July 5, 2017 Staff Report
A bicyclist was robbed by three men in Woodside last month after being pulled off his bike, according to police.
The cyclist, 40, was riding to work on Friday, June 23, at around 10:20 pm in the vicinity of 47th Avenue and 67th Street, when one of the suspects approached him from behind, pulled him off his bike and then put him in a chokehold. The suspect and two other men then took his cellphone and his bag containing his personal belongings.
The suspects, described as Hispanic and approximately 20-30 years of age, fled to parts unknown and the victim refused medical attention.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS
Those Damn Irish Catholic Thugs…..Nope..wrong color..yeah..im a true 56 year Sunnysider..South Side. Where real people live…CANT STAND LIBERALS..OR ILLEGAL THUGS..liberal North Sunnysiders Adore these punks but ,would never live with Them..Us Real Sunnysiders grew up with thugs…awwww…get used to muggings..always was here..BUT NEVER ON 40 STREET..AND QUEENS BLVD..WE WOULD KICK ASS…YEP..IM BACK..
No slurs in this comment George Kelly? Why hold back?
I’m glad you are old and a part of a dying generation of bigots and a-holes.
Praying for you.
George K doen’t even live in SUNNYSIDE. He owns NO CONDOS! He lives in Bayone NJ.
I liked it better when you don’t post .
Colon’s right. WHen George is at his rented home near the Bayone Bridge the comments are better.
What hotel is everyone talking about? Anyways, if Rikers closes (as the Mayor plans on doing) i think they need to built a big community jail in the Sunnyside/Woodside area. That way most inmates can be close to home. And families can visit. So many bad things happening in this area almost every other day.
this has to be one of the mayor’s friends or JVB’s buddies –
but these young men need money!
this area of Woodside has been the site of crime for over 20yrs now. whether it’s robberies or burglaries. I don’t agree it’s the shelters, though you might have a few rotten apples there. my guess is these guys are teen thugs. I’ll be looking out for these guys in my bike when I ride
These people are not from queens most likely family members from the people from the shelters (BRONX) its time to put a stop to this i think its time for QUEENS to fight this trash out !!
Keep up with the shelters and you will C! Got to putmost of thise people some place out, dont belonginthe neighborhood. Shame on the mayor
If it walks like a duck, if it assaults like a duck, if it robs like a duck, it’s a duck. And if you can’t equate the new homeless shelters with an increase in crime in area, that’s your inability to deal with reality
Here’s where your brilliant analysis is flawed. Now, you’re obviously not a deep thinker, and that’s fine. You appear to suggest that if the person assaults or robs someone like a homeless person then they must be a homeless person. What you embarrassingly fail to take into account is that most people who commit violent crime are not homeless. So your logic (you should feel honored that I’m calling it that), pathetically flawed, contributes nothing and only casts a dark cloud over homeless people. You seem to be of very little value. Think more, talk less.
Oh lord, take the wheel on this bleeding heart. Not every homeless person is a prostitution with a heart of gold or a misunderstood genius being kept down by the man. Many are criminals. Many. I get the feeling you live quite comfortablely in a bubble wrapped world. Probably something in the academic arena. Something with tenure so you can’t be fired. You probably believe in the pathetic ” safety zones” on college campuses. You should take a nice vacation in Chicago . “Think more, talk less” , no smug self loving pomposity there. Lol
Fan of dough boy- Keep watching that Fox News. A tourist visiting Chicago would not be going to the neighborhoods where the shooting are happening, just like a tourist coming to Queens would more then likely not be hanging out in South Jamaica or East New York Brooklyn.
Another arrogant leftist.you’re the reason why we lost to oompa-loops. I don’t watch Faux News, deal with reality, in front of you. Turn off CNN and MSNBC. Things are not good, things are worse. But I’m sure in your Mind it’s trumps fault. Chicago – democratic and obamas play ground and tough gun laws- but, why deal with reality .
I’m an electrician with a daughter in the Coast Guard. My family works hard and has made sacrifices. My father was in the NYPD for almost 30 years. You don’t have to be an academic to be smart enough to realize that you are absolutely clueless as to who the criminals are. Sure, lots of homeless people commit crimes. My father who was NYPD in neighborhoods in South Queens arrested lots of folks who lived in single family houses and who had no pigment in their skin. You have 0 idea who these crooks are. They could be from out of town, out of state, etc. You have no idea. You stereotype. You make assumptions. But you simply do not know. People who speak a lot about things they do not know are not very smart. Therefore, you are not very smart.
I’m a army vet, unlike you. I don’t tailgate on other people’s accomplishments. “My daughter in coast guard” ” my father” I know what I do and know where I work. I work the projects. I deal with reality . I have filled dirty diapers thrown at me, I go into apartments with 60 inch tvs but roaches crawling on the walls . Yes Wall Street is basically a shake down but you’re bleeding heart is funny to me. Your a clown, go hang out with your people at 110th/park or 3333 broadway. See how long your “ghost” ass survives.go hug them and tell them you feel their pain.
Fan of Doughboy is on to something. People probably choose to be poor. They probably come from good families with generational wealth and say, “you know what, I’m going to be poor and commit crimes. That seems like a good thing to do today” … How likely is it that there is a cycle of poverty? Not likely at all!
Poor people just need to say. “I don’t want to be poor” and get in line to be rich and blammo! They are upstanding citizens.
No body ever gave me nothhing!!!
God bless us.
It is fascinating how many of you are demographic, genealogy, and ancestry experts. It’s also fascinating how many of you personally know the criminals. Oh, you’re not demographic experts? You’re not personally acquainted with the perpetrators? Then you probably should stop deciding what ethnicity these people appear to be and you should definitely stop deciding that these men are the result of a homeless shelter or homeless hotel. For knowing very little, you sure to like to talk a lot.
People here seem to hear a lot of gossip, I never hear any of this type of gossip that hey do … makes me wonder who they are and who they hang out with????
They are thieves.
Certainly they are not young rabinnical students or Norwegian sailors.
You seem to have a problem with viewing reality. Perhaps posting their pictures is wrong also ?
It’s quite obvious what ethnicity these scumbag punks are. They weren’t found in these areas years ago and we didn’t have the crime we have now, Not hard to figure it out.
Ken’s right. We can figure out who “they” are very easily. Let’s make “them” wear some kind of patch so we can identify “them” … what’s the worst that can happen???
Let’s get back to the good old days.
This neighborhood is going downhill real quick. I wonder why? Just take a look at what’s moving in and take a look at the hotel situations an there’s the answer. All swine movin on up.
They probably fled to Jollibee
Those two don’t look hispanic to me. They look black, or at least black caribbean/central american. When you say “Hispanic” I think about the Mexicans or Ecuadorians that I see on 7 train, those guys are rarely involved in crime since they don’t want to get deported or simply get in any trouble. Except they do like to drink a lot and get wasted on streets. However these guys are definitely not immigrants. They are most likely sons of immigrants, spoiled into sh*t and once they run out of drug money, or get their hormones going by seeing the girls when summer hits, go out and do stupid sh*t like this.
Who is the 3rd guy, is he part of the crew? Shame on 108 if they can’t find these guys. Amount of crime that’s being posted recently is alarming.
Pretty sure the first guys shirt was a Puerto Rican flag, but I could be wrong
Basically the same place where that poor girl was found assaulted. What’s new to the area that may have increased the criminal element?
Homeless shelters, and drugs!
And Satan Goblins!
You can thank DeBlasio and his homeless shelters for this.
Not really getting a homeless vibe from the surveillance video.
You are naive if you think people who live in those “shelters” are actually homeless.. Go stand by -better yet sit in your car- near any one of those buildings and watch the people enter and leave.
I guess since there in the shelter they have a home.
Anyhow, I feel bad for them — I have a nice home. They probably only want the same, and people treat them like garbage.
I read in a book that you are sposed to be nice to poor people and help the needy. The guys on TV like to scapegoat them for all the world’s problems … but it makes you wonder how powerful they think poor folk are, when the greedy and wealthy are the ones PULLING the strings.
*supposed * scrapegoat. You know who is ” powerful”? Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson. These are their people. They don’t give a rats ass about them. These people aren’t NYers. If you talk to them you hear the Vermont/Delaware/Massachusetts twang. DeBlasio imported them. Your paying for it. They bring nothing but crime and higher taxes.