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Armed Suspects Steal $10,000 Worth of Valuables During Home Invasion in Sunnyside Overnight

Police are searching for two armed robbers who burst into an apartment in Sunnyside overnight, tied the homeowner up, and then fled the scene with $10,000 worth of valuables. (Photo: Google Maps)

Aug. 22, 2022 By Michael Dorgan

Police are searching for two armed robbers who burst into an apartment in Sunnyside overnight, tied the homeowner up, and then fled the scene with $10,000 worth of valuables.

The home invasion took place at around midnight inside an apartment at 43-19 39th Pl, in a residence belonging to a 38-year-old man, according to police.

The suspects knocked on the door of the apartment and, after the man opened the door, the intruders barged their way inside brandishing a firearm, police said.

The assailants hit the victim over the head with the gun and tied him up with zip ties, police said.

They then stole a Rolex watch, a gold chain, shirts and rings, before fleeing the scene eastbound towards 40th Street, police said.

Police said the victim refused medical attention. He told police he did not know the suspects.

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Any comment from Julie warning people of this type of crime or the rise in crime in general? Or does she only tweet about a racist attack on Asians when the suspect is white and happened in another state?

Riki Erik

Won is the domination of currency is Korea. To Americanize her name call her Julie Dollar like the Dollar Store.
Who opens their apartment door after midnight to strangers?
I don’t answer the door in the daytime unless I know who’s there.
Said to say they may have know what was inside from a food or Amazon delivery person who went in the apartment.


Who let them in the front door? That is important. I never let anyone into my building unless i recognize them. Some younger residents accused me of being racists but i do not care.

C'mon Man!

call in the cops, file a harassment, and have the judge get a restraining order against them.

There's a difference between

Not letting someone you don’t know in versus not letting anyone in, regardless of you knowing them or not.


Hope the cops are investigating all criminal trends in the area. Criminals are using those hook up apps and ads to gain access. It happened to my ex in Sunnyside but he did not report it.


yeah, i’m sure they are on it right away, right after they finish playing League of Legends on their phone.


Did the doorman let them in? Mine usually buzzes my apartment if i have a visitor or a delivery.

Tim P

Welcome to New York. No longer the greatest city in the world. It has been brought to being a filthy, crime and drug ridden city with thugs doing as they please and getting away with it. I’m not sure how the mayor, DA, city council sleep at night knowing this is a daily occurrence in the city they swore to protect.

43rd & 43rd

Burglaries have ALWAYS been a daily occurrence. You live in NYC, by far the biggest city in the US, with 8 million other people. When you chose to move here, you should have known, robberies happen every day. NYC will never have 0 thefts in a year, unless no humans are left alive.

Jacques Cousteau

were u in the city anytime between the late 60s and early 90s? 22 times between 1971 and 1994, 1800+ people were murdered in NYC, with a high of 2600 in 1990. Whats this year? 270. There are always bumps up in crime during difficult eco times, add the pandemic. Watch some nature shows, it’ll take the edge off. It’s what i do. Lol.


Not in Sunnyside!! I grew up playing outside and was in and out of moms apartment with the front door open. We did not have air conditioning and slept with the windows open. Crime was that high due to other neighborhoods (mostly projects) that you knew to stay away from. Criminals knew what areas to also avoid because there was a sense of community and unity. We looked out for each other. Yes i grew up with a single mom and 2 sisters. Sunnyside was for families and a great working class neighborhood. Until officials decided to scatter criminals through shelters and sticking cheap units in new developments.

The Nile

Oh please. Crime was high all over the city in 70s, 80s. You’re floating on a river in Egypt. Selective memory


Spot on. I was a kid that grew up on 50st and then 45st during the 70s thru early 80s. A total family vibe back then. My mom would have us at the park on Skillman in the Summer with other families to 10p at night and we’d all walk home not a worry in our minds. Any native NYer knows that violent crime was isolated in high crack ridden areas like North/Central Bklyn, Upper Manhattan and The entire damn Bronx. Also South Queens. The rest was much safer back then vs. now.

Dodging the Robots

Leave Adams, HochKILL, and the rest of the leftist clowns in place and you won’t have any humans left.

Happy ending 2nd Amendment style

In Texas, the perps get their craniums ventilated by a legally-owned gun.

In NYC, they get Mets tickets.

Boomers doing the "Mets tickets" thing in 2022 ?

The robbers HAD a gun! They beat him and tied him up, was he supposed to shoot back with no hands?

Forty-one percent of crime guns recovered in Mexico from 2009-2014 originated in Texas. Win for the 2A!

Brenda From The Block

So Richie Rich – Just opens his door to a stranger? The burglar just happens to know that Richie Rich, has a lot to offer and steal.

No mention of how Richie Rich was found tied up, what the perp looked like. Most buildings and businesses have cameras… ok Richie Rich .. something sounds like you need to be interrogated STAT


1. He told people that he had a Rolex.
2. He opened the door without asking who it is.

This guy was a home invaders dream.


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