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Cell Phone Store to Take Over From Psychic

Photo: QueensPost

Sept. 19, 2010 Staff Report

A cell phone store is expected to open next month on Greenpoint Ave. between 46th and 47th Street.

The store, which has been vacant for months, was previously occupied by a psychic.

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Michael Collins

How exactly does a Thai restaurant opening up constitute turning the neighborhood into a “dump?”


99 cent stores, pharmacies, cell phone stores, thai restaurants and pawn shops. Sunnyside is turning into a dump. If i wanted this sort of crap all around I’d move to Jersey or Long Island.


Sunnysider, unfortunately the owner of that cell phone store is within his right to be stupid and open a business that probably isn’t necessary (because there isn’t a lack of such stores).

Readers, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the guy doesn’t have a right to open the store–but I understand Sunnysider’s disappointment that yet another store of the same type is opening up. They are probably not aware that a similar store closed on the north side of QB around 44th Street (now being replaced by what? A THAI restaurant. Good. Because we lack Thai restaurants).

It starts by opening a store in an area that is saturated with that type of store, and goes downhill from there.

Long time resident

I never understand who buys phones from these stores. For the most part, if you really want to check out a phone’s features, user interface, etc., you have to go to the carrier’s store. So why not buy it there?


Don’t we have enought cell phone in the sunnyside area betwwen greenpoint ave queensblvd is there enought business to warrant all these stores , or are they going to be here for 3 to 6 months and be gone for lack of buisness. I wish we had a system that when a new business opens up the viability issue is thought about. Compettion is great if there is competition or is less business giong to be the factor.


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