Photo: QueensPost
July 21, 2014 By Christian Murray
A cell phone store will be opening in the space that was previously occupied by E-Bike at 41-25 Queens Boulevard.
Building Department records filed July 17 indicate that the new tenant is spending $10,000 on interior work in order to open the cell phone store.
The location was once a T-Mobile dealership in 2011 before closing after being in business for about a year.
E-Bike took over the spot in March 2012 before closing in May.
@no one cares
You must not know much about landlords. No landlord wants a property with no tenant. So yes, a responsible landlord WILL look at a business plan to try to ensure that the incoming tenant will actually be able to pay their lease.
Just like when renting an apartment.
@ Cory
The Landlords business is to rent their space to a business wiling to rent it, as long as the entity renting is not engaging in illegal or immoral operations. It is not their responsibility to go over the new tenants business plan and make sure they can run a viable business from that location. If you have enough sense and money to start a business you should have enough common sense to do your due diligence. This is not the “Big Bad Landlords” responsibility.
I’m curious: what kind of store were we expecting? It’s not much of a space, and almost every retail item you could ask for is already being sold somewhere nearby. What kind of store should we have there? I can’t think of a better idea.
I remember the big fuss a couple years ago when the pawn shops opened, but they’re still around. Could it be that they’re doing enough business to pay their overhead? It’s hard to imagine, but they’re still here, so they must be doing something right.
Store front for all the drugs being smuggled in and out of sunnyside.
This is exactly what I was saying a couple weeks ago about how these landlords are on queens blvd. instead of giving an independent operator a chance to make a living and give jobs to locals they rent it for no purpose to anyone except themselves. They reap the benefits of new construction take their security deposit in a year if they last that long than raise the rent on the next fool. They all suck!
You got to be kidding me.
It’s like how Noodus closed and the new tenant is going to be a thai restaurant. Do the new owners even bother to look at the history of the location?
Might as well have an Apple store. I’ve been in the Hamptons lately.
Do we really need a cell phone store? No. History will likely repeat its self at this place.
sunnyside is already teeming with cellphones and their users. this is only going to make things worse.
Can someone please tell these tenants that a cell phone store was already here and at this exact location and has already failed?
Off the top of my head I can think of at least four cell phone stores within two blocks of this location.
Store for Rent: July, 2015.
We don’t need another cell phone store…
So a T-Mobile store already went out of business at this address, then the store gets over taken by the dreaded e-bike shop which everyone hated only fold up shop just in time for it to be replaced by ANOTHER phone store? Man, the trials and tribulations of Sunnyside businneses and their owners would make some great reality television!