Photo: QueensPost
June 6, 2012 Staff Report
The Nakwon Reformed Church, located between 41st and 42nd Streets on Queens Blvd., has sold its building.
The church’s big white crucifix that jutted from the roof has been taken down and the congregation is now worshiping in Flushing.
The sale, according to reports, not only included Nakwon Reformed Church but the properties from 41-16 to 41-28 Queens Blvd (Salt & Fat, the former Cherry Valley Dairy, the Church, and Dunkin Donuts).
According to several sources, the property was purchased by the owner of the Dunkin Donuts franchise at the 41-28 Queens Blvd location. The owner of the franchise could not be reached.
The property was listed in 2009 for $6.8 million. However, the terms of the sale and price are not yet known.

I doubt Starbucks will open on the same block as Dunkin Donut’s. And we already have a Starbucks on Queens Blvd, not necessary. A Trader Joe’s would be great! Or a really nice clothing store, not like that place Baby Blue on Greenpoint Ave that sells hoochie wear. And did anyone really believe that this place was a real church? I think the “churchgoers” spent more time at Dunkin’ Donuts than at church. It was a front to save on tax money.
on a side note, you have to sell alot of donuts to buy the building…….
I’d like to see theater/ performance space, but sounds like condo. A Bank could probably use the space. We definately need more arts exposure here. A Childrens museum would be great or day care facility. a nice single screen artsy movie theatre would be nice……..
A big book store!
A big store!
Plants don’t have souls.
The church left their big, beautiful plants in the window untended to die. How very christian of them.
i heard condos were going up. The owner might try to buy Salt & Fat out of their lease but they are doing too well to give their lease up. Hopefully they stick around or else I will be very sad.
Haha to Nobody’s response. Salt and Fat should be ok for now, I assume they have a lease and that the new owner is just taking over the terms from the old.
Outback steak house Arby’s French Italian Bake shop/ coffee
A vertical Wal-Mart, with subterranean parking, would really make Sunnyside a major shopping detination for residents of other parts of Queens.
It was a catering hall many decades back. To return to that would not only be a great investment for the owner but also a great addition to the Sunnyside area.
KEEP STARBUCKS OUT! Support your local diners & coffee shops. Help stop big-business.
it’s going to be the world’s first thai-food-serving irish-pub with a 99cent gift shop…with a nail salon, of course.
keep SALT AND FAT!!!
I’d love a Trader Joes.
Starbucks Please!
Another vote in favor of Salt & Fat remaining!
Marilyn S.
Trader Joe’s please!
I’m pretty sure salt n fat has a lease so they will b ok. Just hope another 99 cent store or pawn shop does not open there. It would b nice to have a decent clothing store open. Mayb they are going to build condos. Just hope it’s going to b a nice new addition to queens blvd.
The Cross was taken down Not a crucifix. A crucifix has the figure of Jesus on it. This is a common mistake. No harm or offense is made by using either word..
Where will Salt & Fat go????
I saw it listed a few months ago for $5.5 million.
That’s all we need another 99 cent store or a massive Dunkin Donuts.
man, that might just be Sunnyside’s LARGEST 99 cent store!!