Sept. 6, 2016 Staff Report
The police are looking for a man who was allegedly masturbating at the 46th Street subway station in Sunnyside at the end of last month.
The suspect was allegedly masturbating on the Queens bound 7-train platform around 11:40 am Saturday, August 27, as he stared at a 28-year-old woman, according to police. The victim took a photo of the suspect with her cell phone as he fled the station.
The individual is described as black, 30 to 40 years old, 6’3″, 275lbs, and last seen wearing a black t-shirt, black pants, black sneakers and he had on a black backpack.
Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)
He did it for Harambe.
He is in competition with Anthony Weiner. Anthony is still in first place.
38 dislikes are butthurt
in poor rural areas of china where there are too few women the guys use homemade drinking glasses filled with like a stiff jelly substance for relief (google it) or they find a farm animals.
I say “99 cent TREAT” should sell these drinking glasses!
El loco you should fall in front of a train too
Looks like luis
a couple subway stations away in the “Times Square Of Old” area this wouldve been perfectly acceptable!
I’m for public or private masturbation as long as no squirrels or children are involved. The Italian Supreme Court just said public masturbation is not a crime.
Some Women Are Sexy And Have Sexy Feet
Weiners out for Harambe.
no wonder they are watched and followed very closely in neighborhoods they are not supposed to be in.
Racist remarks like yours are why some online newspapers discontinue commenting. Sure, go ahead and protest your innocence but your reputation precedes you, rikki.
B.L.O.M.M.I.P.M.! Black Lives Of Men Masturbating In Public Matter! It’s your fault he’s doing it. It’s the environment he grew up in.
And if he wasn’t listening to Clarence Carter, he’s wrong
Mayor De Blasio said that this OK , after all this young man was just warming up for the J’ Ouvert event in Brooklyn .
His name is Jack N. Hoff but goes by the alias Wayne Kerr.
Should change his alias to Jerk Off.
He got off at 46th Street.
Too bad he didnt fall in front of a train .pig.
yes, being run over by a train is the perfect punishment for masturbating. You imbecile.
Then what should your punishment be you pervert ?
Ask for security tape records of the pawn shop and starbucks.
He’s not good at asking women out
He has a lousy come on.