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City Council Groups Voice Support for Carranza Following Recent Criticism

Chancellor Richard Carranza. (New York City Council)

June 19, 2019 By Laura Hanrahan

The New York City Council’s Black, Latino/a, Asian Caucus (BLAC) and Progressive Caucus united yesterday to voice their support for Education Chancellor Richard Carranza after a letter, signed by seven City Council members and two Assembly members, was sent to Mayor Bill de Blasio on Saturday condemning Carranza’s alleged racially divisive actions.

In a joint statement, BLAC and the Progressive Caucus spoke to the complicated nature of Carranza’s work trying to fix a school system that has inequities in education quality, disciplinary measures and school admissions. The caucuses pointed to the leadership shown by Carranza and praised his efforts to try to integrate the school system.

“We need equity, fairness, and diversity in our public school classrooms and curriculum, and the attacks on Mr. Carranza undermine the fulfillment of goals that we as New Yorkers should all be able to embrace,” said Council Member Daneek Miller, co-chair of BLAC.

Queens elected officials appear to be split on the issue of Carranza’s leadership.

Council Member Robert Holden penned the critical letter sent to de Blasio, which was then co-signed by Council Members Karen Koslowitz, Paul Vallone, Peter Koo, and Eric Ulrich. The council members accused Carranza of cronyism in the hiring process and focusing more on “ethnicity rather than efficacy,” calling for his replacement if he is not able to change his ways.

Miller, along with Council Members Jimmy Van Bramer and Antionio Reynoso, however, voiced their support in the caucuses statement yesterday.

“I appreciate Chancellor Carranza’s laser like focus on a system that is fair for every child,” Van Bramer said. “He is taking on some of the most difficult and systemic injustices and he is right to do so. Rather than rushing to judgement and trying to run him out of town, we should be asking ourselves what more we can do to support his efforts to desegregate our public school system.”

The Mayor’s office also voiced support for Carranza while condemning the City Council Members who signed onto the original letter.

“It’s a sad day for New York City kids when lawmakers care more about seeing their names in the press than about our school system,” Press Secretary Freddi Goldstein said in a statement on Monday. “This racially-charged smear campaign is the only thing dividing our city and anyone backing it should be ashamed. We stand with Chancellor Carranza and thank him for all he’s doing to bring Equity and Excellence to all our kids.”

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LIC Direct

Maybe if the Mexican community stands up to him what will be his come-back? Will he break out in Mexican song, with his Charro outfit on and say, I’m one of you, los quiero , andele, andele, arriba, arriba! The job of Chancellor is too much for him, he’s not fit for the job, he’s the Donald Trump of Education, alienating people, the well prepared, good students, the ones that actually study hard and their parents and pitting them against the majority of NYC Public school students who are not well-prepared and failing and making it look like it’s because of race. Every child has potential to learn, but parents must do their part and take the reins of their child’s education. There has been an up-tick of enrollment in independent schools by White, Black, Asian, Latino middle class New Yorker’s. More and more parents are demanding better schools, alternatives like Charter Schools in NYC. The NYC public school system is collapsing, a free-fall that started in the mid 1960’s and early 1970’s with the flight of the middle class from NYC to suburbs. Some districts on the upper west side, Park Slope have huge coffers for G&T programs, literacy programs, tutoring, computers labs, because of wealthy parent participation and fund-raising. These same parents are now pulling their kids out of these schools and enrolling in private school or simply moving to Westchester county to better schools districts. Stand in front of a typical NYC Middle or High School in the afternoon, just observe – I have one 1/2 a block from my house. We are in deep trouble.

LIC Direct

Carranza- the 2nd rate back-up Board of Ed Racist Chancellor – and once again our councilman Jimmy Van Bramer on the wrong side of the issue. Why is it that nearly 100 % of African American, Hispanic children attending the Charter School Success Academy in Harlem are excelling in Math and English 90+% percentile above the national average and all of graduating class attending college with a few accepted to the Ivy League? Hundreds apply for a slot to attend this school through a lottery. Because of the high academic expectations set in the lower grades, parent and teacher involvement, hard work these children excel. Not race, quotas, or a pass like in the public school system, but by determination and hard work.


Typical JVB statement- supporting a failed system and leadership.
Again, running away from taking a difficult position, not standing up for what is right.
The future of this city is very much in doubt.


Thank You JVB…i hope my fellow Queens residents remember that You support this racist pig when they vote for borough president!!!

Fan of Dough Boy Park

A policy of “ if you don’t agree with everything I say, then you’re a nazi/racist/white nationalist “ is a squelching of free speech. His policies of basically “ re-education camps” and telling people walk the line or you’re fired sounds pretty fascist to me. We’re allowed to criticize and have imput into our child’s future and where and how tax dollars are spent. These policies are dangerous to free speech. Schools are supposed to open minds and get people to think for themselves, not be programmed like little robots.

Good straw man

“a policy of ‘if you don’t agree with everything I say, then you’re a nazi/racist'” sure is bad, it’s a good thing CARRANZA NEVER SAID THAT. You should look up what a “straw man” is to understand your horrible argument.

Oh, Lily

Carranza has called anyone who disagrees with him a racist and that is a fact. #denialisnotariverinegypt

Other than being completely false, that's true

Do you have ANY evidence that “Carranza has called anyone who disagrees with him a racist and that is a fact?”

Oh…you don’t? Must be one of the “alternative facts” crowd ?

Oh, Lily


Agreed Lily, you have NO evidence that “Carranza has called anyone who disagrees with him a racist and that is a fact?”

Is there any reason to believe “Carranza has called anyone who disagrees with him a racist and that is a fact?”

Do you have single source with any evidence at all that Is there any reason to believe “Carranza has called anyone who disagrees with him a racist and that is a fact?”

Oh…you don’t have any reason to believe that at all? Cool, we can go on ignoring you

Fan of Dough Boy Park

“ He’s alienated the Asian community. He’s alienated parents. If someone questions him, you get called a racist. What I’ve heard from the Chancellor and what I’ve heard from his office, they are not trying to bring people together.And they are not focusing on education,” Holden said. And there was a reason why 30 mostly Asian people protested outside City Hall gate about how the Chancellor is “ guiding” his policies. You and you 17 personalities can down vote all you want, but this is a racist and a dividing man. Like the mayor, he doesn’t believe hard work should be promoted, it should be dismissed in favor of perceived social justice.


Has this chancellor spoken about academics at all? All I have heard from him is social justice advocacy. There is no way I would send my biracial child to a school system that is clearly not concerned with academics.


I find that these days any phrase with the word “justice” in it to be highly questionable. Besides, we are talking about schools, shouldn’t the chancellor be more concerned about academics?

Oh, Lily

Carranza is all about race all the time and he resents Asian students who are smart and successful. Good riddance to Jimmy Van Bramer. Does he realize how much people resent him? Send Carranza packing – he has no interest in improving poorly performing schools and instead wants to play racial politics.

Asians value learning and education

I think he resents the Asian communities because families respect education and push their children to achieve. You don’t see much of that in the communities he is pushing FOR.


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