Photo: QueensPost
Aug. 20, 2010 Report
The BAM tag has returned to the neighborhood. The tag, which has been applied less widely in the past year, is now being sprayed all over walls and doors throughout the neighborhood as the tagger marks his turf.
Police at the local 108 precinct know who is behind the tag. At a United Forties meeting in Woodside earlier this year, this reporter heard Officer Maro Youssef tell the audience that he knew who the person is who paints the “BAM” tag.
Yesterday, officer Youssef would not comment on what was being done to combat BAM’s latest spree. However, he said: “Thank you for letting us know that the tag is going up and we will take matters to address it.”
People who do graffiti want their work to be seen. Please do not publish photos of their work.
It’s so silly. It is one thing to use graffiti as art and quite another for this type of moronic vandalism.
yeah this scumbag is really getting around the neighborhood… Hopefully the 108 – which is a rare sight in Sunnyside – can get around to picking him up.