Sept. 14, 2016 Staff Report
The Chase Bank branch at 47-11 Queens Boulevard was robbed Tuesday and police are seeking the public’s help in finding the suspect.
The alleged perpetrator entered the bank at about 5:55 pm, approached a teller and passed a noted demanding money, according to police.
The teller complied and gave an undetermined amount of cash to the individual, before he fled westbound on Queens Boulevard.
The individual is described as a male, approximately 6’3″ tall, 240 pounds, with a medium complexion. He was last seen wearing a blue baseball hat, dark sunglasses, a dark blue T-shirt and blue jeans.
A surveillance photo of the individual was captured.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)

Suspect (NYPD)
It looks like blame fox news
It is OJ, I saw the white bronco
Crime is on the rise again. New York will repeat itself unless people wake up and realize it. Worrying about feelings, racism, fairness etc etc etc, doesnt put thugs behind bars, or stop crime.
Actually, there is NO significant rise in crime at all in NYC. There is far LESS crime than ever before.
Keep telling yourself that. You can also mention that to the tacticle units outside grand central, and the 1000 extra police put into the city.
There is a huge increase in crime. Are you insane? Apparently you don’t leave your house/apartment. The mayor has ordered crimes to be down graded. Cops were not allowed to give quality of life tickets at the U.S. Open. We have flash backed to 1987
Medium complexion ? Like why can’t you say he was black while, dumbminkin or porter Rican ? I mean cmon. Stop bring so PC and tell it like it is!! #trumptrain
People would rather be politically correct, while watching crime rise.
Remember, people can only be as liberal as their safety allows. When the theeat hits home, all that BS flies out the window
Oh well,shit happens…so what, who ever thought we live in a perfect world.
You forgot the money
I just love all the PC descriptions nowadays. Sometimes they leave out what the person looks like entirely and just describe what they’re wearing, because you know, I’m sure they wear the same thing every day. Then sometimes they’ll say Medium complexion (like here). My Sicilian dad has a Medium complexion. It’s OK to say it–the guy here has a dark complexion.
is it really that easy to rob a bank?
Yes it is.
Banks are stupid, they don’t care, like Tarantino says “They are insured up the a$$”. We end up feeding these low life thugs with money, and the banks are just encouraging them with their lax security and “oh what if he shoots someone”. They should have a hand chopper guillotine at those windows. Sir, here is your money, please stick your hand in and take your score. BAM, blade drops, robber is now one armed loser in Rikers waiting for his trial.
Although I would be worried if these thugs start robbing people on the street instead of banks.. I guess it’s better, forget about the whole thing.. I am just thinking out loud.
Ton of money he has there,big score
How stupid are the people that run this bank, Always incidents there.
Part of Willie Suttons gang.
Remember when Willie Sutton robbed that bank so many years ago.
All of NYC’s homeless should be bused out of state!
John Doe is that suppose to be funny? Ignorant is you ask me
It’s the truth! You must be a Hillary supporter.
Hello- no I support the “Barron”. My support always goes to the scam artist who uses illegal Polish slave labor, creates a bogus university and has been in bankruptcy on 3 separate occasions. The hallmark of a master con artist is when suckers and pigeons cheer them on. Haha
I recognize him,he’s a member of Sumnyside Gardens
Think it’s time for some new elected officials. The ones here are too comfortable in their positions!!!
Clearly coming from the homeless shelters that were recently brought to Sunnyside, 53st and Qns Blvd to be exact. Thanks DiBlasio
And what was the cause of the rash of crimes (especially burglaries) 3 years ago?
Sunnyside and Woodside is starting to see more crime. Apparently there is a large amount of burglaries and car break in’s. I only know that from my car being broken into 2 weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon off of Skillman Ave. Although cameras were at the location, it is unknown if the police even checked them. Seems like the bad old days are retunin
It’s the homeless shelters that they’ve put up all over Queens Blvd.
the “LaQuinta” on 37th Street and QB is a homeless shelter the “Quality Inn” on 53 Street & QB is a homeless shelter and the Pan Am and many more on QB that are undercover people open up your eyes more needs to be done where is our counselman Jimmy Van Bramer on this — oh wait he claims he knows nothing about the first two he is a fibber but he also made “The Verde” a homeless shelter in LIC – he is done done done thank god his term is up in 2017 –
It’s all DeBlasio’s fault!
GET A JOB like the rest of us..PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK
Unrelated, but Apollonia Gallery on Skillman Avenue has closed. Guess this neighborhood isn’t there yet in terms of art and culture.
Well, duh. I’d always assumed that was a front for something, I’ve never seen anyone walk in or out of there.
Bring back comic book heaven
That was an art gallery? I thought it was the garage of the guy who owned the lobster bar.
It’s the 46 Street Station masturbator!
They all look alike those criminals.
When are these dopes going to realize that there are cameras everywhere and a high possibility that their picture will be published if you commit a crime. I’m betting once his own Mama sees his picture she will rat him out for the reward
They dont care anymore…they realized , that the western civilization is getting weaker due to higher influence of another system…be prepared to get worse in the next few years…since a justice system is being fragilized by another form of order…the tendancy is to get worse…
-ta Your post is utterly ridiculous. Crime in New York City has dropped since the mid-1990s and 1980’s. Crime today is nowhere near the levels of the 1970’s through the early 1990’s. Thank you Fox News for unleashing another one of your easily influenced and incited imbeciles on the public.
Chase bank readily makes the surveillance available to law enforcement that will help identify and catch the thie vut when the theft is done by the cashiers, the suveillance does not exist.The customer loses his or her money. That was what happened to me at chase bank on 801 K street Sacramento,CA. where tellers, #4, John and Sarah#3 stole over $10,000.00 of money. Executives, Roger Conner, Juan Garcia & Octavio Machuca and manager, JD Formica , who all must have participated in the theft of my money insisted there ws no srurveillance amd closed my accounts .I lost my money and they have defiantly refused to pay.
-anonymous Your story sounds like it could of been interesting if it was written coherently. Do you think the people you are “doxing” in your post are unable to locate you because you are posting “anonymously”? Guess again…I hope they come at you with guns blazing.