counter.
Why does this neighborhood need another crappy deli? The bar would have been better, or maybe even a restaurant that isn’t a rice and beans joint or irish brew pub. Or a chinese grease trap, or a nail salon, or a 99 cent store.
The businesses in this neighborhood reflect the demographic. Which is less than affluent and isn’t very motivated to change for the better. Sunnyside, for most people is a pit stop to somewhere else, unless you get caught in the vortex of stagnation. Like I did.
1. There is a well established bar right next door.
2. Deli will have a grill to make you real hamburgers, sandwiches, etc. Good for bar next door. Like a luncheonette.
that place next door is frightening and it has been for 25 years.
i’ve never even considering walking in there.
i would not step a toe in that bar next door. too scared. and i’m a 6’1 adult male.
…And 6 1 isn’t big.
There are enough bars in sunnyside, the owner has to make up his mind, is it deli or bar. It sounds like he wants to call it “deli” but attract drunks and trouble. I thought you couldn’t open a bar within certain amount of distance from schools and parks, except whatever was already there. What’s the law on that?
deli strip bar
Why couldn’t they just have a nice Go-Go Bar there, like the old “Hockey Puck” that used to be about a mile west of this place on Greenpoint?
Did anyone read the article? It’s /not/ a bar, not a bar/deli.
It. is. just. a. deli.
Another Deli.
You have 3 supermarkets in the area that have deli departments. The area isnt really in need of a deli
Its going to be named ” the out of business in 6 months greenpoint deli”
Any one know what is up with vivre
Closed – never had a sign saying why. A few weeks before they closed they had some spotty health inspection records.
What’s up with vivre
I was really looking forward to playing a little pinball and drinking a local beer at the planned bar!! I’ll check out the deli…I hope it can set it itself apart from others…maybe the deli can have pinball. I’d play pinball and eat a sandwich!
old people against progress, AGAIN!
this place was gonna have pinball machines!
I need darts and skee ball.
yeah pinball machines would have been rad.
Oh yeah it would be rad and far out and groovy.
Back when I was addicted to public exposure I owned a different knee length jacket for every day of the week.
There was a great anonymous support group that met by the pool table at Greenpoint Lounge two nights a week and had pizza afterwards. Holding hands and sharing our experiences cured us and now some of us are allowed in the library again.
I welcome the new bodega but hope they offer free services for the significant mentally unstable community in the neighborhood, or at least after hour cock fighting. I’ve been training my cock for weeks.
I love all of you so much. 911 never forget. I pray for most of you. Amen.
May be some thing wornge with your comments sir. You have fun at otter peoples expensives but may be they are do best they can with what they are trying at. Try open you are own business selling scratchy card and see what hoopholes you must jump on and how much tax they take home to themselves, not you.
A thankful community salutes you! You are a fine American.
It is known why he didn’t open…the old curmudgeons bitched and moaned about everything…so that’s why Media ran away from Sunnyside. I wish the “back in my day” caucus would go to pasture.
Great. More bars in the neighborhood. Its because of those homeless shelters wherever they are, thanks JVB.
But it’s NOT another bar in the neighborhood; read the article. I’m on this part of Greenpoint a lot and there is absolutely no indication of anyone from a homeless shelter hanging around. You’re allowed to be an ignorant fool but it’s not necessarily for you to let everyone else know.
You really cant take sarcasm can ya Johnny? Go back to Southside where ever that is. (Being sarcastic again)
Last line:
“Medina did not end up opening a bar in the space, though it is unknown why.”
Will it be a deli with soups, salads, sandwiches or are we talking about a bodega?
Yea, those half ass deli-bodegas suck.