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Colombian Restaurant Opens on Greenpoint Tonight


Jan. 17, 2013 By Christian Murray

The Miami-based Colombian restaurant chain Los Verdes will open its first New York City location at 46-26 Greenpoint Avenue tonight.

As previously reported, the restaurant will serve a Colombian-style fast food, including kernel corn, quesadillas, grilled platters, hot dogs, homemade coleslaw, beers and fresh juices.  Los Verdes features late night hours until 3:00 am during the week and 6:00am on weekends.

Javier Quezada, owner of Los Verdes, said the food is “Colombian-style fast food but not just for Colombians. It’s geared for everyone to enjoy.”

Quezada selected Sunnyside for his first New York City location because “it’s such a diverse neighborhood.  There are people here from everywhere.”

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Went and had a meal, tried three different items, Gross, Gross, Gross, what’s up with the broken potato chips on everything? Did I mention it was Gross!


omg I went on opening night and it was DELICIOUS.

that being said, its totally awful health-wise for you. This is a once in a blue moon type of place.

Good eats though!

Garçon Boucher

From a strictly public relations point of view, a Colombian restaurant taking over a place that was closed down for drug trafficking probably isn’t a good move. There are plenty of other empty properties in the neighborhood without the negative association that they could have chosen.

Annie D

Sorry to post twice! But yeah… unless you have a stomach of steel and run 10 miles a day, avoid!

Annie D

I ordered “maicitos” and got the food over 30 minutes after sitting down. This place is really only appropriate for late night drunk/stoned munchies (and they are open until 3am and deliver, so that’s good). The food is sort of tasty but incredibly greasy. I only ate half of it before starting to feel gross. Eating here regularly would kill you.

Annie D

Got my food. It is really only appropriate for late night drunk/stoned munchies (and they are open until 3am and deliver, so that’s good). The food is sort of tasty but incredibly greasy. I only ate half of it before starting to feel gross. Eating here regularly would kill you.

Annie D

Please be advised that this is NOT fast food. I’ve been sitting here for over 20 minutes and have yet to see any food…


One reason that I hate hipsters is because I don’t even really know what a hipster is; therefore, to me, it could be anybody. I insist on the freedom to hate anybody, or everybody.
Btw, somebody please tell me what a hipster is.


You know what I HATE? New Post Coffee Shop. I can’t beeeelieve you hipsters (and some old senile folk I’ve seen) still go in there any pay those ridiculous prices for greasy food that all tastes the same. It constantly flip flops on ratings and was recently closed down in Oct for about 64 health violations.

It’s so bad not even the mice want to go inside anymore. Take a look at this pic I took .

yup, thats a dead mouse RIGHT IN FRONT of new post , it just up and died right there.

Get a Life

Skillmanite is an anti-Semite. Israel is a great country. As for the “Fakestinians” they have Jordan. And skillmanite has Skillman Avenue. Case closed.


skillmanite you are correct , Its actually Tel Aviv. And for my fourtune I do know South america and is not a Drug lord lab it is actually very pretty.


In response to Sara.
Sara thank you for lecturing us all on our geography skillls and informing us of the shocking fact that other countries subway systems are cleaner than our own. Who would have ever guessed.
Unfortunately in your zeal to reveal your greater geographical literacy you classed Israel alongside N.Y and Medelin as one of the three most innovative cities in the world. Now the last time I watched Fox News Geography, it called Israel a country. Some Palestinians may beg to differ, but maybe Sara it’s time to renew your Fox subscription. You might learn something. JAT

Original Famous Ruben

I will be at Los Verdes tonight at 7pm, I will be at the table signing autographs to both my english and spanish speaking friends – on los verdes napkins. Truly a keepsake you’ll want to hand down to the next generation.

I will have one of those 6 color pens, when you step up to the table please state two words in this order: 1) Your name 2)Your color preference
then step to the left

See you then, friends
Hasta la vista amigos

Original Famous Ruben


I must have said something that hit close to home for that person to fall in love with me and want to stalk me. I’m convinced it’s a SHE, I have dealt with crazy women before and they always like repeating the same phrase over and over. It’s science.

Can’t blame her, I am something of a hero on these forums. I am the reason for this sites burst of popularity. I’m also the one who unraveled the mystery of the 7 train shitter. I’m like the Zack Morris of Sunnyside Post. who can resist???


Thank you Sunnyside Native. Not to mention He/She is totally in love with me and is trying to stalk me outside of this forum.


Also this is a family neighborhood. We are not racist nor we discriminate anybody. Whoever lucky enough to travel to Colombia will Know that the Mr and Ms Smith director was a hillbilly that has never been there and so is everybody else’s who thinks that their Fox news geography literacy is exceptional foundation to trash about a country they have never been. Fact: Medellin has been one of three most innovative cities of the world along with NYC and Israel. Other Fact their train system is cleaner than ours. A Country is much more that what we see on TV and closing our minds thinking that NYC is the pearl of the world ( that collapses in a 5″ snow storm) is better than anything else, only brings ignorance to our future generations.

Having said this, I think a restaurant open until 6am is not what the neighborhood needs now, specially with the stabbing that happened weeks ago in the bar nearby that restaurant.


And fellow New Yorkers , Godsake is COLOMBIA not COLUMBIA , columbia is either a university , state or city. NOT A COUNTRY.

43rd St. Resident

We buy gasoline from CITGO, a Venezuelan company, all, or most of the produce we consume comes from Costa Rica, it seems that every other other poorly made product comes from China.

Give up on the dumbass comments and enjoy the great food from Columbia. Miami is a tough, critical food market. They were successful over there.

Can’t be that bad!


@Local Hamburgler the previous restaurant was Mexican , and before there there was a Thai. check your facts before you write such kind of statements online.

Sunnyside Native

The regular old Ruben is amusing/entertaining, yes- outlandish, usually tells it like it is and can say things that are thought provoking. Whoever keeps posing as him is annoying and just fills up the message board with ridiculous comments which deters from the current topic. Not to mention he/she makes Sunnyside look like a bunch of dolts live here…


People on this site really don’t have some common sense. Why do we judge people or place based on previous experience? Not good at all to be like that, let them have a chance to prove themselves. Should I judge an Irish person and say they are drunks? Or Jews are cheap? We all need to relax and smell the air.
Obviously these people are doing what any good American would do, “Capitalism”, work hard and try to succeed. I hope all the haters just stop their comments.


It´s extremely sad to see how the Sunnyside community hides behind their nicknames to overrun this site with racist comments.
I ask the owners and administrators of the site to add measures to counter this intolerable behavior, that diminish the value of the site itself. All the hard work that you are doing to build a community is being destroyed and impoverished by this people.


I love Ruben so much I keep posting comments pretending to be him . I see other people post far more hateful things but because I lack originality I have to post the same idiotic thing over and over to him and only him.

I am a sad person who often talks about the commenters on this site to my friends but nobody cares.

I wish I was as clever as he is, I’m so obsessed I wish I could have a “word” with him in the street. I often pass strangers and imagine it’s ruben and I let out a smile.

i’m pathetic I know lol, but hey, that’s love!

my dustbuster is full

i dont trust food from a country that gunned down the goalie becuase he blew the world cup singlehandedly a few decades ago. sick people…
well maybe ill try the corn

Elizabeth the Thwarter

Personally, I am very upset by the idea of our neighborhood being overrun with Columbians. With their Ivy League snobbery and poor excuse for an engineering school, who needs ’em?

Then again, if they brought V&T with them, I might change my mind.


now now, stop using my real name, I will allow you to use Rubin but pretending to be me is a no no, show respect you goober

john doe

who ever is posting negative comments about the place is stupid. you guys are ignorant and poorly educated and btw its Colombian not Columbian.


Their sign reads “The best food ever made”. Wow. I hope everyone is ready to get their minds blown.


HAHHAHAHAH great one Julia! I nearly spit my milk out of my NOSE when I read your comment! will they be serving bullets? GET IT?? because.. Colombians are violent drug cartels and clearly this restaurant will be hiding it’s drugs in fried chicken batter just like Breaking Bad! Crazy Latinos staying up so late causing nothing but trouble!

Absolutely hilarious! ..will they be serving bullets?…oh youuuu… gotta watch youuuuu!

yeah..and I’M the one filled with hate. Wheres my stalker? how long before she creates the name JuliaJHate hmm?


Any celebrities flying in from Colombia for the Big Event? I hope to be there with my autograph album and Brownie camera.


Local Hamburgler

And you are basing this on the fact that they are Columbian? Huh? A quick look on their website shows that it does indeed seem to be a successful food chain with 5 locations. It looks like they spent some good money renovating the place – if they were laundering money they wouldn’t have invested the money.

There’s a lot of places I suspect of being a laundering business in the area but this does not seem to be one of them.

Any way, I always welcome good food to the neighborhood (hopefully their multiple chains are proof that the food is indeed good)

Dave Glass

open until 3AM during the week
and 6AM on weekends

and i thought we were trying to cut down on crime in the ‘hood?

Local Hamburgler

Let’s not kid ourselves. The previous business was shuttered due to the owners dealing cocaine. Now, another Columbian restaurant with roots in Miami has openned. Chances are pretty damn high this is a laundering asset for Miami based import operations and NYC distribution.


It is my experience as a fiery latino man that Colombian women are crazy.

That being said,I plan to get stoned and eat their delicious fast food.


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