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CB2 Votes to Co-Name Woodside Street After Decorated Vietnam Combat Medic

James Frawley (photo courtesy of Jimmy Carr)

April 9, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez

A Woodside native who served in the Vietnam War may have a local street he grew up on named after him.

Community Board 2 overwhelmingly voted to co-name the stretch on 52nd Street between Roosevelt and Skillman Avenues after James Frawley, who served in the army as a combat medic and received several military honors as a result.

Frawley, a lifelong Woodside resident, served with the 101st Airborne Division, and was the recipient of a Silver Star medal and two Bronze Stars, according to his brother in law, Jimmy Carr. The Silver Star is awarded for members of the US Army for gallantry in action, while the Bronze Medal is awarded either for heroic or meritorious achievement and service.

Frawley also received two Air Medals and a Combat Medical Badge, which he was most proud of, according to Carr.

James Frawley (right). Photo courtesy of Jimmy Carr.

The Vietnam veteran worked as a steamfitter prior to enlisting for military service, and continued to work in the field when he returned from the war.

Frawley died in 1998 at the age of 49, his family told Community Board 2, leaving behind two daughters and a son.

Carr said Frawley rarely spoke about his war service, and only admitted—several years after returning from Vietnam—that his medals were stolen from him some time in the 1970s. Carr then set out to recover Frawley’s honors, enlisting the help of then-Congressman Thomas J. Manton and current Congressman Joe Crowley.

While the medals were successfully returned, Frawley died before he could receive them, Carr said.

Mike Reddington, part of the local Knights of Columbus organization in Woodside, the main group behind the street co-naming effort, said Frawley deserves to have the street he grew up on named in his honor. The group approached Carr about co-naming the street about six months ago.

“This is a true American hero,” Reddington said to the board.

An online petition to support the street’s co-naming has gathered over 220 signatures since kicking off several weeks ago.

Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer said he intends on submitting a bill to co-name the street after Frawley.

52nd Street, between Skillman and Roosevelt Avenues (Google Maps)

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kevin walsh

This is so great. Jimmy was one of the nicest guys I grew up with in Woodside. I am so happy that a nice person gets some recognition for what he did for all of us as did all the heroic men and women who served in Viet Nam. I still do remember all the good times I had with Jimmy.

Joey Pietri

I’d Love to see Jimmy Frawley honored by namiing 52St. for him.We were in Kindergarten to 5th . grade and spent plenty of time with Cousin Vinny and the other Woodside kid’s generally hanging out in the schoolyard, gym and on the corner. Lot’s of good memories in the Neighborhood of Hereoes ! Rest in Peace Jimmy, It is an Honor to have been a friend.
Woodside Chiefs L.A M.F

Tom Kettles

We were Brother Woodside Chiefs, Vietnam Veterans and Local 638 Steanfitters. Jimmy was The Resl Deal! A Man’s Man. As Stand-Up as they come. My Priviledge To Be His Brother And Friend.


Name the park on 69st & woodside ave after Alfred filippelli who also lost his life in nam . I believe at 22yrs old in 1968. Alfred was a great guy who lived on woodside ave. Came from a big family. Lots of cousins. When he passed, everyone that lived on woodside ave had American flags out their window from 72st down to 65pl in his honor. The Long Island press had several articles. This guy was a hero and he’s not honored . This is long overdue .

Woodside ave 1965

I’m an older woodside guy and I agree, Alfred filippelli is deserving of this honor too. Name that park after him. Al was an incredibly likable young guy and never made it home. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. Honor him.

Arline Deegan

What a great person he was. Thank you for your service Jimmy.

Matthew Costello

Many in Woodside served in the military with honor.I knew and was a friend of Jim Frawley played football right next to him on the defensive line.He lived across the street from me on 49st.after he got married never mentioned any of his heroics.Jim was a standup guy and it with a great privledge to sign the petition .Another reason Woodside is a (Neighborhood Of Heroes).

Tony Arrigo

Neil Nunziato KIA Vietnam 3.29.68 was also in the 101st Airborne and whose family owned the Florist on 52nd St and Roosevelt. Paul Devers KIA Vietnam 8.10.65 also lived on 52nd St and Skillman. Mike Connolly KIA 5.8.68 Vietnam lived on 53rd and Skillman. 28 Men died in Vietnam from Woodside doing what they thought should be done. God Bless the Frawley’s and the other families who lost loved ones.
Tony A
Woodside resident on 53rd St. (1955-65)
Vietnam 1966

Born and Raised in Woodside

Seriously? 52 Street between Skillman & Roosevelt is the filthiest litter and garbage strewn block in the neighborhood. The property owners on this block should be fined daily until they start keeping their property clean. I am all for honoring and remembering our veterans, but naming this dirty neglected disgrace of a block after one of them is no honor. I am surprised that the litter condition of this block escaped the attention of those persons/groups making the nomination.

A Woodsider

Why aren’t we making slobby Woodside residents clean up around their homes? Make Woodside a wonderful place to live once again? Woodside lost many young people to wars. Remember when the Viet Nam Memorial was supposed to be placed in Dough Boy Park, but because it had the words “they are now with GOD” it had to be put in St. Sebastian’s parking lot! It lists all the names of our young people who lost their lives in Viet Nam who lived in Woodside. I have a DVD of the parade and ceremony. I sat and watched it recently. Brought back memories, both wonderful, and sad. When Woodside was a really wonderful community! Every person listed on that stone should have a Woodside street named after them! A clean, well kept street! It is the LEAST we can do to honor them.

Tree of Liberty

Geez, died before he received his medals, and now not seeing possible a street named in his honor. My sense is he was not after medals and street signs named after him. God rest his soul.


God bless him. My fatherand uncle, Army vets who served during the Korean War, grew up on 52nd Street, too. That street grows brave, honest, patriotic men.


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