Photo: QueensPost
July 7, 2010 Staff Report
Lenny’s Pizza, a pizzeria coming to Greenpoint Avenue, is opening soon in a nicely renovated space.
This was the former site of El Triangulo Bakery & Restaurant, a popular Colombian bakery that’s business suffered after it was closed by the NYC health department in November.
Then, there appears to be a Metro PCS cell phone store that is going up on the corner of 45th and Greenpoint, where a small eatery was located.

Photo: QueensPost
Meanwhile, the Korean restaurant, Shin Chano BBQ, located on the NEast corner of 43rd and Queens Blvd, has recently closed. It has a “for rent” sign out front.

What about the new OASIS Gyro and Pizza Eatery on the SE corner of Queens Boulevard and 40th Street, oppoite the entrance to the staircases to the #7 subway line? Work started at least six months ago, and considerable meney seems to have been sepnt on elaborate signs that can be seen from many blocks away. But will Oaisis ever open? Rumors are ciruclating that the owners ran out of funds and are seeking new backing.
just what we need, another cell phone store. It seems as though these rents are too high for small independent businesses to survive, meaning we get more and more pharmacies and cell phone stores.