Nov. 20, 2016 Staff Report
The police arrested a man Friday night who was allegedly firing shots from a 9mm pistol in the vicinity of 43rd Street and Barnett Avenue.
The police responded to 911 calls of shots fired at around 10pm and were able to nab the perpetrator on the corner of 42nd and Skillman Avenue outside Lou Lodati Park.
The alleged perpetrator, Angel Rosa, 22, of 62-27 108th Street, was arrested on charges of criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment.

Near the corner of 43rd/Barnett Ave.
Lamont, wheres grady, julio and his goat, aunt ester and fred sanford. Especially fred, i want to hear him call you dummy
Anonymous- Puerto Rico is not part of the u.s., they are considered citizens,but Puerto Rico is not officially part of the usa. You need some educating yourself
correction meant to type Mews
Oh please I live in the Sunnyside Gardens Muse right across the street and I walk my dog at all hours of the night and have never had any problem. People can get hysterical so quickly.
No authoritarian mega corporation is going to take over our city on my watch.
The park should be patrolled by the 108th on a routine basis. The handball courts have been a hangout after the park is officially closed. There is a gap in the fence near the corner of 43rd St. and the back of the handball court is not visible from the street so it”s conducive for drug use.
Everyone knows that, but , you know.. cant racial profile, or tell the truth..its wrong.
It’s not racial profiling to patrol a known drug area.
I should also add that I saw the police retrieve a young man’s body from the embankment of the railroad tracks a short ways down 43rd Street. He was white.
I fear incidents like this one in my daily life a hell of a lot more than i do Trump!
Major crime in the 108th precinct, per Compstats (http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/downloads/pdf/crime_statistics/cs-en-us-108pct.pdf)
– Down 5.21% year-to-date from 2015
– Down 19.98% over the past two years
– Down 17.51% over the past six years
– Down 82.33% over the past 23 years
Everyone should start freaking out!
Although I agree that crime in this area is, all things considered, not bad. I would take the Compstat statistics with a grain of salt. They don’t give the police any incentive to report crimes. I am sure I am not the only person in Sunnyside who has reported criminal activity and seen the 108th do nothing about it.
Crime is down because it’s either washed out or reported as something less. I got family/friends in 5 different precincts. They are warned to down play crime or lose OT. Unless there is a body in the street, they supposed to look other way. Di Blasio is cooking the books.
Every mayor/commissioner since they introduced CompStat decades ago has been cooking the books. That’s the weakness of the system. Don’t blame di blasio just because you don’t like him.
We got ourselves and EXPERT over here!
Stop Bitching and do something about it. Bring back the neighborhood watch or The Guardian Angels. You want your kids safe to be safe day or night? Then grow some and patrol the streets at night.
Sounds like you’re asking for another march! Stop it!
Way to go NYPD Thank god no one was shot.
You all are a bunch of whiners. You live in the safest city in America and one stupid wanker in your cutsie little park and your panties get all in a twist. Go outside sometime, it ain’t that bad around here.
Its getting silly around here, Parks and street corner’s being taken over by gangsta’s, Can they not all just stay in the Berkley with the rest of the angel’s.
I’ve been saying this for months, NYPD needs to enforce no loitering law. Thug looking characters are around sunnyside, I’ve been seeing a few less recently, maybe they are locked up somewhere? I don’t know but you all complain about the high rent, how do these people live in sunnyside and pay rent? Are they all section 8 folks?
This area has been turning into garbage over the past 30 years. But it’s OK…. just keep the blinders on and keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Things will get better…
Mr Rosa sounds Italian to me
Not with a first name like Angel.
AnHell is at it again… No picture/mugshut of the gun slinger? Weird..
As for all of you (except the few) how the hell do you know this guy is an illegal alien? Just take a walk around sunnyside and enjoy the sketchy looking white , black, asian and various other folk at several different street corners, and tell me there aren’t more weirdo non-hispanics than “illegal mexicans”. This dude is 22, most likely was born here. Hopefully SSP follows up on this and keeps us posted, especially how long will he be in prison for.
Thanks to the 108th! Whew!
2.5mil criminlnal deportations under Obama – its good that Trump will continue with the same. i dont want this s*** in my neighborhood where i raise my kids.
Deportation? Why are you assuming this individual is an illegal??? Because he has a Spanish name? I feel sorry for your kids having a parent so ignorant like yourself!!!
Europe is screwed, we are too. Educate yourselves on immigration and the downfall of societies. Liberals are very very ignorant when it comes to protecting yourseves. This is reality.
He was Puertorican and last time I check Puerto Rico is part of the US . The ignorance , I swear . Educate yourself before talking , stupid !
Can’t you find something better to do!
where is JVB on this one and what are his comments going to be
He was too busy walking over a bridge.
Probably a Clinton voter
Most people don’t come over a wall, they fly by airplane.
Yea okay …airplane