Photo: Taken Friday after robbery (source P Dorfman)
March 25, 2013 By Christian Murray
The Chase bank, located at 46-10 Queens Blvd, was robbed on Friday.
Police said that a man entered the bank at about 1 pm and passed a note to a teller demanding money. The teller complied and handed the man an undisclosed sum of cash.
The police said the man, described as a heavy-set white man in his 30s, fled the scene and went westbound on Greenpoint Avenue.
The police had no further information.
Banks used to have security guards. I have not seen one in awhile. They should bring them back and arm them!
Banks rob you. They don’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot.
Why don’t these banks have a security guard. That bank has two entrances making it much easier to hold up. The last time I was in there a guy was coming right up behind customers who were filling in there deposit or withdrawal slips. He was demanding money in a menacing fashion. This wasn’t some bum. This was one of the local hoodlums. I had words with him and one of the bank staff intervened and asked him to leave. By the time I’d finished at the counter he was back in, harrassing old ladies and generally intimidating customers.
But Mark, according to the New York Post the individual was disguised as a white man.
That was said in jest by the way before some of our more sensitive readers go into cardiac and look for a certain card.
It is interesting that the Sunnyside Post continues to follow the European practice of not starting daylight savings time until later in the year.
This story makes me appreciate even more the presence of the somewhat disheveled individual standing on the northwest corner of 41st Street and Queens Boulevard speaking the mantra “changed” but keeping a watchful eye on the TD Bank across 41st Street where I do my banking.
Videos? Was he masked? Don’t these banks have those “hidden” alarms? Sounds like bull shit case. Who hands over cash with a note?
“Unauthorized personal bailout,” I like that one.
This time it was a white male. You all cant blame this one on the blacks this time.
“Heavy-set white man”. Probably a large soda abuser as well
Just think of it as an unauthorized personal bail-out.
Hahah oh blue-collard crimes can never be the white-collared-connected-to-DC-to-make-laws-that-make-it-legal crimes.
yeesh that’s my bank. kinda scary.
Oh, Good point! We vote for our lawmakers, but bankers buy them! Its so much more effective! Witness Chuck Schumer and his mollycoddling of the Three-Piece Suit Gangs on Wall Street. And modest Mickey Bloomberg, too. His good buddy Jamie Dimon had to take a pay cut in the multi-million dollar range over some losing moves he and his den of thieve made. Imagine how he is hurting!
The public can afford to go after the guy who robbed Chase, it only takes a few detectives and the guy won’t be able to buy a good defense lawyer. So it will look like a win. The public can not afford, however, to prosecute the big theives, they have more money than we do and can fight justice forever! It works well if you happen to be one of them. Commit any crime you want and delay prosecution for life.
Great system here in America.
But it’s ok for the banks to rob us!!!