Feb. 25, 2016 Staff Report
A Sunnyside beauty supply store is closing because business has been nothing short of ugly.
The manager of Beauty Feel Supply, which has been located at 45-22 46th Street for 13 years, said that business has been slow and that it has been hard to keep pace with his rent.
The store is closing Friday and the owners are offering a 20 percent discount on items. However, by Thursday the shelves were bare.
The beauty store is best known for selling hair-care, makeup and skin products.
Should be a parking space
The prices weren’t that good, but it’s a bummer they are closing. It would be great to have a live music joint open in it’s place. One can dream.
It looked like one of those stores where chicken heads gossip while getting hair perms. Amen.
You, I really don’t like you man. I’ve seen your comments on some articles and I can firmly say that you are a waste of oxygen and a human garbage.
Maybe build a small hotel here? Can use it for the homeless.
@Save Sunnyside we see you’re still festering over the beat down you took on the other conversation stream. I guess it’s easier to just post stupid and petty childish remarks than it is to become informed with facts and truth that would give you the tools to at least hold a meaningful discussion with somebody.
New phone, who dis?
How can they compete with 3 Rite Aid stores, CVS and a Duane Read within walking distance. The chains are smothering the mom and pops. I would make it a point to stop in this store on my weekend chores. Sorry to see them go…
Another one