March 25, 2012 Staff Report
A Woodside man was found dead at Calvary Cemetery Sunday morning, according to the police.
A mourner who was paying his respects to a loved one discovered the man. According to the New York Post, the deceased was lying near a headstone with his pants around his ankles. A cowbell was located nearby.
The police identified the dead man as Robert Zaretz, a 42-year-old, of 41-15 50th Ave. The police are investigating the incident and said the medical examiner will be conducting a autopsy. No visible signs of trauma were found.
I’ve Known Robert “ZAZ” Zaretz for the last 25 years and HE WASN’T GAY-BI SEXUAL. I still can’t believe that, unfortunately, that he is no longer with us. So To You ZAZ, We will all miss you more than one persons mind could imagine and/or understand. We Love You and May You Rest In Heaven and We all will be up there someday and we will see you then. CHAO.. ZAZ was one FUNNY Guy. As I’ve said B4, There was never a dull Moment when ZAZ was around. You will be missed. So save the LAUGHTER, until I’m up there with YOU!!! GOD BLESS YOU.
Family, Child, Friends—I’m Sorry for the Loss of a Great Person.
PS I’d also expect NYPD personnel to keep their mouths shut about what was found at the scene unless necessary to, for example, identify a person’s remains. Which wasn’t necessary in this case.
Has any one heard the coroners cause of death report?
Webley said:
“Susan while you are right, I am sure they can distinguish the difference between a cowbell that has been there for a long time and the one that has just been placed, or moved around, etc.. You do not expect them to say “there were a lot of leaves, dirt, small rocks, and a few headstones near the deceased” Obviously, cowbell has no business in the cemetery, so they just mention it.
But a lot of people are curious about this case..”
Yes, they can distinguish the difference between an object that’s been there and one that had just been placed at the scene. No, I do not expect them to report that there were leaves, etc., in the area.
But, what I do expect them to do is say NOTHING to the press about what was found near the body. NOTHING. I expect the press, if it gets a juicy tidbit, to consider whether it really aids in the resolution of the case. I’d have no objection to such facts being reported after it was determined what caused the man’s death.
Live in the same building and would always bump into him.. Always asked me how I was doing and really just about his business. It’s really sad that this happened to him. And I’ve read articles and comments that were both unprofessional and really insensitive. Let me not forget distasteful. Rip man.. And my Condolonces to his family and friends
Sucks. Was a cool dude
Ok one it wasn’t a cow bell ppl are f**king stupid and have no idea what they are talking about the newspapers didn’t put not one thing write out there’d to read and this is highly offense to the families.people should not just assume these things are true!!
Robert was a family member of mine and to see someone write untrue hurtful things is a disgrace… Know your facts before you write and sound like a moron… I’ve know Robert for 30 years (my whole life)…..
Prayers for the dead man. This is not “CSI” – this is real life and sometimes the clues are not so easy to figure out. The truth is out there!
Susan while you are right, I am sure they can distinguish the difference between a cowbell that has been there for a long time and the one that has just been placed, or moved around, etc.. You do not expect them to say “there were a lot of leaves, dirt, small rocks, and a few headstones near the deceased” Obviously, cowbell has no business in the cemetery, so they just mention it.
But a lot of people are curious about this case..
Interesting how there’s a big interest in the cowbell. It’s possible it was there already and not at all connected. And why is the NY Post releasing that information? If there was a crime, shouldn’t details be limited so as to aid in the investigation? I don’t know, I’ve just seen a lot of “Law & Order” but sometimes that’s how they catch a criminal, when he blabs about a detail only the killer could have known.
I hope they get the case solved so the man’s family and friends can get some answers. RIP, Mr. Zaretz.
Anybody anyway dying is sad we all have families n only live once! RIP god bless your family we will all meet again in a better place
I agree with whoever commented above:
Was the pants around his ankles ever explained? What is with the cowbells?
I hope they investigated the area before contaminating it like the way NYPD usually does. With a place like that, it should be very easy to find some clues, who has been there, what path did he take, how long he stayed there, (on foot) etc..
Let’s wait for the examiner’s report, i hope they don’t leave this open ended, and revisit to tell us what the heck happened. I watch morning news, and they never go back and “remember that dude, yeah, he had an heart attack trying to take a crap, and he wasnt taking a shortcut he just had to go really bad, it wasn’t gay sex”. Something like that .. remember the dude who died taking a crap in sopranos
Know the facts…
I know people who have had heart attacks but their pants stayed on. Something unusual happened here.
The cowbell is the MacGuffin.
Great Guy. Knew him in S.I. Sorry to hear this sad news. RIP Robert. Bless your family.
So sorry for the sudden loss. My condolences to all who loved him.
Condolences to the family.
R.I.P Zaz… you will be missed 🙁
Was the pants around his ankles ever explained? What is with the cowbells?
If his death is attributable to a heart attack, it’s very sad that he choose a relatively desolate place on his journey and likely passed away because no one was around to hep. So young and with a wife. RIP.
Apologies for first comment. It was stupid and crass.
Calvary is the only place in the neighborhood where you can walk around among greenery and have a bit of quiet.
get your facts straight , maybe u have gay sex in cemeterys but this poor guy was on his way home cutting threw there and had a heart attack hope you have a nice day jerk
What in that four-sentence article made you jump to the conclusion that Calvary has become a gay cruising ground? Maybe it would be nicer to focus on the fact that a man died.
Your comment: yuck.
Know the facts b4 leaving comments…dude was cool and not gay.
Has Calvary become a gay cruising ground? Yuck.