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Councilmember Van Bramer Organizes Protest Against Family Separation

June 21, 2018 By Tara Law

Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer is organizing a rally in Woodside Monday to protest the Trump administration’s separation of immigrant children from their families.

The “March Against Family Separation” will congregate near St. Sebastian’s Roman Catholic Church at 58-02 Roosevelt Ave. at 7 p.m.

The protest aims to condemn the administration’s policy of taking children who illegally cross the border away from their parents. Although the president signed an executive order to end the practice on Wednesday, it is uncertain when and whether the 2,300 children held in detention facilities will be reunited with their parents.

Van Bramer said that he is holding the march as a means to let the immigrant and refugee community know that they are welcome in Queens.

Van Bramer said that he urges anyone who is disturbed by Trump’s immigration policies to attend the march.

“When this is all over, people will ask ‘what did you do,’ and ‘were you a part of the resistance?’” said Van Bramer. 

Van Bramer said that he attended the protest at LaGuardia Airport late Wednesday night and that it cemented his desire to help mobilize the community.

Van Bramer learned at 10:30 p.m. that evening that protesters were gathering at the airport to condemn Trump’s policy and to support a group of immigrant children who were being moved to a detention center.

He joined a group of several hundred protesters gathered at the airport from about 11:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. The experience, he said, both saddened him and made him feel inspired.

“It is really easy to lose faith right now— certainly in our government,” said Van Bramer. “The thing is, there are a lot of really good people who care [about the children], who are willing to put themselves on the line.”

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ok make everyone, and i mean EVERYONE sit in class 15 hours a week, learning how to read,write and speak English and complete your homework assignments for your EBT card.

That will thin the heard very quickly.

Tree of Liberty

Jack Daniels, you are right that one can’t receive benefits being here illegally. However one just needs to have an anchor baby. That anchor baby is now a citizen entitiling you to receive benefits.


A lot of good a JVB rally in front of St. Sebastian will do – Another Photo-op brought to you by Jimmy Van Bramer and company. Most are coming from Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras). These countries are failed states, they can’t provide their own people with the basics and security/protection. Most have a story about the MARAS or Gangs and this is why they left their countries. Here in America their children will get a free education, we will pay for their free pre-k in NYC for their children which will allow their parents to work illegally while we foot the bill, here they can go to social services and get housing at a LIC homeless hotel, crappy but housing nonetheless. All this is unavailable in their countries. The undelying issue is poverty and misery in their countries. Belize does nothing to stop the flow of Central Americans coming north, Mexico does nothing and then they reach our doorstep wanting to be let in. Will you let a stranger into your home who knocked on your door? Most of these people are ecomonic refugees. Money is raised by family memebrs already here legally or illegally and paid to smugglers to bring them up north from Central America. We have a crisis on our hands, we are dealing with it in the wrong way. Separating children from their parents is not the answer, detain them together as a family until they recieve a fair hearing in front of an Immigration judge for credible fear of persecution in their home country and deport them together as a family unit if found deportable.

Fan of doughboy park

It’s sad that people think America is so weak that we can’t accept people fleeing violence and danger. I think the USA is a strong, powerful country that can help the vulnerable.


Resident- You almost had it. You never once mentioned the people hiring illegal immigrants. You make it sound as if these people are wandering aimlessly. Yes, there is and has been a crisis and it’s caused by the people who are hiring illegal aliens. The trump administration never mentions this piece of the equation.

Enough elmos already!!

I have nothing against immigration but how many more freakin times square elmos do we need? Theres like 50-60 there at least on any given day.

More nudistas, theyre alright…. they can come in

Tree of Liberty

Illegals are sure not like E.T. who learned English and wanted to go home. Close down the daycare centers and send them back immediately. Only then will this stop. Please don’t bring up Fox, or Trump. Trump has done nothing to stop the influx of illegals crossing the border.


Tree of Liberty- As long as employers continue to offer employment to the illegal immigrants it will never stop. “Trump” will never have a true zero tolerance policy until his administration finally decides to take the illicit gains of these businesses and use them to fund the wall. Go back to watching “Fox” for your barking orders.

Tree of Liberty

Sean, what’s your argument. I also agree with your employer point. As for Fox News giving me barking orders, I don’t watch Fox News. Anyway glad to see that we both agree, we must put a stop to illegal immigration and send them back immediately.


Jimmy remained silent when Obama’s similar policy was in operation but anything for votes I guess.


Lock Trump up- not the children
Or better yet, deport trump and keep the immigrants.


“Queens values” – what would Jimmy know about values? He advocates for massive lawbreaking.


Stick to topic! ILLEGALS sneaking into our country, USING children for sympathy. Look up what Hillary had to say about this topic in 2014. Look up what Obama said in 2012. They said all that Trump is saying. in regard to separating families and the exploitation of children. How fast people forget. Very convenient and stylish thinking. One can listen to the words come right out of Hillary’d and Obama’s mouth. Can’t say any news organization is twisting news.


Disgusted- Trump has been president for nearly two years , he owns the problem now. Enough with its everyone else’s fault. If he can’t handle the job and the job is too much for him which is obvious, he needs to step aside and give the job to someone who doesn’t constantly struggle and make excuses.


Why is Fox News is always running a smear campaign in the comments sections of this website?


whats really sad and evil is that these women have multiple children that they know they cannot afford because, they have no job, and made nothing of their life and never educated themselves (whereas those in their home country went to college and make due with what they have). it really infuriates me when these illegals intentionally bring a child into this world to suffer this much in extreme poverty, intentionally made just to be welfare bait. how about protesting against that instead?

He’s BBBBaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkk!!!

Hey, we havent heard from Jimmy and his anti Trump protesters in about a year!!! Guess that roaring Trump economy & record low unemployment was workin for Jimmy and his 401K and he gave Trump a pass for a year.

Tommy O

You obviously don’t know much about how equity markets work. What will you be saying when the stock buy back bounce goes south?


What happens to children when mommy and /or daddy go to Rikers? Are the famlies “kept together” or do the children go into foster care, separated from mommy and daddy? Where is the outrage for the babies killed right here in New York City? Our Mayor has to travel to our southern border to express his outrage? Why isn’t he doing something for NYC children forced to live without heat and exposed to lead paint? Why isn’t he and his wife sponsoring some of these children and their families? These children smuggled into the US are being treated better than many of the children in our New York City! Hypocrites!!


That’s exactly what people said about the Jewish people in Europe during the 30’s & 40’s. You’re in good company.


The Jews that came here then did it legally and got in line.

Tommy O

Roberto- You need to step up your knowledge of history. On May 13, 1939, the German transatlantic liner St. Louis sailed from Hamburg, Germany, for Havana, Cuba. On the voyage were 937 passengers. Almost all were Jews fleeing from the Third Reich. The ship was denied entry into the US.

Non-native American

Should we ignore this problem? You can cry about issues close to your cold heart. Go ahead. Here’s a tissue…feel better?

Tommy O

Disgusted- I’m no fan of Blahzio but must say your fake outrage is almost as bad as his policies. He obviously has designs on national office so he must be seen on the national stage. That’s how politics works. He has ripped us off of billions of dollars in the name of heat for NYCHA children. Please get informed before shooting your uninformed mouth off.


Tommy O. I have worked with children, both here legally and illegally, for over 45 years. Found temporary homes for children so they would not have to go into foster care when “mommy and daddy” had to go to jail. Spent time in police stations comforting children SEPARATED from “parents”. Have watched children go back to “their country” in spring, and come back to the US in the fall. I have seen children abused and just thrown away. I am uninformed? What have you and what are you doing to help these children? Why aren’t more people who are raging and protesting, opening up their homes and pocketbooks and sponsoring some of these poor children and their “parents”? So they do not have to be separated. All outrage and talk! No ACTION! And “Oil” … NO lives seem to matter. There seems to be no respect for anyone or anything! Many have no respect even for themselves! SAD!

Tommy O

Disgusted – I am a well known long time Sunnyside resident (since 1960). I have an adopted son who came from the foster care program, who served in the US Navy and is now on the job at the NYPD and my brother has two adopted sons from Russia, now living out of state. Please don’t play martyr. These people come from desperate situations and as long as jobs are given to them they will continue to come because I know I would if I were in their situation. If the administration really thinks a wall will work then they should use the illicit gains (and truly have a zero tolerance policy in place) from the companies exploiting illegal alien labor to build it. This will not happen because these companies are the Republican Party’s biggest backers. So keep up the Republican banner waving and attacking the “lesser” people being exploited by the “elite” (getting very wealthy in the process), because this obviously makes you feel “better”.Oh and come off your high and mighty horse already, you’re only being used as what is politically termed as a “useful idiot.”


Have lived here since 1947 and usually vote Democrat. until last federal election. I have only stated what I have experienced for 45 years and only is getting worse. I am not claiming to be a martyr, just doing a job. I think what you did is wonderful, for three children . What can we provide for these thousands of children and adults crossing our boarders ILLEGALLY , when we cannot provide for our own? Any ideas ?

Tommy O

Yes, we probably met up in Woodside, I don’t want to be accused of “doxing” so that’s all I’ll say on that. From what I know the main problem in the countries where the illegal immigrants are coming from “stems” from male unemployment. The Central American nations are all fairly small and we have military presence in these places we should be able to coordinate much more efficiently with these countries and these governments in rooting out corruption. We already send hundreds of millions in foreign aid to these countries but much of it doesn’t get to its intended cause. Maybe even more financial investment in these countries if we can clean up their and our own governments. I’m not against the wall I’m against the public funding of it, the businesses hiring the illegal aliens should be forced to pay for it. I don’t care if I need to pay a little more for some goods and services, that’s a small price to pay for a little more law and order.


Oh! Tommy O, I forgot to mention I also have relatives
and friends who have adopted children from Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Poland and China. Maybe we have met at the yearly reunions we have each year? As adoptive parents, and relatives?

Jimmy Van Dreamer

Pretty ironic that JVB cares so much about children yet is so proud of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in his district..Also pretty ironic thar he’s using a Catholic church as a back drop for his rally…

Tommy O

If it wasn’t for planned parenthood and Margaret Sanger there would still be millions of throw away children in the streets of US cities. Not to mention the children left motherless or even orphaned from botched abortions. We see you’re Fox informed which means truth fact history and science don’t matter to you.

Jimmy Van Dreamer

@Tommy O..So now you are equating aborted babies to a science project? I never heard of “Throw away babies”before but nothing surprises me from the snowflake left

Tommy O

JVD- WOW!! You’re one ignorant fool. The term is “throw away children”. Pick up a history book. WOW!! “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” This explains why you’re so easily manipulated by your media and political handlers. Here is freebie, get an education: The history of public welfare in New York State 1867-1940
Author: David M Schneider; Albert Deutsch


the church should stay out of politics and they have been harboring illegals for years and years.


Jimmy is the leader of the resistance, will he be wearing his pink commando hat?


What if baby Jesus was separated from his mom, Mary? Would you look the other way? He was an only child.

Dirk diggler

Wasn’t that in Jerusalem? I Dont think they had immigration laws back then or baby Jesus would have been an anchor baby. Immaculate conception too, otherwise god would have been deported.


The Immaculate Conception is a reference to the conception of Mary not Jesus. If you want to make religious jokes go for it but don’t show off your ignorance.

E. Gardner

Thank you, Councilman Van Bramer, for taking a stand against this atrocious, cruel, disgusting behavior by our President and his cronies. We are with you!


how much did Soros pay these people and here we go another photo-op of himself.

Non-native American

George’s hand was cramped when I went to get my check for protesting this despicable policy. I heard Trump was there grabbing pussy. What were you doing?


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