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Daily News Reports: Woodside Elevator Breaks Down Due to Urine

March 12, 2013 Staff Report


This elevator is more than just a wee bit slow.

A lift at the Woodside, LIRR and subway complex is constantly breaking down from damage caused by people peeing inside it, officials told the Daily News Monday.

It’s such a popular pit stop that Long Island Rail Road President Helena Williams called it a “vertical urinal.”

“The mechanics of the elevator are constantly being contaminated,” Williams said at an LIRR committee meeting.

Jason Laguer, 56, of Woodside, said he avoids the lift-turned-lavatory. “The elevator is always full of p—,” he said. “I take the stairs, it’s just nasty, man.”

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The Woodside station is one of the FEW in the entire subway system that does have public toilets, but they’re maintained by the Long island Rail Road and accessible only when the LIRR ticket office is open. The LIRR Woodside station shares this complex with the #7 line, though all LIRR tracks are outdoors one flight below street level.

lirr rider

Install video cameras in the elevator let the person at the station window monitor it… air it on the news whenever possible to show the faces of these disgusting miscreants.


Hey, you don’t have ANY bathrooms in the stations, it’s illegal for public urination and restaurants only allow you to use the bathrooms if you buy something.

when you gotta go you gotta go!


I say we just ban men from the elevator, give the thing a good once over and it will rarely disfunction again.

Was there ever a better argument for more public facilities?

Local Hamburglar

Once they remodeled the bathrooms at the Station Cafe, floor pissers had to go somewhere.


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