Photo: QueensPost
Oct. 4, 2013 By Christian Murray
C-Town is scheduled to open at 41-25 Greenpoint Avenue on October 11, according to the store manager.
The supermarket is opening at the very location where Foodtown closed almost a year ago.
C-Town, which is the fifth largest food retailer in New York City, has more than 200 stores in the Northeast. Each store is independently owned and operated.
Besides brand name groceries, C-Town carries its own Krasdale Foods label.
More information to come.
Yall have know clue …. That store is gonna be big business.
Stop and Shop has the best cucumbers.
huzzah, another person has spoken out against a stupid idea !
South, Change is fine…stupid changes that add nothing but a veneer is not improvement.
Stop & Shop is expensive, but they have almost everything. That’s a big store! They’ve got space they don’t know what to do with.
@ webley — why do we need sit-down in a SUPERMARKET????? its for shopping – you want to sit and be snobbish go to LIC (notice I didnt call it Long Island City) don’t want a hipster to get upset – and yes whoever posted @ stop & shop being expensive it is and its produce section is GROSSLY overpriced. Maybe you should shop in Manhattan and take a limo back.
I don’t want bad meat in the can.
C-Town’s selection is usually a balance between sales and expired goods
C Town is ghetto shopping at its finest.
C-Town should only be trusted for packaged or canned items.
Hopefully this one will prove me wrong.
To people that fear “big changes” like cafes, art, etc. –
There are a lot of wonderful cities you could live in where you can be certain no change will take place – consider the suburbs of Detroit, or Anchorage.
As far as C-town, I hope this branch doesn’t follow suit with many of the others, plastering their large windows with big sale posters. Ideally this block, already full of ugly empty storefronts, won’t start looking like a grocery store circular.
I’m not nearly as bad as some of the other commenters that get away with murder on this biased agenda ridden site. You are an ignorant fool if you think that all the commenters are just me and not people who just have similar/other views than yourself. My comments get to the point, if that offends your sensitivities too damn bad. How would you like me to sugar coat how terrible your sit down/cafe idea is? I can’t..it’s a stupid idea…its people like you with ideas like that which leads us to stupid art in the middle of 40th st or whatever else is to come next with sunnyside’s money.
Very nice. 40-70 new jobs created. Did the ex- foodtowners turn in their resumes. So has to follow up. 🙂
@ moby dick. Guess I’m in a time warp. Thought we were in the 10th month of 2013!!!
webley, no one likes reading novel, i didn’t bother reading. when i see an epic long email, right to the trash. sorry. its 2012, not 1888.
Just hope they dont play Spanish music all day….
I can’t wait to check the produce section. Zucchini is in season and I need to get some.
The supermarket due to open as C-Town once did have a parking lot. behind it and around the corner on 41st Street, But the ground site was sold for the condominium apartment building that now stands there. That’s the light brick building with gated entrance, and parking spaces underneath.
Sunnysideposthatesme14, you have a really vivid imagination, imagining me sitting at starbucks like I have nothing else to do. Do you also imagine me beating some sense into you? You and your prejudiced stereotype opinions can go to hell. You have no right to call me or anyone else monster on this site, I am surprised at the lack of moderation on this board after so many people stopped coming back (that I personally know) and commenting after you and a few others (probably they are all you) harass and respond to every single comment with idiotic responses that make no sense, adding nothing to the intelligent conversations some of the decent people have on this site. You really need to stop taking whatever pills you are taking, they are making you so damn nasty and bitter. Do you have some sort of problem with others expressing their thoughts? Do you despise people so much that you have to constantly comment on everything with degrading remarks, calling people names, assuming what they do. You even contradict yourself with your very comment above but I am not going to go into further details, you just need to chill, that’s all. I think you will feel very satisfied after my comment, now you had your day’s worth of spanking, maybe you will sleep better now.
Site owner: When are you going to add thumbs up/down (go check other blogs, see how well that works) to this comment section? People are reading this forum through RSS readers and never stop by to comment anymore.
Yes they opened 2 supermarkets in Woodside too. One on 65th and Roosevelt. The new one will be opening next to Jollybee in a few months. I hope they sell lots of organic and vegetarian food. I can no longer tolerate the hormones injected in our meat and dairy! Wake up people!!!
Mmmm, Honey – is that a quality Krasdale smoked ham I smell?????!!!!! is it our anniversary or am I in god-damn heaven??????!!!!!!!
I’ve enjoyed doing some shopping at Associated; for supermarket essentials, they’re not so bad, and the staff has been friendly. It will be interesting to see how they compete with each other.
*Squirts is in no way affiliated with or employed by C-Town.
As long as it has the word ‘town’ in it, it’s fine.
a sit down cafe for hipsters to frolic amidst some food shopping. That is HILARIOUS. You wanna sit down and sip some moca go to starbucks where you monsters hog up the place for hours on end. What I don’t get is why remove a perfectly fine and functioning supermarket for another one.
You guys hear about that homeless person who went around stabbing people on the upper west side? think of that when you pass Squirts the Change Bum or give him money or coffee from your restaurant.
Julia F., stop and shop wouldn’t worry much about this supermarket, and honestly I am not sure what part of Stop and Shop is overpriced? Maybe groceries? Possibly, but for that you got the street vendors or the korean markets, they sell at much more reasonable prices compared to Associated, Food Dynasty, or the one on 43rd ave.
Actually this supermarket does not look that bad, I was expecting super ghetto 5 year ago’s Associated sort of place, but it looks good, they really need a good sit down/cafe style section, this was supposed to happen to Food Dynasty but it never happened. Associated prices are really crazy.
no machines for the people pushing the mountains of cans around. good, keep em over at associated.
I was on 62nd for 5 years, what spot did this C-Town take? Paint place? Maybe one of the furniture stores?
The opening will be broadcast on C-Span.
I peeked inside and saw them training Squirts on the register. Now he’ll be giving change.
” This is fantastic news for this part of our town… the only thing mising is a parking lot…. but for our consumes a great new place to shope and save mney and feed and take care of our fmaiies… and eimplaoy our town folk…. great job of resproting as well…. this site is great for all the news and ads that reallly look great and save us money as well…. horray for the sunnyside post…
I think we should focus on doing something about Squirts, instead of getting excited about new grocery stores.
I’ll be there!
I’m really glad to hear this. Stop and Shop needs competition, their prices are ridiculous.
There’s also a new C-Town on 65th St. and Roosevelt Ave. in Woodside, which opened last week (a block from where an Associated is planned).
Shopped at C Town when it was on Skillman several years ago and was happy with the service and food. I’m hoping this one will be as good as I am tired of dragging my groceries from a store blocks away where items I like are not available and prices are higher. Liked Foodtown and miss it. Good luck to the new store.