Luke Adams (middle)
Jan. 24, 2015 By Christian Murray
The city council passed legislation this week that included the co-naming of 46th Street in honor of the late Luke Adams.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer submitted Adams’ name Thursday and provided his council colleagues with a brief description of what Adams was like. “[Adams] was affectionately known as the Mayor of Sunnyside and a terrific man who led our Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce and did so much. In fact he helped build the Sunnyside Arch.”
The strip on 46th Street between Greenpoint Ave. and Queens Blvd (by the Arch) will be co-named Luke Adams Way.
Adams, who was a 40 year resident and local business owner, passed away from cardiac arrest on Nov. 10 at the age of 76. Just days after his death several people called out for a street to be named after him.
Adams, who was at one time the president of the Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce, was well known by the community for his work with the Sunnyside Woodside Lions Club and SunnysideArtists.org. Furthermore, he was the first recipient of the Sunnysider of the Year award, an award that is now named after him.
The street naming ceremony is expected to take place in spring. However, Van Bramer, Community Board 2 and the Adams’ family will be coordinating the details.
They should name a street after his wig too.
In all fairness Luke is hardly a Jimmy “crony”, he was active in the neighborhood before Jimmy was born. I didn’t always agree with Luke but he was a good man.
Another street naming for a Jimmy crony? Please stop the street namings! It is too PC!
Sorry DoMo, but a lot of people in Sunnyside are like Luke Adams. He doesn’t deserve it. I’m a world traveler also. Stop with the “I’m not a robot” non-sense. I’d rather see a robot write in than some of the people that do.
What about when the Pet Store guy goes? they gotta add that guy the street also, hes a Sunnyside legend! Didnt they discuss this?
46th Street – Bliss Street – Luke Adams Way – Pet Store Guy Walk
Stop this naming nonsense already!
Sick of street namings for can Bramer pals I’m sure this was debated lol
I was fortunate to know Luke for thirty years and saw firsthand what a generous, unselfish man he was. He loved Sunnyside and was committed to making our community a great place to live and do business. He was a world traveler who loved and respected all people. I hope his spirit lives on with people who respect and care for one another.
God help us. I’m sure that must have been a heated debate in the council. Whatever Jimmy wants Jimmy gets. How about naming 44th street El loco street. People have unaffectionately referred to me as the mayor of Sunnyside.