Defund NYPD (Michael Dorgan, Queens Post)
Aug. 21, 2020 By Michael Dorgan
A counter-rally is set to take place before a pro-police march in Sunnyside Saturday morning.
The opposing rally will meet at John Vincent Daniels Jr. Square in Woodside at 10 a.m. and walk towards 39th Street and Greenpoint Avenue.
The group expects to arrive just before a scheduled pro-police march kicks off from the spot at 11 a.m.
The pro-police rally is looking to support the officers of the NYPD 108th precinct, which covers Sunnyside, Woodside and Long Island City.
The counter-protesters said they will form a single-file line in front of the pro-police marchers but will step aside once their march starts, according to organizer Grace Frutos.
Frutos, a Sunnyside resident who says she has organized several “defund the NYPD” protests in Queens, said her group is not happy with the pro-police rally.
She said the pro-police ralliers have misunderstood the goals of the “defund” movement.
“They think that we are against police and that we want to hurt them and that’s just not the case,” Frutos said.

(Provided by Grace Frutos)
She said that certain sections of society are being mistreated by police due to a lack of training and they want this to change.
The group wants the police to get better training in de-escalation tactics, mental health programs and in social work, she said.
“We want them to recognize that their loved one is part of this oppressive, hateful and racist system,” she said. “We want them to understand that and help us change that.”
Frutos said that they also want a portion of the NYPD budget to be invested in better education for communities of color. She said that this will prevent people from committing crimes in the future because poor education and poverty are linked to higher crime levels.
The group will hold signs and posters with some of their positions written across them in order to get their message across.
“We do not intend to engage with them and the majority of our protest will be done in silence,” she said.
Frutos said that they will briefly break their silence to lay out some of their positions. She said they will then peacefully move out of the way and let the pro-police ralliers carry out their march.
She said her group will also carry posters about criminal justice reform which is fueling racial injustice throughout the community.
Frutos said that alternative systems should be put in place to deal with criminals like restorative justice and transformative justice. These systems often involve the victim and the offender meeting and reconciling with one another.
“Instead we’re putting them in boxes and we’re not helping them heal their hearts and their brains,” she said.

John Vincent Daniels Jr. Square (Google Maps)
I could not attend because i am trying to avoid crowds during the pandemic. But i heard counter protesters outnumbered pro police marchers. Just let things be. Just saw on the news that the city is putting cops back on street patrol telling them to work weekends where most of the shootings are taking place and pretty soon things will go back to normal. Of course both sides will try to take credit to fit whatever narrative they choose to write.
You heard wrong. The SSP reporter covering the march wrote there were more than 150 supporters marching in support of the 108th, and were met with cheers along the route. They were met by about protestors in the park.
I too couldn’t attend, and avoid crowds because we’re in a PANDEMIC. Wearing a mask doesn’t negate the need for social distancing. Don’t hold your breath waiting for things to “go back to normal.”
About 100 protestors in the park.
Why were some of the people against the cops trying to stop photographs? Isn’t putting yourself out there the whole point?
The entire concept of the United States was a radical liberal venture.
The idea that a liberal, which literally means “someone who is wiling to accept a different order of things” is simultaneously someone who “hates” anything is absurd. As far as the English Language goes.
Ill cut to the chase, there is no City here without the Police. You simply cannot have eight million people living on top of one another without a paramilitary force to mediate.
“Liberals” are not asking for there to be no force. We are asking Force to be more careful. At least, that’s what I hope that we are asking for.
There is no reason in God’s Green Earth why BLM and the NYPD should be enemies. Both are after the same thing.
Peace. They are both after Peace.
Amazing how divided we’ve become because of these politicians. You want to protest go protest in front of their homes.
So (she) is the new AOC of sunnyside. She should be ashamed of herself. You want to move money away from the Nypd yet you want them to have more training, someone take this girl back to school so she can realize that if her group is preaching for more training etc. then more money is needed not less. Someone help this girl. And everyone be aware she is brining all these people into the neighborhood who don’t belong here. They are the ones damaging this great neighborhood.
Frutos is an ignorant student who is enjoying her 15 minutes of fame thanks to gutless politicians who are looking the other way while the murder rate climbs
The counter protestors were rude obnoxious and threatening wit their clenched fists, rhetoric and noise
If they did not have a permit they should have been arrested
Furthermore it is obvious that many of them do not live in our neighborhood
Karma would be if these bullies desperately need to dial 911 and have a long wait time since they want to defund the police
And what was up with the black clad guys with bikes ?
Antifa anyone ?
Exposing the truth -It’s possible to cut a budget, transfer responsibility and increase training. We are talking about a six billion dollar annual budget. It’s all been done before.
make police depts go bankrupt in the middle of a massive urban crime wave across the country. Liberals got some good ideas goin on!
And obviously so do you Danny.
So how is blaring a siren through a bullhorn during a pro-police speech “remaining silent?” That’s what QNS is reporting what happened at the park. How is sitting on the ground in the middle of the park doing anything but being rude?
No troubles,
Those who marched from 39th Street and Greenpoint showed their support for the men and women of the 108th. When they got to Sabba Park, the “defenders” blocked the pathway. Lots of nasty signs. Amazing number of young adults just massing and looking determined. The pros gathered at the flagpole and a few short speeches were given. The defenders worked their way to the front of the pro-police and raised some really nasty signs especially in front of the American flags held high by thr pros. Very slick common tactics. Pros were too polite. Defunders stuck many camaras in the faces of the pros, acting very rudely. Intimidation did not get out of hand. We all went home! Some to their homes in Sunnyside. Others to wherever the hell they came from.
But Frutos said: “They think that we are against police and that we want to hurt them and that’s just not the case.” And “We do not intend to engage with them…”
What BS.
I just saw them bragging on Instagram about how they made so much noise they forced the other side to change their route. So much for a “silent protest” and allowing the 108Th Pct Community Council to proceed.
Liberals really hate it when other people exercize their First Amendment rights. They seem to think it’s just for them. Just like children.
Got:,Is that all you got? My eight year old says things like that.. oh and Fox News
Please stop terrorizing our neighborhood with your out of town pals
We are sure your parents tell you on a daily basis that you are wonderful and deserve your participation trophies and are like the bomb but the rest of us are nauseated by you and your antics
Maybe you can have your own reality show and your teachers can make an appearance and use buzz words like patriarchy and racist and bigot and lecture us and tell us how very special you are while those of us who still have jobs try to survive and take care of our families
In the meantime please grow up
Sincerely and bless your heart !
suddenly Republicans hate censorship though, right?
Peaceful my ass. Entitled young liberals screaming at 70 year olds, shoving their signs in their faces and grabbing the flags the 70 year olds were holding. Disgusting. It wasn’t quiet and no one moved. Gross. Wait till your next march, won’t be as peaceful as everyone has let them be
Judy : I was there, you were obviously at a different March. And I’m well over 70. Thank you Fox News.
Ok Mary. You see what you saw, I know what I did.
Let’s organize a counter rally to
The counter rally. I’m taking suggestions for a cute name.
Quick everyone let’s organize a
Counter rally to the counter rally. I’m taking suggestions for a cute name.
“These systems often involve the victim and the offender meeting and reconciling with one another.“
Ahh yes, now you can have another unwanted encounter with the violent thug who randomly punched you in the face and then decided to take your wallet after you fell to the concrete. Lol.
These people are completely delusional. They’re quickly achieving their goal of turning NYC into a filthy, crime-ridden, bankrupt s-hole.
I am staying home. But i am sure someone will stream it online. Pretty sure fake supporters will show up to give the media something to talk about.
Pretty sure the media knows the hood better than you do. Read their editorial, sista.
How about a march against crime and violence in black and Hispanic communities.
The levels of bullying. Frutos and the left won’t let a neighborhood honor their officers that actually do their job and keep LIC/Sunnyside/Woodside as safe as possible. Not everything has to be a protest. We have had enough of your protest & destruction to neighbourhoods BECAUSE of the indifference. Get your point straight to the politicians learn to lobby and reach the right ears. Allow area residents to honor without the drama protesters bring everywhere.
The levels of this leftist bullying. Cops didn’t counter rally against BLM protesters. But bully protesters won’t allow a neighborhood honor their precinct. Peacefully. Gotta bring the drama
If they lived in LIC/Sunnyside they would understand 108 is a precinct to honor. These cops keep our neighborhood safe…maybe the cops in other hoods don’t….ours do.
You people don’t understand. I need to teach you. Police are like bad, and we’re like good. I know what I’m talking about. I minored in sociology at Hunter. You all need to be educated about your privilege. Listen to me I’ve been in school nearly my whole life, I know everything.
Something has to be done. Blacks and Hispanics are caught committing over 95 % of the shootings in NYC. Why is it that the police are only targeting blacks and Hispanics pertaining to shootings.
Agreed, 75% of NYC’s shooting victims are black. It’s a shame you don’t support the 2nd Amendment.
Your right. So unfortunate only 2% of shooting victims are white, while blacks and Hispanics sufffar more percentage wise.
The protests are about police brutality not…who’s being prosecuted for gun crimes within the city or whatever you’re talking about?
White people crying black lives matter while blacks are shooting each other, this is so weird. And now we have protests against protests, anti-protest protests, what’s next? Do these people have absolutely nothing else to do? Police should just arrest them all for illegal gathering, case closed. When police looked the other way for so long, this is what happens, don’t need to kill or choke them, just announce gathering more than X will be illegal, and you will be arrested, isn’t there a law that stops people from blocking public spaces for their own agenda? “freedom of speech” doesn’t mean freedom of obstruction of daily life for everyone else.
Obstruction is the Trump administrations motto.
This counter March was designed to intimidate the support the police people.
I hope lots of both come out and behave with dignity.
Hope SSP covers both marches and posts videos. Sounds a bit confrontational to me.
This is not a”rally.” Their black and white sign spells it out with clenched fists in chains: it’s called “The People’s March” and a “Counter-Protest” (underlined no less).
Both marches start and end a block from my house. Seems like a set up
Definitely confrontational. A few days back, two Democrat party leaders were calling the pro-police march a hate rally. They did that to justify violence and attempt to intimidate potential attendees.
Because minorities standing up for what’s right is confrontational and friendly neighborhood racist marches are beautiful. We see you!
Feels like old times.
So whats up with social distancing? Is that still a thing? Does Corona hold any water anymore or has everyone else moved on?
You can’t catch the virus while rioting, looting or protesting for left-wing causes. It only spreads at churches, Trump rallies, restaurants, school, sporting events, private house parties and anti-lockdown protests.
That’s obviously the truth just ask the 19 people infected and one dead at a wedding in Maine and Herman Caine.,
And Frutos misunderstands the goals of the “support the police” movement!!
Stay home from both rallies. No more marches rallies or demonstrations.,Pro or con.
The only rally i would attend is a rally to save the postal service and protect the November election. We cant allow Trump to suppress the vote.
These trust fund baby protestors will be needing the police over the next few years as B and E crews are only getting started but this time they can linger a little longer in the premises.
Well i guess the hundreds expected to march in Sunnyside on Saturday in Support of NYPD 108th Precinct will turn into less than a dozen. Thank you BLM.
All went well for the peaceful support 108 March. The counter-protesters we mostly made up of white 20-year-old men. So much for “no more white patriarchy” in this country SMH.
The antifa / blm are just looking to pick a fight and blame it on the pro police supporters.
They are spoiled brats and act as such. I despise them.
These BLM and Defund Police protesters are causing more separation, strife and destruction. They really need to go back to work
“Heal their hearts” – I see a lot of violent and hateful rhetoric from these so-called supporters of “black lives matter” and of course, no mention of the increase in murder in the LARGELY MINORITY COMMUNITY over the past few months. Yes, let’s send in the social workers : they can sweet talk our shooters and rapists and paint rainbows!
why do liberals hate cops and hate america? please someone explain this to me!!?
BECAUSE they hate themselves. It’s the EMO generation all grown up.
By ending police brutality you can end people saying that all cops are brutal. Which means you don’t “hate cops and hate america” lol. Trump lovers don’t really do subtlety.
Obviously these miscreants hate the police and are looking to cause violence
Ms. Fritos claims the other side just doesn’t understand that her group’s pleas to “defund the police” doesn’t really mean “defund the police!” It means that the police need better training.
The other side, says it is just throwing out a little appreciation towards the guys and gals who risk their health every day putting up with domestic violence people, nuts who throw anything possible at cops, etc.
Does either have a permit?
“We want them to recognize that their loved one is part of this oppressive, hateful and racist system,” she said. “We want them to understand that and help us change that.”
How have you become so wise at such a young age. Please enlighten us, teach us from all of your vast classroom experience. The arrogance of this child is amazing.
“Frutos said that they will briefly break their silence to lay out some of their positions. She said they will then peacefully move out of the way and let the pro-police ralliers carry out their march.”
“She said her group will also carry posters about criminal justice reform which is fueling racial injustice throughout the community.”
How is she not disrupting the first march? Coming at them from opposite direction and then speaking? Where are the complaints about racism and violence against officers of the 108th Precinct? If the problem is system wide, then why target the 108 support march? Free speech a problem for you? Why attempt to discredit it, if you are talking about generalized racism or police brutality?