Skillman Avenue (btwm. 40th and 41st)
July 24, 2014 Staff Report
The tire and rim thieves are back.
This car was spotted on Skillman Avenue (btw. 40th and 41st Streets) this morning with its tires and rims missing.
The owner of the vehicle, pictured, came out to move his vehicle–due to alternate side parking– only to find it on blocks. He had parked his car at that location last night.
To reduce the chances of being targeted by thieves, the police recommend that residents cut their front wheels toward the curb when they park.
Go to the auto parts store and buy a set of wheel locks. (1 lock for each tire/wheel) If you have really great wheels buy 2 sets (2 locks on each wheel)
A simple but efficient deterrent.
@skooh you make no sense. It’s not like police are monitoring the park instead of the streets. They aren’t doing either. Get one patrol car to drive around the neighborhood at night, and voila, it scares off the tire thieves as well as the park screamers.
Why landlords? They’re more interested in their building and their property, not what’s going on in the street. Thieves have been roaming our world since Biblical times and we already spend a fortune on preventing theft. We should eliminate free parking and use the revenue to monitor the parking spots- there are way too many cars around for our police to worry about. I prefer that they patrol and protect the citizens and not be guarding their property. Remember, most people living in Sunnyside do NOT have a car.
I am with Zeek, more and more landlords need to get into camera game, but even with that do you actually thing they will rewind and watch their tapes to see if they can spot dudes with rims? They probably park next the car, less than a minute job, use power tools and be gone real fast.
There are also many cameras on almost all blocks where those big buildings owned by certain group of people, but sadly the cameras are watching the buildings only and not meant to be a neighborhood watch, they just want to check who is going in/out, make sure nobody climbs fire escape or tries to get into basement, or mostly monitor move-in/out, nothing else.
Anyone who has an expensive car and parks it on the street deserves this…….Either pay for a garage space or rent in a 2 family house with off street parking….
maybe this video will answer the question
Zeek, you wouldn’t have lasted a week in the 80′s and you’re obviously not a real NY’er. this is NYC and will NEVER be a decent and nice place to live. just because you jack up prices on 100 year old junk apts doesn’t mean its not a chithole. tying a pink bow on a pile of chit doesn’t make it less chitty. this is the city of criminals, thieves, and con artists. normal people have no place here. get over it.
We need the Tall Man and his floating spheres to patrol the streets
Also, too bad because I see via google map that the korean church it is parked in front of actually does have a security camera, but it’s facing the other way towards the entrance of their church. This car was parked right underneath the camera.
Cutting front tires to the sidewalk they will probably slash the tires instead and take the rear tires… Wheel locks is preventative step and you stand a higher chance that they will skip over you, though they may break it anyway if they really want your tires. Plus not a lot of “regular” people know about wheel locks. Perhaps they should require all cars to have wheel locks (just a thought lol). But something needs to be done to catch these people. This spot is right next to the park in front of the apartments. Surprised no one in the apts heard anything.
Let’s force landlords and homeowners to put up cameras, we need to help each other because the 108th can’t
Suicides, 28 homes burglarized in less than a year, men killed with nobody in jail, many cars getting parts stolen from them – including mine, idiots taking up 2 parking spots, dog poop on every other square of concrete (yuck) ….. And you think Sunnyside is a good place to live….
Everything is masked by the cops so that real estate and rents can go up !
PROVE ME WRONG 108pct. ….
108pct told me if that if I didn’t see anyone steal the parts off my car, then they can’t make a police report.
But if I did see them – then I would be in jail – is that fair ?
I think the councilman lives on this block right?
Wow, Sunnyside sucks a saggy ball sac lately. Get locks!!! Cheapest way to save your rims.
PS: Don’t feed the bums, they’re multiplying.
That guy has NJ tags.
wheels are off, good time to do a full brake job. seriously.
Again !!! ever heard of wheel locks??? musta been a nice set of wheels — what no police or traffic vultures? hurts a lot when this happens, and it happens too frequently.
They’re making cops look like a joke..
Yearly event.
Sunnyside..is so hot right now…so hot.
When people complain about barking dogs at the dog run and people on the benches in the park, this is the result of your quiet utopia. Don’t just expect off duty cops who live in this area to care. They have to deal with real crimes. Like murders. Not shushing teens enjoying a summer nite.
Awesome pun! @stopnshop
Wheely uncool
I recommend a better anti theft device and wheel locks. The correct wheel licks will prevent the problem
Police: Sorry guys, we got more important issues like catching the terrorists who put a white flag on top of one of the most important landmarks in the city without us noticing it on hundreds of cameras we have. So you have a $1000+ loss? Too bad.. We cannot catch them so your best bet is to turn your wheels so they only steal your rear wheels. Because it is impossible for them to steal the wheels when they are turned like that.
The worst thing is this guy was probably or will probably be ticketed and he will have to fight that.
Guys, just buy wheel locks, they are cheap and effective. If you want to make it even harder just buy 2 sets and put two on each wheel. They really help. They are not impossible to break but they need to a lot of work to fit their irons on those locks. I feel very sorry for this guy, but I hope his insurance pays for this and then goes after cops for not doing anything in this area after insurance keeps paying so much money. I guess that’s the only way cops will do anything about these.