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Community Board Calls on Dept. of Buildings to Review 9-Story Development Plans

41-18 43rd Street (Rendering Provided by Developer)

May 20, 2013 By Christian Murray

Community Board 2, which represents Sunnyside and surrounding neighborhoods, has requested that the New York City Department of Buildings review a developer’s plans calling for the construction of a nine-story residential building on 43rd Street.

Joe Conley, chairman of Community Board 2, reached out to the DOB last week calling on the city agency to review the proposed plan for 41-18 43rd St. He said it appears that the developer’s 9-story plan might be in violation of zoning regulations.

The site is zoned R 7A, which comes with a maximum height of height of 80 feet. Experts say that the typical floor height is 10 feet, which indicate the plan might be in breach of zoning regulations.

The community board did not get to see the plan ahead of time– since it only reviews landuse applications when a developers reports that he/she does not meet code and seeks a waiver.
Since Sunnysiders learned of the scale of the development, the Department of Buildings has been flooded with phone calls from upset residents.

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@Mr. Murphy- Why should I have to pick up dog waste? I already “give plenty back to the community” I certainly don’t leave dog waste or graffiti in my neighborhood. What is your point?

43rd & 43rd

@TheBitchyWaiter, thanks for letting us know. I was wondering why they weren’t making tons of noise anymore!

Oppressed Masses

Rick, go back and read the article about the poster contest, the children recounted the horrors of the feces mind fields on 43rd Street between Skillman and 43rd Ave. You recall the article, it’s the one where you and SUDS acolytes decided to launch a personal attack on the Principal of PS 150 obviously to retaliate against her for allowing the school children to participate in the “clean up the dog crap” poster contest. And if you take a walk past the school across from the construction on 43rd Street, you will see the posters created by the children lining the fence begging dog owners to pick up after their dogs. Why do you want to exacerbate the misery these poor children are forced to walk through every day by promoting more dogs on that street?


I would just like to say that the admin is an idiot. He allows threats between users but mention LATINO and he deletes your comment. censoring piece of hypocritical shit hosting a slanted news site.

how would you like me to describe the ball players on the park? Spanish American? Would that appease your stupid sensitivity. you keep erasing peoples comments, people have told you to stop censoring them. You don’t listen, you run this little site like some kinda Nazi, oh you’ll probably censor that too,


@Sunnyside Native

I was hoping the Firewater Inn reopenning would be an anonymous meetup of us regular posters.


@ mr murphy

Wtf should obvious non-owners have to go around picking up the crap of irresponsible owners to “help” the community? Do you “give back” a little extra on your tax return to help balance out tax evaders?

Sunnyside Native

@ Grimace – I do see your point, however I would never allow my dog to intimidate or attack Oppressed Masses pet pigeon. If he chooses to keep a pet pigeon, which he does, that is his right and I would not deter from that. In my entire lifetime I have seen people with various pets at the park, not just dogs. Although I didn’t inspect the man believed to Oppressed Masses and his pigeon, I do not believe that I saw a leash. It was seated on a small blanket, on his lap. I guess I am just glad that despite his hate & contempt for dogs, that he seems to truly like pigeons, to the point of caring for one. So a quick wrap up is that Oppressed Masses only seems to care about: Pigeons, Pub crawls, underprivileged children and the ‘lady of his dreams’. That’s quite a personal resume. Oppressed Masses comments are getting more and more bizarre, by the day. Somebody slip him some seroquel and call it a day…

Oppressed Masses

Why do the bully boys and gals from SUDS feel they can set the conditions for people posting on here? The reality is anyone can post under any name here and most other on line forums (absent use of photo imaging technology which is just around the corner brother), it’s the words and thoughts that matter. When you have people like Rick Duro threaten to grind your face into the sidewalk just because you disagree with him, the only way to deal with his attempt to chill expression is by use of a non de plume, in the finest traditions of American writers such as “Publius” (Publius Valerius Publicola), a Roman Consul. The other nonsense is the SUDS bullies creation of community involvement litmus test to be able to speak on here. The fact is that like many people in Sunnyside, I do plenty to help my neighbors focusing my efforts on people not dogs in activities such as providing no charge tutoring services for many underprvileged children, but unlike the SUDS folks I feel no need to beat my chest and do the “Hey Look at Me” dance. Regarding Lodati, the SUDS folks should really hang their heads in shame for the Cape Town style apartheid village they have created for themselves with our money.

Rick Duro

I recently sat down, near the park, with the guy that nurses the pigeons back to health. His name is Robert and seems too kind to be Oppressed Masses. I gave him one a SUDS biz cards and told him to contact me if SUDS can be of any help. One other reason it can’t be OM….Robert DOES something positive, he doesn’t sit there and type, whine & complain. Less talk OM, more action.

As for ‘sticking my nose into everything’, I think OM may be losing what is left of his mind. OM, it seems like every article here leads you to say something about dogs & me: Grafitti, new buildings, the list goes on and on. Try making relevant posts.

Your bizarre anti-dog rants and strange obsession with me- naming the dog in the poster after me, and some other really weird stuff-constantly saying the dog is ‘erect’, makes me concerned that you are allowed to walk around in public alone.

You bring up my name and that of SUDS in most articles, I then respond. So, who is sticking their nose into everything? Seems like you are. You create your own problems.

Regardless, OM, you are invited to the grand opening of the park. SUDS doesn’t discriminate, not even against loons like you.



Rick Duro

OM, you are right, for once! No pigeon would be caught dead anywhere near you. We all know about your collection of pet rocks, empty hermit crab shells (they all ran away) and chia pets, as that’s all that could stand to be around someone so negative and full of wind.

The poster contest took place @ PS 150, OM. Those kids made some beautiful posters and did speak eloquently about the reasons why people should pick up. But, last I checked, unless the PS 150 (40th-41st St) moved recently, it’s not across the street from this new building (43rd St).

Sick and demented for asking them to allow pets? Nope, it’s a smart business model, makes apts easier to rent and sell.

This site would be much freer of tons of BS if you’d find a hobby.


Quiet One

@ Joe O’Sullivan–When someone starts posting in your name you might change your mind. I did.



The mods have an itchy finger. I get blocked all the time, sometimes they post in repeat, sometimes I have to just make new names.


@Sunnyside Native

Could his hate of dogs be linked to a fear of harm to his feathered friend? Is there a leash? Tell me there’s a leash. There was a parrot on a leash at CVS yesterday evening.

Sunnyside Native

@ Anonymous – Oppressed Masses is believed to be the guy at the park with his pet pigeon on his lap. He just doesn’t want to admit it on this forum. I saw him wearing a shirt that says, “Pigeons Are My Passion.” It was a purple shirt with a black ink in comic sans font.

Mr. Murphy

Maybe Oppressed Masses, ’86 Mets and SuperWittySmitty can strap on their capes and go around Sunnyside & pick up dog poop, like a clean up day. SUDS did a ‘scoop the poop’ day back in April. Some SUDS members even rolled up their sleeves and participated in the graffiti clean up day. It’s about giving back to your community people!!!

Joe O'Sullivan

Rick Duro is one of the few people on here (along with Mike Novak and Dorothy Morehead) who uses their real names. They are all people who want to better their community and figure out ways to improve upon their neighborhood. Everybody else just whines & complains, while sitting on their hands. If Oppressed Masses was so against the building of the dog run, he should have voiced his opposition at the community board meetings. Well, that ship has sailed and I am willing to bet that Oppressed Masses has never attended any community board meeting. Although I am not a dog owner, I am happy for the SUDS group on a job well done!


The building is totally out of scale for the neighborhood. The rezoning allowed for taller buildings on Queens Boulevard. People are right to complain.

Oppressed Masses

@ Grimace and Mr. Murphy: Mr. Duro likes to stick his nose into everything and to bark at anyone who doesn’t buy into the SUDS party line. Thus, his name gets called a lot.

Mr. Murphy

@ Grimace – So true. It does appear is if Oppressed Masses is indeed overly preoccupied with Mr. Duro and the topic of dogs in general. Bizarre maniacal behavior. I can see Oppressed Masses going postal.


@Oppressed Masses

Your obsession with Duro and his canine cause is starting to weird even me out.


I live way over by 50th Avenue. The amount of dog waste on the sidewalks is depressing. One entrance to my building is like a fetid swamp of dog urine. I wish my building would change its policy from “dog-friendly” to “dog-tolerant” and begin cracking down on accommodating these selfish people. Many of them decide to own a dog for the wrong reasons and are unwilling or unable to understand the responsibilities that go along with with such an undertaking.


Yo, how come my posts ain’t showing, Fix your wack ass site SON


There is often a Caucasian male who sits on the park benches with a pigeon. He was there last Friday. Around 38-42 years old. Should I assume this is this Oppressed Masses person?

Oppressed Masses

I don’t feed the pigeons and don’t have a pigeon as a pet, but if telling stories like that give you a thrill, let em rip. Native, if you are going to try to be humorous on these pages, your tales have to have a degree of truth. Nobody is going to believe that this building is going to have space for a super large bird bath in the yard. The truth is that if residents of this building are allowed to have dogs, the poor children who go to the school across the street who several weeks ago so eloquently spoke about the disgusting amount of dog crap on 43rd Street, a disturbing condition so severe the children were motivated to develop many creative and beautiful posters imploring dog owners to finally act in a responsible way, will have the misery of being surrounded by dog feces made worse. Readers should recall that Rick Duro, SUDS hero, a week or so ago promised on these pages to contact the owners of the building to make sure dogs are allowed in the building. How sick and demented is that!? Isn’t there already too much canine feces on 43rd Street to warrant a cease and desist on bringing more dogs to that block?


The CB should have been on this weeks earlier. The proposal was always for nine stories, so I’m wondering why the objections didn’t start earlier.

@Sunnyside Native: I sent Jimmy an e-mail yesterday re: Xio. I witnessed a near full-scale brawl outside the place at like 11am on Sunday. That place needs to go.

@YIMBY: I don’t think people are objecting to this project simply because it’s new. Rather, it violates current zoning requirements and as such would become the tallest building in the entire neighborhood. The influx into this scale of structure would significantly impact parking, transit, and sanitation service. I’m also not convinced that it would bring housing prices down. It would attract a new type of luxury buyer to this area which may have the reverse effect. This is good if you currently own property but bad if you’re trying to buy in or are renting.


9 stories is perfectly reasonable. With the correct design considerations, it will have few if any negative impacts on the community. A neighborhood cannot protest every new development simply because it is new.

Additional housing units increase supply and reduce upward pressure on housing costs caused by demand. It will allow for more people to enjoy life in Sunnyside. Sunnyside should be happy take it is a desirable place, worthy of new development.

Mr. Murphy

Agree with all of the above! Somebody start a petition!

I presume Oppresed Masses is one of the people who feeds the neighborhood pigeons, being he has an affinity for them.

43rd & 43rd

Good!!! Nine stories is ridiculous for the neighborhood. Especially because where one will lead, others will follow. How it ever got approved I don’t know.

Sunnyside Native

I heard this building is going to have a super large bird bath in their backyard garden area, so maybe Oppressed Masses should get a jump start on the application process here. He can take his pet pigeon to the bird bath for a little R&R…


If only Sunnysiders rallied to get rid of the hooligans that gather in club Xio. but you Hipsters are only good are writing letters, you coward behind your dogs soon as someone ‘gets up in your grill”

Sunnyside Native

This building construction would not impact me, but I am glad that Sunnysiders rallied around this issue and complained to Jimmy Van Bramer’s office and the Department of Buildings. Bravo!


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