Photo: iStock
Aug. 23, 2010 By Christian Murray
The local crime rate has increased nearly 5 percent this year, according to statistics released today by the 108 police precinct.
Police precinct 108, which covers the neighborhoods of Woodside, Sunnyside and LIC, announced that the number of “reported” crimes increased 4.74 percent for the year-to-date period ending August 15, compared to the same period in 2009. There were 776 reported crimes through August 15 this year, compared to 741 last year.
However, the more serious crimes have risen much faster. There were two murders through August 15 vs. 1 for the same period last year; 10 rapes vs. 7; 110 robberies vs 97; 80 felony assaults vs. 55.
The rate of burglaries has declined from the 160 reported through August 15, 2009—to 155 this year. Grand larcenies have fallen from 309 to 281.
Grand larceny autos have risen so far this year to 138 vs. 112 last year.
In August, the 108 police precinct didn’t have its monthly meeting to explain what’s led to the uptick in the statistics. The next meeting will be held on Sept. 28.
I’ve heard of the practice of not taking reports (citywide, in general) but I wish people would stop whispering about it. Take names. Contact the press. Contact the local blogs. Share some details of the crime so that, at least, your neighbors know. Show up a a community council meeting and share your experience in an open forum.
its probably a lot higher,try reporting a crime at the 108 they will give u the runaround and wont file a report ,ive ended up walking away and thats exactly what they want
its probably a lot higher than that,try reporting a crime to the 108th at the desk and see the run around they will give u,ive ended up walking away and thats exactly what they want