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Cathy Nolan Drops Out of Race to be Assembly Speaker

CatherineNolan-250x250Feb. 2, 2015 Staff Report

Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan has announced that she has dropped out of the process to become speaker of the New York State assembly.

Nolan released a statement on Facebook at about 5:00 p.m.

Statement from Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan

Let me first thank my husband, Gerry, and my son, Nicky, and my extended family who have always stood by me in every public decision. Their love and patience this hectic week has been a blessing.

I want to thank the people of the 37th Assembly District. I have won their support in 16 elections and I appreciate that I heard from so many urging me to go forward and enter my name into the discussion about the next Speaker for the Assembly.

I also want to thank my Queens colleagues and Congressman Joe Crowley for meeting with me to discuss my candidacy as I did with so many colleagues this past week. I particularly want to acknowledge those colleagues who gave me support and encouragement and also those who were forthright in telling me that they prefer another candidate. Our Assembly Democratic Majority Conference is strong because we are candid with each other.

My only disappointment in this process is my disagreement with those who seemed to say a new Speaker of the Assembly must be from New York City. As someone who was born in Syracuse, New York, I believe that you can represent all of New York State no matter where you live.

I did not drop out of this process even as many reported various vote totals and withdrawn candidacies because I think, in this crisis, it is essential that all members of the state legislature examine our rules and look closely at proposals for reform and openness. We announced last week that we would have a more open discussion about who would lead our conference and I think, with the challenges we are facing, we needed to stick to that decisions. Indeed, I would have preferred a vote on February 10 which would have allowed for discussion and review of proposals for reform and perhaps have allowed some new rules to go forward in tandem with the election of a new Speaker.

The awful crisis in confidence that has developed in the New York State Legislature needs to be addressed. I must admit that, as someone whose legislative career has been more involved in developing a paid family leave bill when I chaired the Labor Committee or advocating for local school aid budget issues as Chair of the Education Committee, I have not been as involved with issues about Assembly rules. It is clear now, however, that every member of the legislature must do more in this regard. I intend to keep meeting with reform minded caucuses, individual members and advocacy groups to be able to recommend various proposals.

I am as aware of the historic nature of Assemblyman Carl Heastie’s candidacy as I am of my own. I believe that I have put at least a scratch in the glass ceiling for women. I congratulate Assemblyman Heastie and I understand the joy that his election will bring to all communities of our state.

I offer both Assemblyman Heastie and Majority Leader Morelle my support and willingness to work hard for the people of New York.

Thank you.

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Cathy , you’r out because you were never in it. Just read the comments on this site and you will see that you are well past your sell-by date. Yes indeed you have done a lot for education – as long as it had nothing to do with charter or *parochial Schools. For year now you have stood with Silver in denying *us tuition tax credit and in spite of that *we still have a 97% graduation rate.

Patricia Dorfman

I invite joreilly and anyone interested to maybe form a group of ten locals who meet every 60 days as a beginning of a “better government” group based on other watchdog organizations like common cause, (about which I know little)
we locals seem to work for someone or have some political affiliation which makes disinterested parties hard to find –– so meaning this in cautionary fashion not literally, sodom and gomorrah was made toast because abraham could not find enough of the just –– we could strive for fairness by having representatives from different parties, media, faiths, atheism, demographics, levels of wealth, age…a teen and a nonagenarian
if we did a good job, we would eventually be listened to and help people decide what to do. joe, if there is a “cesspool,” we cannot just carp about it or hope. we could call this “consent of the governed” or the like (something more upbeat than “drain the cesspool”)
just a germ of an idea. needs work!


How about cleaning up the community board after the mess Joe Conley, or whatever his name is, left after twenty years or however long he overstayed his welcome? How about new people on the police council instead of the Friends of Nolan? How about supporting and encouraging people to run for office against entrenched interests? But I suspect that you would pull that lever for Nolan even if she were caught on video committing a major crime. They talk about cameras for the police? I want cameras on the politicians starting with a few in our neighborhood but not ending there.

Hoping for Hope

I like your name and some of your goals, but please don’t dip down so low as to say people would vote for criminals. You undermine your authority by being ridiculous.

Hoping for Hope

The rules need to be changed if they have kept you out by accident of your birth. That is a load of baloney that makes our assembly look as corrupt as they are. And moving the election up to forestall debate just puts the fetid icing on their degenerated cake.


If Nolan supports term limits, she can begin by not running again! And yet she runs and runs and runs.

El loco

We’re all part of Kathy’s extended family. Ughhhh. She never had a chance. Hey Kathy if you see Preet Bharara’s number come up on your cell phone don’t answer it.


The saddest part of this episode is that Ms. Nolan tricked some people into believing that she had the courage and wherewithal to bring about change in Albany, specifically the end to the “well publicized” culture of sexual harassment in the Assembly. This sentiment was forgotten in less than a week’s time and Ms. Nolan proved, again, that she is a spineless puppet of her party’s masters.

Kramden's Delicious Marshall

Exactly. In party politics, party comes before everything including God, country and humanity.


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