Sunnyside Gardens District
April 22, 2012 By Christian Murray
The Sunnyside Gardens crime wave continued Friday with a burglary on 39th Ave (49th Street)
The police said that the perpetrator(s) broke into the house and made off with electronic items. A police report was filed on Friday, April 20, at noon.
This burglary is just one of a series of incidents that has plagued the Gardens in recent times. In early March, there were two break-ins on 47th Street (between Skillman Ave. and 39th Ave) in one evening. In one case, the burglar opened a ground-floor back window, while the family slept upstairs and fled with property. The other incident took place a few doors down the street around the same time.
Kim Brown, a Sunnyside Gardens resident, said Sunday that some residents have recently bought home alarms or are in the process of buying them. She said that she spoke to an ADT alarm salesman who was canvassing the neighborhood.
The burglaries come at a time when Gardens residents are already on the look out for a groper who attacked a woman on 46th Street two weeks ago, and for criminals who have been stealing car tires.
To ” anonymous ” since when does somebody breaking into your house become ” a simple burglary”??? Hope it never happens to u r u mite not take it so lightly. Cops got to step up to the plate and do something about this immediately. Tired of listening to them telling us how safe we are in this neigherhood and in the meantime crime s rising and rising. If I caught someone breaking into my apt Id try to put a knife in there heart and suffer the consequences later ( I don’t hav a gun)
Remember that Connecticut man who was brutally beaten and his wife and daughter raped and set on fire to die by home invaders? The cops couldn’t save them, nor could a security camera. A shotgun in his hands would have. It certainly wouldn’t have made things worse.
Anyway, if average citizens can’t be trusted with guns, why should cops? They’ve blown away a fair few innocent people. So has our military. Why aren’t they all being disarmed?
It’s absurd how out of control the crime is getting in that area. What’s the 108 doing about it? It’s not that easy to obtain a license for a gun. And I think that recent news headlines will tell you that’s not always the best route to take. Even if you’re protecting yourself during a home invasion and shoot someone dead you’ll be the one doing time at the end of it all. Pepper spray them and call the cops.
Please, don’t add murder to the list of crimes common to this area. How about getting alarms, lights, security guards or dogs first. Why go to a lethal response when something less will do? Don’t let anger control your mind.
Raquel, I agree. Someone knows the areas very, very well and is informing others when to hit houses and steal rims. Unreal. To the homeowners: it is easier to get a shotgun or rifle than a gun.
As a crime victim myself, I sympathize. And good luck getting the 108th to do anything besides take a report. I maintain that some of these crimes are being done by locals.
“…some residents have recently bought home alarms or are in the process of buying them.”
Buy guns too.”
Newsflash: gun owners are *far*more likely to end up being shot than non gun owners.
“Overall, Branas’s study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.”
I say, why turn simple burglary into a pile of corpses?
Why do we have to protect ourselves with guns or alarms? Will government pay for the expense? Why are we paying higher and higher taxes every year? Precinct is SLEEPING
“…some residents have recently bought home alarms or are in the process of buying them.”
Buy guns too.