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Brothers Who ‘Bought’ Woman for $200 and Kept Her in Woodside Hotel for Sex Get up to Nine Years in Prison


Jan. 28, 2016 By Christian Murray

Two brothers who pleaded guilty to felony charges in a case where a 25-year-old woman was “bought” for $200 and then held against her will for a week while she was forced to have sex were sentenced today.

Evan Hernandez, 25, from Corona, was sentenced to between 4 1/2 and nine years prison after pleading guilty to charges of sex trafficking.

Hernandez met the victim in April 2014 after being introduced to him by a woman at the Queens Motor Inn, located at 64-11 Queens Boulevard. When the woman who made the introduction had left, Hernandez told the victim at gunpoint that she had been sold to him for $200 and that she needed to work for him as a prostitute to repay the debt, according to the criminal charges.

Hernandez called his brother Richard Hernandez, 27, to the motor inn to watch the victim and not to let her leave. On that day, both brothers forced the victim to have sexual intercourse with them while Evan Hernandez held a gun to her head and also forced her to perform oral sex on him, according to the charges.

On two other occasions, the victim was forced to have sexual intercourse with Richard Hernandez at the Queens Motor Inn.

Additionally, it was charged that the two brothers kept the victim inside the motor inn between April 16-21, 2014, and forced her to have sexual intercourse with numerous men in exchange for cash, all of which she was required to turn over to Evan and Richard Hernandez.

During this time, Evan Hernandez threatened the victim, stating that he was her pimp and that he would kill her at any time if she did not obey him, according to the charges.

He also slapped and punched the victim and put his gun against her numerous times, stating that she was not free to leave and that she had to make more money by prostituting. At one point, Evan Hernandez took the victim’s phone and posted pictures of her on and arranged prostitution dates for her at the motor inn.

On April 21, 2014, the victim managed to call her mother from a client’s phone and her mother, in turn, called 911 and alerted the police to the victim’s location.

Richard Hernandez, 27, of Brooklyn, was sentenced to between three years and six years in prison on charges of second-degree promoting prostitution.

“This case makes it abundantly clear that prostitution is not a victimless crime but a terrifying and despicable offense against society – and the young women that it enslaves,” said Queens District Attorney Richard A Brown. “The sentences imposed by the court punish both defendants for their actions and send a clear message that crimes such as these will not be tolerated in Queens County,”

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The girl this happened to

This is the first time I’m seeing this article because it wasn’t posted anywhere outside of new York

The girl this happened to

To all the people putting their opinion into this. Try living it. I’m the girl this happened to. And I was tricked by a girl who was traveling through my home state (utah) to come back with her. Being handcuffed the whole time that sure says I’m willing right? I NEVER saw a dime from this horrendous time in my life. So I would love to love to know how any of this is my fault. I wish this article didn’t leave out so much. And the sentencing Evan and Richard got is pathetic.

The girl this happened to

Yes please tell me how this was my fault you piece of shit. Explain your reasoning at least.

The girl this happened to

I don’t owe you any explanation but I was going to school and working at a bank and had an apartment on my own my whole life ahead of me. I WAS taking care of myself. I got tricked by a girl when I was in a vulnerable state after being severely beaten by my ex then she kicked me while I was down and took advantage so how was it not taking care of myself. Wait till your in the same horrible situation I was in and you try to find a way out


Oh my whsts such a horrible thing you went threw. Sorry to hear that .wow . if i was you trust no one


Ive heard of battered women who’ve served more time in prison for defending themselves and/or their kids get charged with over 20-30 years yet these satans get away with a mere 3-5 year’s? What is wrong with the DA??


So the queens district attorney wants to call rape, a “victimless ” prostitution instead of kidnapping/rape/torture just because they claimed they”purchased” her. Any investigation on who originally kidnapped her? The involved criminals should be charged with kidnapping/rape of this woman, All of the men, including those men who had knowledge of this going on. Sex trafficking is such a heinous crime, mostly affecting children so this sentence should be stricter.


exactly and find out who else is involved, including those men that raped her. People are not being held accountable at all.


Partially her fault?! Please explain to me how someone I grew up with deserved this?!!!! She was kept for 3 months, not 1 week! This article barely skins the surface of a story I don’t even know that well. But I know more than this article leads on


This Judge is a disgrace!!! 9 years???
Should be no less than life WITHOUT parole!!!!
At least give them max for rape and kidnapping.

Mike K

Seriously? 9 years? THROW THE BOOK AT THESE POS. Their basically going to mark their calanders for the day they get released for revenge and that poor girl is going to be in constant fear of being taken again and possibly murdered… Sad world we live in

NYC III Percent

these 2 alter boys are from the beautiful neighborhood of corona. Oh wait. Illegal alien scum in a sanctuary city.


She is not a prostitute. The brothers are depraved criminals and should be in prison much, much longer than they were sentenced for. DA Brown, charge them with the bigger crimes they are guilty of. And the motel should be shut down for allowing such horrors to occur.

Claude Valentine

@trumpForPres You must be a proud Native American since you are non of your ancestors migrated to this country if not then you are making a very broad racial remark about immigrants. But I do agree a tougher sentence should be imposed on people whom do such horrible crimes like this one to other humans. God Bless let’s keep the Racial and prejudice comments to a nil


Tbh yall just shitting on him cus his name is trump for pres, lmao get over youself. He said nothing wrong or out of line.

Claude Valentine

“This is what I mean these countries don’t send any of their best people to this country” idk about you but that is not necessary. It doesn’t matter what country they are from nor religion. It’s another human depriving another to live freely in “the pursuit of happiness”.

Grim Reaper

Hopefully they kept her in a room in the front of the motel so at least she could see all the cyclists using their new bike lane from her window…


They should of got longer the sentences were not hard enough with good behavior they will get out even earlier shits a joke meanwhile some one with an once of pot gets double the sentence and scrutiny. Smh this world is too fucked up

Trump for Pres

Absolute savages. This is what I mean these countries don’t send any of the best people to this country. They deserve the death penalty. It’s cheaper and sends a bigger message to the other pieces of garbage thinking about doing it somewhere else.


No comment about the light, almost joke of a sentence to these men. No you’d rather just take this as an opportunity to spout of some racist bullshit. You sir are a pile of human garbage. So is your candidate.


How are these dickwads not being charged with rape and kidnapping?????? Can you imagine these guys back on the streets in 5-9 years???


They were actially just charged with 3-5 years, and took them TWO years to give a sentence. Crazyyy, im convinced this is a conspiracy.

Bulimic Panda

I do not believe what prostitutes say because they frequently lie to me. She may be playing victim and these fine men are unjustly caged.

Kim P.

How could you say something so stupid??! Obviously there is evidence that this woman is indeed a VICTIM!

Bulimic Panda

I respectfully disagree. She obviously is a promiscuous woman that enjoyed bad company. I hope she goes to church soon.


Shut your fat troll mouth and hope this kind of thing doesnt happen to my worst enemy. What is WRONG with humanity? You dont have to be a women or a rape victim to know this is disgusting.


You’re the kind of person that blames a rape victim on her clothing or where she was, aren’t you?


Bulimic Panda? I could say so much shit right now about you with simply reading your name but I won’t, let me just say one thing, put yourself in her shoes.


No, Im surprised how you made it this far in life brother. You need to reevaluate you WHOLE life, morals highly included


I hope you are a woman and this happen to you, to see if she was playing a victim or not and if you are a man, that this happen to a family of your to see how you will feel. its a disgrace what these Queens DA did.


There’s no way you actually believe that. You are just pretending.. Even if you thought, she was “playing victim”, there’s no way you would call the brothers “fine men”… You get a rush, when you see people reply to your post… Getting one, right now.


Completely disgraceful!!!! This woman was raped repeatedly. Not even a sexual assault charge for either of these disgusting animals?! Something is very wrong with our justice system.

Elmhurst neighbor

I thought the same thing, less than 10 years for trafficking ,abduction, rape. Wow… they should be there for life..


Im disgusted with this heinous crime but even more disgusted at this sentencing, really? jad they gottwn.away, she couldve been tortured there for god knows how much longer and even dead. Also HOW THE FUCK does.the queens district attorney not know the difference between rape and prostitution? Using these two interchangeably, makes me not only question his position in this district but his intelligence…

Amanda Lefer

Forcing a victim to have sexual intercourse is RAPE. This is not about prostitution and the fact that it is referred to as such throughout this article is a very real issue we have calling this crime what it is. This is kidnaping, human trafficking, rape, assault. This woman was not a prostitute. She is a rape victim and if we don’t start changing our language about this rape culture will keep growing.


This is absolutely ABSURD! Only UP to 9 years? Think.of the whole precedent this sets for scums out there, especially the people who kidnapped her as well. This violates a persons basic human right in everyway. Think of the torture she endured, and the psychological distress she will have to face. Not to mention, worry about these less than human criminals once they get out of jail in less than 9 years.


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