PS 150
March 25, 2016 By Christian Murray
Western Queens residents will be able to start voting Saturday to determine how $1 million in New York City funds should be spent in the district.
Voters who live in Sunnyside, Woodside and Long Island City will be able to choose from up to 19 capital projects, with the most popular items being funded up to an aggregate total of $1 million.
Residents will have from March 26 through April 3 to cast their ballots and can do so at any polling booth in the 26th Council District. However, each polling booth will only be open for a limited period of time during the week (see attachment).
For instance, the polling booth at PS 150 (40-01 43rd Ave) is only open on Wednesday between 2:30 pm and 8 pm. Furthermore, the one at Sunnyside Community Services (43-31 39th Street) is only open on Thursday between 10:30 am and 2 pm.
Eight of the 19 projects on the ballot involve education upgrades, such as new laptops for PS 150 and the Academy of American Studies ($210,000) and a special needs playground for P4 Skillman, designed for children with autism spectrum disorders ($250,000).
PS 111, PS 166, Aviation High School and IS 204/Energy Tech High School all have proposed auditorium upgrades on the ballot.
Public housing in Van Bramer’s district is also heavily featured on the ballot.
The biggest ticket item on the ballot is a $500,000 canopy for the Hunter’s Point South Park playground. This project would involve the installation of a structure close to the playground that would provide shade.
Van Bramer 2016 PB Voter Guide by Queens Post
PB JVB 2016 Voting Locations Community Facilities by Queens Post
The million would go a lot further if the cost of the projects weren’t so hugely inflated. $350k for a basketball court refurbishment?? I call bullsh*t. This is either government over inflating prices for their own needs, or contractors inflating prices because it’s the tax payer footing the bill. Go ask a contractor to build you a basketball court in your backyard, I bet you it wouldn’t cost $350k!!
-Doc What a foolish post. You must be an imbecile.
Why not just have a bonfire and burn the million bucks. It would be just as good. After all it’s just taxpayers money and we have plenty of suckers paying taxes to buy JVB more votes.
Only a stupid Republican would whine about a poliitician bringing money to his district. “Republican the party of the stupid” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.
Emily I’m not a republican or a democrat for that matter. This type of spending is nothing more than a cynical attempt that incumbent politicians use to buy votes from sheep like you and Saber.
-doc Yes spending to improve society and peoples lives is nothing but a cynical attempt. You’re the one who sounds cynical. With cynical thinking like yours the overwhelming majority of our country would still be living with no electricity, fresh water systems, no paved roads, no airports.. Etc. etc.
Comparing this nonsense to the TVA is childish at best.
@Doc You appear to suffer from what Psychologist call projectionism. Go back and look at your comments in this comment stream. You’re the one with a post about burning a million dollars in a bonfire. Sounds childish to me. So your comments are both cynical and childish but you’re accusing everyone else of doing what you are doing yourself.
51 City Council members pull this local voter BS. It is nothing but a way for incumbents to try to buy votes. If these programs were important enough they would have been approved during normal session. They were not , so now your hero can ride in and say they saved your pet program. Keep falling for it.
David save your pop psychology.
Doc- Your post just confirms what David and Emily posted about you being childidish and cynical. LOL
One million would go a long way towards my Sunnyside ethnic cleansing project. G-d bless everyone, especially white people. I love all of you so much. Amen.