68-10 Roosevelt Ave. (Photo: QueensPost)
July 13, 2013 Staff report
Two men were stabbed—one fatally– by a livery cab driver in Woodside this morning.
The two men, who had just come out of a grocery store with beer, tried to flag down the driver at 68-10 Roosevelt Ave. at about 5 am, according to police.
The driver, who refused to pick them up, got into a dispute with the two men—and stabbed them. One man, 26, was stabbed in chest, while the other, 33, in the torso. The driver then sped off.
The 26-year-old was pronounced dead at Elmhurst Hospital, while the other was listed in stable condition.
The police have not made any arrests and said they are still investigating the incident.
another murder. Sad.
I always did my grocery shopping Sunday morning and hated it when they wouldn’t let me buy a 6-pack at 11 AM. That’s one good thing to thank Pataki for, getting rid of that silly rule.
@barhopper Some people can’t think outside of the scope of their own lives.
We need to hear the full story before any judgement can be made. There are many scenarios that could have played out, but we don’t have the details.
HAL 9000
July 14, 2013 • 5:35 am
If you’re drinking beer at 5:00AM, you have a serious problem.
If you’ve just finished a 12 hour night shift and fancy a few well deserved coldies then you have a serious problem???
The law about selling beer Sunday mornings was changed- it’s now permitted. I didn’t know that it wasn’t allowed from 4-8 am, though. I used to work nights- my 5AM was someone else’s 11 PM. Some cities shut down after midnight, NYC is 24/7.
@ surreal these are the hrs u can sell alcoholic beverages in NYC. Monday through sat 8am to 4 pm. Sunday 12 noon to 4 am Monday. But I don’t think this was truly about the hrs allowed to serve alcohol it was more about either the guys not being able to handle their alcohol or a cab driver who couldn’t handle a couple of drunk guys at 5am. Why didn’t the cab driver just drive away???
If you’re drinking beer at 5:00AM, you have a serious problem.
The driver had the advantage in that he was in a car and could have driven away. Yet he had to pull out his knife and murder someone? Hope they catch him. I take livery cabs, but this makes me think twice. If they hire these types of people to drive their cars, I don’t think I want to patronize their business
There is no mulligan in life. Never Drink responsibly!
Not true. U can buy booze anytime now. Booooooooooooooooooooze!
Super Witty,
There’s no beer sold between Midnight Saturday to noon on Sunday.
@super witty no one is allowed to sell beer between 4&8am
My condolences to the victims love ones and a speedy recovery to the other man. I hope they will get the driver who did this.
I’m pretty sure a grocery store in Queens can sell beer at any time that they’re open.
Spoiler: will never be solved
Usually, it’s the cab driver that gets murdered.
The purchase of beer after 4am is illegal.
There needs to be more police presence from 2- 5 AM…weird shit always happens during this time of night.