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Business Cards to Pimp Prostitutes to be Outlawed

Daily News

They’re called “Chica Chica” cards – and they’re flooding Corona and Jackson Heights, Queens.(Note: they are also in Sunnyside/Woodside)

They look like baseball cards. But instead of featuring A-Rod or Derek Jeter, they have graphic pictures of naked or half-naked women – with a phone number offering free delivery.

They’re really the business cards of prostitutes and pimps who operate along a stretch of Roosevelt Ave. in Queens – and a move is afoot to make them illegal.

Queens Democratic Sen. Jose Peralta wants to make it a crime to distribute the raunchy cards. He and his Assembly counterpart Francisco Moyo have introduced a bill making distribution of the cards a misdemeanor, categorizing them as obscene material.

“Is this going to eliminate prostitution? It’s not,” Peralta said. “It’s the first step toward improving the quality of life on Roosevelt Ave.”

The lawmakers say that on a nighttime walk down Roosevelt Ave., there will be men uttering the words, “chicas, chicas,” which means “girls, girls” – and they’ll thrust forward one of the cards.

Residents are fed up.

“It’s infuriating,” said Nuala O’Doherty, a 42-year-old mother of three who lives near Roosevelt Ave. “They’re all over the streets in the morning. You can’t get rid of them.”

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Once a residence

Grew up in a residential house on Roosevelt Avenue (1970). The area was once all residential and envied as a safe community. Came back (this year) for a short visit and was shocked to see how the area has changed because of the re-zoning. The area and its people have completely deteriorated and I nominate it for the first location to get hit in the event of a nuclear holocaust.


I’d bet the cops don’t do anything because they’re the prostitutes’ best customers! I’ve seen them at night slapping hands with the ne’er-do-wells at Studio 46. That’s probably why they don’t do anything about the noise, fights, and other nonsense coming out of that place.


Sunnysider, Van Bramer’s office knows about it. His people go to the 108th Precinct/Council meeting. Apparently, it is legal to hand out these come-on cards as it is a “freedom of speech issue”. However, I wonder why the 108th doesn’t do a sting operation and phone the numbers on the cards and make arrests. They are obviously prostitution rings. Yes, we could get NY1 involved – they have done stories in Sunnyside/Woodside. Stay tuned. What bothers me is that when you first tell the 108th about this stuff they seem unconcerned although, for all we know, they may be planning something. They don’t tell the public about everything they are doing but I am being an optimist!


Raquel how about we talk to brammers office about a protest or call up ny1 and tell them what is going on here and bring the media to our town and spread the word. Or call the herald and ask about a story with studio 46 maybe once our town knows what is going on people will stop going in there and we wil put them out of busness

Long time resident

Somewhat amusingly, another website noted that a Victoria’s secret model was being used on at least one of these cards.


Many years ago people in Forest Hills shut down a strip club on Austin Street. They demonstrated night and day in front of the place and must have gotten the community board involved. We could do the same. And yes, one of Charlie Sheen’s girlfriends was involved.


David, the “bad side” of Sunnyside has a way of traveling. Criminals move with their feet. This is what I have been saying on this web site and have been attacked for it. There are beautiful homes on 50th Avenue and even near Greenpoint Avenue. But the criminal element is there and it is on the northside of Queens Boulevard also. I have seen them in action. Do I think something can be done? YES! I am on the top floor of a building and I can hear the fights when the bars close and have seen fights.


glad i moved to new jersey a couple of years ago. to read what has become of a neighborhood i grew up in…. how sad.


I know several people have complained to the precinct and 311 and even heard that people complained to the local politicians about Studio 46 all to no avail.

A few nights ago at around 4am there were dozens of people outside screaming and making a lot of commotion waking up the neighbors. Some sort of fight or something was going on. Suddenly sirens were heard and nearly everyone scattered and the bar slammed it’s doors shut and turned off the light. Then about 8 police cars showed up and looked around but seeing nothing drove off.

The glory of living on the bad side of Sunnyside.


All you wonderful carring people, how about organizing a demostration in front of cafe 46 for the sake of our chidren and peace in our town. Or c all up our coucilman and have him orgaznizze a protest by that store we need to do something we have rights to. Why do we have to live this way. We do not want a police state put pepole no longer have respect like they did years ago. It is a shame we cannot live a normal life withouit someone not caring anymore. Our quality of life has sure changed for the worse around here. HOW SAD!!!!


This is the result of quality of life issues not being considered serious enough to enforce. On November 3, 2010 this site listed the problem of cafe 46 using scantily clad women on fliers for their hookah club. As I listed my experience then, the police never could have bothered to look and make the statement that I received from 311. I thought the sanitation dept. could issue summonses to the addressee but that doesn’t seem to be done either.


If the police did an investigation, it would give new meaning to “under the covers” investigation”. But seriously, if they phoned the numbers and made “dates” they might be able to make arrests. They should go after the pimps also.


ironcially i was handed one of these cards Sunday just after reading the DN article. I dont know why the DA doesn’t just go after the person running this operation, given that there is a number to call.

this type of crap really brings the neighborhood down, as does some of the other nonsense that goes on in broad day light.

last week I encountered a guy urinating on the trailer parked in front of the apt bldg across from the post office. 5 p.m, people all around, but he couldnt care less. He then tried to enter our bldg and told me his cousin lives there. I asked him to keep refrain from exposing himself to me next time and to wait to use his cousin’s bathroom. He didnt understand why someone would take issue with his actions.


I have friends who live in Jackson Heights but far from Roosevelt Avenue. At night Roosevelt is a zoo. I am sure that that precinct knows about it. I have friends who have visited there and walked around and have been shocked but what they have seen. And the deeper into Jackson Heights you go – 90th Street and above – the worse it gets. We are having these problems also and the people who want to ignore it can do so at their own risk. Remember: crime travels.


Why cannot we arrest people who give out these cards. this practice has been going on for years. Why do we allow so much to go wrong for so long before we react to it and make it illegal to do it. The poeple know it is wrong to hand out these cards so arrest them. end of problem.


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