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Cuomo Signs Bill Granting Undocumented Immigrants Ability to Get a Driver’s License

Gov. Andrew Cuomo

June 18, 2019 By Meghan Sackman

Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law Monday a bill that will allow undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license.

Cuomo signed the bill shortly after it passed narrowly in the state senate yesterday, by a vote of 33 to 29. The bill passed the Assembly last week, which had the strong support of Assembly Member Catalina Cruz.

The Driver’s License Access and Privacy Act, sponsored by State Sen. Luis Sepúlveda and backed by senators Jessica Ramos and Mike Gianaris, passed after fierce debate.

Opponents of the law argue that it gives the undocumented the privileges that should be bestowed upon those who are here legally. With the undocumented being able to use foreign documents to apply for a license, some opponents are also concerned about fraud. Others cite the potential for voter fraud.

Supporters of the controversial bill say the new law is necessary so undocumented immigrants can get to their jobs and access healthcare. Furthermore, many undocumented immigrants drive anyway.

Supporters also argue that there will be fewer unlicensed and uninsured drivers on the road, making the roads less dangerous. Additionally, the new law will bring in state revenue, with $84 million expected to come in over the first three years.

Queens representatives State Senator Mike Gianaris and State Senator Jessica Ramos, who have been long-time advocates for the bill, voiced their support during yesterday’s senate session.

“It’s a civil rights issue,” said Ramos in her statement before giving her official yes vote. “Are you really going to deny people the ability to drive their kids to school, take their loved ones to access health care, or any other resource? Where is your humanity?” she asked.

Gianaris, after a two hour debate, praised the senate as he voted in favor of the bill.

“I am proud to help lead a Senate that finally stands for justice,” Gianaris said. “I will continue to fight against gross, anti-immigrant rhetoric that dehumanizes immigrants who make our state the remarkable, diverse center of the world that it is.”

Applicants will be able to use foreign documents to get a license. These include an unexpired passport from the country of citizenship or a foreign driver’s license. The legislation will require the applicant to sign an affidavit that they have not received a Social Security number.

The license would have a stamp on it indicating that it is not eligible for federal identification and would not allow the license holder to vote.

Governor Cuomo, who has been a long time supporter of the bill, did waver on his decision based on the concern that the law might essentially be giving a list of undocumented immigrants to the federal government. Cuomo’s qualms were eased after being reassured by state Solicitor General Barbara Underwood that there would be protections.

Under the legislation, license holders must be notified within three days if any request is made to see their personal files. A court order would have to be filed in order for the state to release the personal information to the federal government.

The law will go into effect in 180 days, making New York the 13th state in the U.S. to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license.

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Gardens Watcher

Isn’t it ironic that NYS is bending over backwards to issue drivers licenses and NYC is doing their best to get rid of cars?

wait wat

I know the Trump-lovers are gullible enough to believe that voter fraud is rampant because Daddy told them to, but is that relevant to driving? Lmao!

LIC Direct

Since when is driving and obtaining a license a Civil Rights issue? More cars will be on the road because of this, part of the American dream is buying a car and they will be buying in droves, Major World salesmen already celebrating the signing ready to rip off the unsuspecting immigrant. Se Habla Espanol.


All about the $ he don’t care about the Illegals he just wants more money for the bankrupt state.


Maybe if I pretend to be a republican, Tap my heels three times, and say “It’s just fake news” it’ll go away! Lol


Good, now they’ll be registered. They’ll be able to get car insurance. Overall, this will make the roads safer.

Ralphie Mae was right.

Able to obtain. Actually getting insurance is another story. It’s pointless to insure a $300 dollar car held together with plywood and duct tape.

Wow, imagine being this fragile

Great point, no one has ever broken a traffic law in NYC before this. Having such poor logic explains why you blame “muh illegals” for your life being a failure.


It’s a good idea to collect the revenue from license fees– plus, it helps law enforcement. And if they can’t afford the fees, NY will just offer to pay it for them.


…..and New York driver’s license will become invalid for airplane travel……this is what the idiot democrats DON’T TELL YOU……the morons in California did the same thing and now you can’t use a CA driver’s license to travel on airlines in about three months… have to get a “REAL ID” that illegals can’t get…

Oh, Lily

some people cannot afford to get a passport; and, sometimes people have emergency situations where they have to take a domestic flight; without the enhanced or real ID you will not be able to board a domestic flight. THANK YOU, CUOMO, GIANARIS, ET AL, for screwing up American citizens. The feds know that New York State does nothing to weed out fraud.

Deal with it!

So what’s wrong with the realID? Soon we all have to have one so just do it.

that's definitely not true

that’s not true and it’s the new license requirements are federal, not limited to CA

Old as Dirt

you have to get a “REAL ID” that illegals can’t get…?? yeah how long til they change that too


They should enjoy all the privileges that come with living in New York City, especially the privilege of paying astronomically high taxes.


This is the correct move. It’s about traffic safety and driver regulation. People who oppose this believe society is better off with untested and unlicensed drivers operating vehicles without auto insurance. Which is utterly STUPID!

Oh, Lily

“foreign documents to obtain a New York driver’s license” – and will we know if somebody had an arrest record abroad? That Gianaris is a disgrace and Ramos is a fool

Oh, Lily

Let’s turn into a third world country! And, starting sometime in 2020, the regular New York State driver’s license will not allow you onto an airplane because the feds know how much fraud can be involved to get one. You will have to use either the enhance license or Real I.D. license.

Interesting story you made up

Has that ever happened or is there any reason or evidence that it will ever happen at all? Otherwise we’ll just go on ignoring it.

Sad but true

Hey Cumo, how about following protocol like the rest of us immigrants had to do? fist you apply for a green card with a pathway to citizenship. So transparent that the democrats are building their voting block with all of the concessions that they are proposing and passing. Proposal
to let Prisoners vote. Every 20 minutes prisoners get free phone calls (costing tax payers 10 mil a year) NYC a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants. access to free healthcare and housing and it goes on and on. And before anyone of you call me a Trumper or a fox news lover, i’m a registered democrat. Im 55 years old and every year im paying more & more in taxes to furnish democrats pet projects to appease their voters. I would like to retire one day with a little money for myself, but on this trajectory sadly it probably will never happen.


Fully agree. NYS would not renew licence when my green card renewal was in process. Guess that wouldn’t be a problem now… this state is turning into a western European country where the honest tax payer gets screwed and pays for everything.

LIC Direct

Since when is driving and obtaining a license a Civil Rights issue? More cars will be on the road because of this, part of the American dream is buying a car and they will be buying in droves, Major World salesmen already celebrating the signing ready to rip off the unsuspecting immigrant. Se Habla Espanol.

Rattan Singh

People are already driving. This assures that they will be insured now. And don’t try and use the…”why would they get insurance they already broke the law once?” excuse. We all know many citizens who drive without insurance. Also, before 9/11 everyone was able to get a license regardless of citizenship status. Former governor Pataki changed that law in 2002. We survived before and we’ll survive again. Hope this answers your question Carmelo.


Exactly. This makes insurance available but it’s pointless to insure a $300 car held together with plywood and duct tape.

Stay Loose

Did you read the article? The debate about the need for this has been going for decades.

AOC for president

Yes!!! I hope NYC will get 10 million more undocumented immigrants from all over the world! We New Yorkers are against Trump!


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