July 15, 2012 Staff Report
A hardcore group of motivated Woodside residents descended upon 61st Street and Roosevelt Ave. to take part in a summer cleanup.
The event, organized by councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, started at noon and went through until 3pm. Despite the sticky weather, the event drew a crowd of 50 hardy volunteers.
The volunteers were split into five groups by Joe Kenton, Van Bramer’s chief of staff. Each group had a designated area to clean and was supplied with garbage bags, brooms, gloves—and plenty of refreshments. The target areas were Windmuller Park, Roosevelt Ave, Woodside Ave, Hicks Drive, and around the Long Island Rail Road station.
“The Department of Transportation cleans up the streets but we feel as though we need to clean them even more,” Van Bramer said. “It feels good doing it and it adds to the quality of life.”
Congressman Joe Crowley, State Senator Mike Gianaris, and Adrian Bordoni, the executive director of Woodside on the Move, were also there to lend a hand.