Elisaul Perez, 33, has pleaded guilty to manslaughter for beating 62-year-old Guiying Ma to death with a rock in North Corona last year (Photo: NYPD and GoFundMe)
Dec. 8, 2022 By Christian Murray
A Brooklyn man who fatally struck a 62-year-old Asian American woman over the head with a rock in North Corona last year has pleaded guilty to manslaughter and is likely to be sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Elisaul Perez, 33, pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the first degree pertaining to the vicious attack of Guiying Ma at around 8 a.m. on Nov. 26, 2021, according to the Queens District Attorney’s Office. Perez struck Ma in the head with a large rock while she was sweeping the sidewalk in front of a friend’s home on 38th Avenue—near 97th Street.
Ma was placed in a medically induced coma at Elmhurst Hospital after the attack but succumbed to her injuries on Feb. 22.
Queens Supreme Court Justice Michael Yavinsky indicated that he would sentence Perez on Jan. 10 to a determinate term of 20 years in prison to be followed by five years post-release supervision.
“Her family, friends and neighbors still mourn the loss of Guiying Ma, whose life was senselessly taken last year in this brutal attack,” said Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz. “The defendant will now be held to account for an unprovoked attack that robbed a family of their loved one. The lengthy sentence to be imposed by the court is fully justified.”

Guiying Ma pictured before the brutal Nov. 26, 2021 attack (GoFundMe)
According to the charges, Ma was observed sweeping the sidewalk, when Perez picked up a large rock and struck Ma in the head. After Ma fell to the ground, Perez struck her in the head with the rock a second time. The incident was caught on surveillance video.
Ma was taken to Elmhurst Hospital where she underwent emergency surgery for severe head trauma and brain injuries. After a three-month hospitalization, she died from complications from her injuries.
In the immediate aftermath of the incident, many local leaders denounced the brutal attack as being racially motivated. For instance, Congress Member Grace Meng, Assembly Member Ed Braunstein, State Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky, former Councilmember Peter Koo and then Council Member-elect Sandra Ung spoke at a rally in Flushing on Dec.1 to draw attention to Asian hate. The rally was prompted by this case.
Perez, however, was not charged with a hate crime, following an investigation by the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force.
20 Years is a joke and outrageously lenient. Should have been 25 to life or flat out life for first degree manslaugghter in NY. Should have had aggravating factor of bias applied. Judge should be ashamed and challenged in next election
We know you are related to the killer or are the killer. You don’t fool anyone here.
It’s just Tiffany Caban and her friends. Nothing to see here.
I would not put it past them to be honest. Tiffany Caban is an enabler to people who commit these crimes.
Juan Ardila must be disappointed in that lengthy prison sentence.
And this is why mayor Adams needs to hospitalize mentally ill people involuntarily. Oppression, systematic racism and mental illness is sometimes the root causes of these crimes. Its a cry for help.
Seems like the root cause was that Mr. Perez didn’t like the slant in her eyes and thought a rock could correct that.
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
Sometimes the oppressed turns into the oppressor in order to survive. Its based on yrs of systematic racism racial injustices and lack of opportunities for people of color in the USA.
I was dumped on so by rights I can dump on you!!! Childish . Grow up.
he killed her, he only gets 20 years, what?? unbelievable
You expecting something different???
We seriously need to bring back the chair.
20 yrs is a long time. A day in prison feels like a month.
Gia – 20 years is the max. incarcerated individuals, except those serving Life sentences, have a conditional release date equal to either one-third (1/3) off their maximum sentence for indeterminate sentences and one-seventh (1/7) off their maximum sentence for determinate sentences. We will be hearing from this coward again.
Height of covid, ignorant Mexican… and no hate crime charge. Must be great to be black or brown. Can’t prosecute to the fullest extent. Too bad the perp didn’t suffer the same fate as the cretin who beat the two elderly Sikh men over the summer.
Spot on
It was a random attack. And the victim was not over 65 to be considered an senior citizen.
Where it Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez???? Still thinking off…
Rikers Island???
What a peice of garbage ?. Go to prison you mutt
The mutt should get the chair. Or a rock to the head until he joins his victim(s).
No three hots and a cot for him. It anyone else like him for that matter.
… beaner.
Couldn’t have been said any better.
What was the motive if not hate?
Maybe weed. My friend is a nurse and she tells me hospital beds are filling up in the ER with people exhibiting psychotic symptoms after smoking weed.
Laura – I’m a nurse in one of the largest hospitals in NYC and flat out tell you your comment is misinformation and untrue.
Laura- It’s still illegal for teens to buy marijuana. Planting seeds of misinformation.
Your worried about pot?
How hard did you hit your head when you fell off the turnip truck?
Parents who have children who do drugs probably do drugs themselves. And I really don’t think the random sellers on the streets in Manhattan card whomever stops by to buy the now legal substance.
They should never let this animal out. Animal is 33 and will probably be let out in 15 years which would make him 48. Coming soon to a homeless shelter near you. If that was your mom would you feel justice was served?
Not manslaughter, murder one!!!
No one decides to just hurt someone with a rock to the skull (over and over again, mind you)! They’re doing it to kill. Purposely.
Hate crimes should always be murder one.