Photo: QueensPost
Feb. 16, 2012 Staff Report
Guard your wheels.
There have been three incidents throughout the area where car owners have discovered their vehicles without rims and wheels.
The latest incident (see photo) occurred on 47th St and 39th Ave in Sunnyside Gardens on Feb. 15, 2012.
Captain Donald Powers, who spoke at a community outreach meeting in Woodside on Wednesday, provided residents with some advice as to how to deter these thieves. He said residents should cut their front wheels toward the curb when parked.
I would sure like to know where certain kids were when this happened – I will bet they know who did it.
@velociraptor: No need to state the obvious. LOL.
I’m told the toughest part is lifting the car. People who know what they are doing can remove the tires in minutes.
The 108th did “Community outreach” – covering our asses because we cannot solve many crimes.
the truth hurts
Shhh! Mike Novak will call you a hater.
Won’t wheel locks help? Duh!!!
well, if we would be smart and stop letting {sanitized for your protection by sunnysidepost.com} into this country we could bring down crime at least 30%!!!!!!
I drive a 16 year old Honda. It’s been broken into three times. The first time the thief stole the glove compartment, my cup holder and the rear seat ashtray. I thought that surreal. The second time the thief was trying to steal it but only managed to mangle my steering column. The third time it was stolen and recovered a few days later in the Bronx. Sadly it’s the price paid for having property in NYC.
Oh yes: Sunnyside Gardens has a crime and quality of life problem! Between the druggy low lives, Iphone thieves,, burglars and now this, what can I say?
People work hard, they want to reward themselves with a nice car, nice phone etc. but no, you cant because some low life wants to rob you. Seriously where are you going to park your car besides the street in sunnyside? For those who admire how they balanced a car on cinder blocks…would you be admiring them so much if it was your car? As far as hipsters go they should get their bike tires stolen for not obeying tradfic laws when they’re riding them.
Rikki – you must have grown up in surburbia with your garages & driveways and then moved to Sunnyside cause u couldnt afford Manhattan DUH?????????? how many garages do you seen in the neighborhood? Now its the car owners fault??? You sound like a real idiot!
The Honda above is not a nice car, it is an average car that 80% of people own. Do we have to drive a 20 year old beat up car so that our wheels wont get stolen? Let ‘s get real now.
…and we should be impressed by Son of Sams Marksmanship as well.
That’s crazy. These guys balanced a car on one cinder block and got all four tires off. I recently changed a flat tire on my car not to far away from there and it took me an hour. As much as I am disgusted at this, I’m still a little impressed by the skill.
Is this the work of the same punks Raquel raves about?
Bastards. On the other hand, how nice could this vehicle’s wheels be? I really wonder what they looked like before they were stolen. And I must admire the balance job they did with that single cinder-block.
Hoping Rikki is being sarcastic. But if not, perhaps a friend with a nice car comes to visit you. Where should he park? How many in Sunnyside have multiple-car garages? So it’s the victim’s fault for having a decent car?
Agree with the poster on another thread who said he hopes the hipsters (but I’d leave them off it and just say “idiots”) who long for the gritty days of the 70s and 80s are happy now. It’s all fun and games until it’s your car or you’re in the bank when it’s robbed.
Well like geez why do you people buy such nice cars and then park them in the streets? A lack of common sense here.
Last week while at Lou Lodati Park on Skillman I saw a car on cement blocks with all tires gone. Brazen thieves.
For all you young hipsters nostalgic for the grittier, edgier, scarier NYC of the 70’s and 80’s, your wish might be coming true.