Photo: QueensPost
May 31, 2012 By Christian Murray
Fashionable Baby & Kidz, an upscale clothing boutique located on 47th street (between Greenpoint and 47th avenues), opened Saturday.
The store carries name-brand clothing for infants to 7 year olds, such as French Toast, Burberry, Polo and the Gap. Children’s jewelry, socks, shoes, hats and hair accessories are also for sale.
The owner of the store, who asked to be identified only as Vesna, said she has been living in Sunnyside for 23 years. She previously worked in retail; however, Fashionable Baby & Kidz is the first store she has owned.
The previously vacant store has undergone a month-long renovation and now boasts a sleek white and exposed-brick interior.
The store will be open weekdays from 11 a.m. to 9:30 or 10 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Fashionable Baby & Kidz is located at 45-20 47th Street, phone: 347-639-0132.
I have to strongly disagree with Jennifer and Tried both, I have no ties to Tiny you or Baby&Kidz.
I gave my honest opinion of what I saw when I shopped in both stores like it or hate it or even hate me,I did see past season clothes from other stores market up higher than what they would have been on clearance when they were in the original store. IT’S A FACT I have the 4 other previous post to back this up. Are we all on the other stores side give me a break.
What I find childish,petty and just sad is that neither of you attacked any of those other people and singled out me.
I hope you don’t bash people on yelp or yahoo or amazon if they don’t like your favorite product or plate of food. Or wait, do you bash your friends and family if they don’t agree with you.
We are talking about kids clothing stores here but this isn’t Childs play so
Jennifer and Tried Both please let everyone in Sunnyside or America where we all have freedom of speech have a opinion without attacking someone. I mean we are all adults here or are we.
I agree. Fashionable Baby&Kidz is realy excelent store with prestigeous designs and afordable prices for what you got. I shoped in Petunia, now Tiny you, and I know that they have pre-worn clothes. I love Tiny you too, but when you check in Fashionable Baby then you get amazed for so much beauty, opulent designs, all all georgeous things like I see no where else. I was absolutely amazed that we now have that kind of store in Sunnyside. Georgeous and heavenly. Petunia also has some cute things.
I also want to say that we in Sunnyside should be more fair when judging and giving our opinions. I also feel that person ‘ truth hurts’ wanted to picture false story and hurt other business. Not nice. I would like Fashionable Baby and Kidz to go on and I am realy hapy for I found the place to shop. Long waited for store like this. Thanks to owner.
I just want to comment on above. I think it is untruth spoken above from “the truth hurts” for some reasons possible speculations.
Fashionable Baby & Kidz has all really most beautiful clothing and nothing old. Shame is what that person above tried to speculate against new store. I am mother and I have 3 kids – full time mom. I shop in many places but Fashionable Baby and Kidz is the one that really rings the best in any way. I had feeling that person who wrote “the truth hurts” have some personal interest promoting the other side.
Let be fair. Everyone needs to live. It is not nice to try to do what you tried do to hard working people.
Fair opinions.
Full time mom
if you didn’t know the Gap,Old Navy and Circo and other brands designed for Target put the Season and year inside the clothing. If there is any of these brands in the store look inside on the label, this way shoppers can see if it’s Summer 11 and being sold for 20.00 dollars and it’s 2 years old.
I have to say as a parent that lives in Sunnyside and who was happy that two kids boutiques opened and have been to both. Tiny You previously knows as Petunia is upscale and what, a real kids clothing boutique should be, no it’s not Target prices because it carries high end kids clothing not cheaply made,mass produced tees made in China “hey if that’s what you like so be it”but to compare these two stores is like comparing Bloomingdales and Marshalls both are good to shop at for different reasons.
I found Fashionable Baby & Kidz had cute stuff but they also had years old kids clothes ticketed as if they were new. Anything that is Circo, from Target in the kids department brand new is 9.99 and under. I also have to say Tiny you carries local designers clothing as they are made in NY along with other really cute stuff. As a mom and a Sunnyside resident, I find supporting the local art scene in NY to be really nice. I would give Tiny You 5 stars for great product and a helpful staff, that makes me want to come back. I give Fashionable Baby & Kidz 2 stars for trying to pull the wool over parents eyes and sell old stuff for 2 times what it was sold for originally. The store is cute the people were nice but pulling a bait and switch is not how and store that plans on staying around for long, does business.
Mayabe it’s the South Pole of 47th Street!
What does it mean if the tag is upside down on a piece of clothing? Is that a sign that it is an outlet item or fake or something? Does anyone know?
I went in…to see if I could get something for a niece…they had a shirt by Cherokee (sold at target for abt 10 bucks) and they were selling it for 30…won’t be going back
frank –
they have cute pre-worn clothes at Petunia. I bring a few of my mommy friends there and they adore the place!
I also once helped the owner chase a squirrel out of Petunia, so they like me there 🙂
Petunia is too Park Slopey
If this place isn’t fancy enough for you, Bloomingdales is just a 25 minute subway ride away.
Knockoffs, it figures. Sorry but Sunnyside is one of the lamest shopping areas of NYC. Look at the facade, the cheap walls. Owner can’t even give a name. C’mon can’t this neighborhood get some real shopping. It’s like we’re in freakin Tipp City, Ohio!
Krissy is mine and only mine
Krissi is mine dude
maybe saks fifth avenue and lord and taylor will open stores on 47th street.
Best of luck to this new business.. their is no store like this other than abc variety that sells all ages of kids stuff plus petunaia as well with better stuff…. but that comment about gap is correct you can only buy gap at gap so what is really going on here… can we get an answer to our question…. but I still wish them good luck… nice to see a new store open and stay that way….. great story by this site ..
“It has been along time since there was a nice children’s store in Sunnyside!!”
There’s an amazing children’s boutique on Skillman and 46th. Petunia is incredible!
Marilyn makes a good point. The Gap stays at The Gap
There is no way that the clothing brands are legit. Some of those brands such as The Gap don’t sell their stuff in other people’s stores. If this was a legitimate operation why wouldn’t the owner want everyone to know her full name? BTW there is a children’s clothing store on Skillman Avenue. Kind of pricey but some of the stuff is cute.
It has been along time since there was a nice children’s store in Sunnyside!! Good Luck
Also Krissi, I’d like to take you out sometime
I love my neighborhood, but c’mon. Burberry on 47th street? No one is going to pay $350 for their baby’s trench coat. It’s the worst possible place (47 st) to sell anything high end. Plus, the facade needs work, it looks horrible.
Best wishes for success.
lets hope the owner is not charging a lot for rent
Good luck!
Best of luck to the newest local business!
That space has been empty for, I think at least 10 years. I’m happy to see a business in it, and hope they do well.
I also hope they’ll help keep that part of the block clean. Apparently since there’s an empty lot there a space or two down the block, people think it’s the local town dump.
Oh jeez Full Metal… there are SOME people who believe in this neighborhood.
I now wish I had a kid so I can shop there! Well I do have lots of neices and nephews so that’s a good thing!
Upscale and 47th street should never be used in the same sentence. I wonder if their designer collection is counterfeit
Good luck! Thanks for believing in Sunnyside.
We need more of this type store, rather than those 99 cent stores ..
Nice not to have to haul out to the mall .
Good luck to Baby & Kidz ….
This seeems like economic suicide. I wish them all the luck in the world, because they’re going to need it.