Mayor Bill de Blasio at City Hall today (Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)
May 6, 2020 By Allie Griffin
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today that his office is forming several advisory councils to aid New York City’s reopening when the coronavirus pandemic recedes.
The City is rolling out six councils on specific sectors of city life today with four more on the way in the coming days, de Blasio said.
“Their views, their questions, their input are going to be used immediately in our restart planning and then continue on as we build ahead towards recovery,” de Blasio said at City Hall today.
The first six will meet tomorrow and include: a small business council; a large business council; a labor and workforce development council; an arts, culture and tourism council; a faith-based organizations council; and a construction and real estate council.
The remaining four include: a nonprofit and social services council; a public health and healthcare council; an education and vocational training council; and a surface transportation council.
Each council will be up and running by next week, de Blasio said.
The councils will have 20 to 40 members each and be led by one one or two deputy mayors and city agency heads.
“This is an example of listening to people who are the experts because they live the life, they do the work, they understand what everyone’s going through,” de Blasio said.
“We want to hear from them, we want to hear their voices helping us understand what will work, also warning us about what may not work.”
Hashtagger as yoga for the homeless- Bureaucrats who never ran a business like Trump (Reality TV Show), Bloomberg, John Catsimatidis, Carly Fiorina, Mitt Romney, Steve Forbes, Xraig Miller, Linda McMahon. Etc etc..History has shown just because you had success once doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed a second time. Government works fine until it’s undermined. You’re to old to be so idealistic
Hashtagger as Dave- “Blaming” they Chinese for the virus still doesn’t absolve your incompetent foot dragging orange dotard for an incompetent response to something the Chinese may have thrown at him. He still blew it and blew it big that is the sentiment of leaders and citizens of every country around the world. The party and administration you’re propagandizing for has reduced Americas standing in the world. Congratulations!
Hashtagger – People know when they’re unwanted or disliked by others or even a party. People know when someone has their best interest at heart., Women and minorities know Republicans do not have their best interest at heart.,This pandemic would have never reached this level of severity if Trump didn’t play down the threat of the virus, he was very well informed on and he was advised of the dangers of this virus regardless of the virus’ origin. The number of people dying by suicide and or domestic violence is nothing compared to the number of people who have died of the virus or will die of a resurgence of the virus. We are in this spot because of the party you are constantly propagandizing for. You love Republican policy so much move to Mississippi or Oklahoma.
Makayla, people are committing suicide and drinking themselves to death over loss of jobs and income. And stop telling us we are “non essential”. All jobs are essential. And there has been a HUGE INCREASE IN DOMESTIC VIOLECE. But according to Cuomo nothing to see, let’s moved on. You libs make me laugh: you really do not like women very much.
Trump’s terrible pandemic response cost us 80,000 American lives and climbing.
Oh sorry, you meant de Blasio.
You won’t blame the Chinese government but you’re a Democrat party comrade after all.
Makayla-You’re absolutely correct notice the president has publicly grieved on dozens of occasions for the economic loss of the greatest economy the world has ever seen but never once for the victims of the pandemic who lost their lives or the families of those victims.
Katie aka hashtagger- Put your money where your big mouth is. Give your neighbor a hand. I thought Republicans didn’t want people to rely on government. Even during this Trump caused pandemic. Keep posting propaganda it really helps and nobody knows its you. LOL
Sally aka hashtagger- Don’t forget Republicans like Bevin Nunez or Florida Governor DeSantis. You’re very selective. Propaganda will do that.
Hashtagger aka Gabriella – Your my body my choice quote doesn’t even make sense in this context. Propaganda robs the weak minded of being clever or witty. Look up which propaganda techniques you’ve been victim of.
Just what we need. A gaggle of bureaucrats who never ran a lemonade stand instructing entrepeneurs how to do what they already know how to do.
Just wear masks for the time being, wash your hands frequently and stay home if you don’t feel well. Don’t need a special council to figure that out.
Still waiting for a hair and nail salon to open up! I refuse to go to someones house like my neighbor has been doing.
Wisdom of the crowd. Good luck.
What happened to “My body, my choice!”? I’ll stay home, thank you.
Here’s a thought Mayor: how ’bout the officers *don’t hit people* while reminding people to stand a safe distance apart? Let’s try that instead, ‘kay?
Still no answers for the millions that still can’t get UE benefits.
New York has done a good job fighting the virus in our state. As in China, the concern would be ‘imported’ cases. When people from other states bring the virus back in after things open up and people start coming back.
Meanwhile my neighbor and his family can’t pay bills, can’t put food on the table to feed his kids.
March 15 “Mr. Mayor” was telling New Yorkers to go to their neighborhood bar. And he STILL doesn’t regret saying that.
By sometime in 2026, they’ll produce a 28 Phase Plan on Reopening.
When a society regrets the economic loss more than the loss of life, it doesn’t need a virus it is already sick.