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NYPD: Armed Robber Forces Local Victims to Make ATM Withdrawals

Suspect (NYPD)

April 24, 2012 Staff Report

A man has been targeting Sunnyside/Woodside residents by holding them at gunpoint and forcing them to withdraw funds from an ATM.

The police said that there have been three incidents in the past two weeks and that they are seeking the public’s help in apprehending the perpetrator, who is believed to be a male Hispanic in his 20s.

The first incident occurred on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at approx. 3:30pm in front of 50-38 46 Street. The suspect approached the victim, displayed a firearm, and forced the male victim to remove an unknown amount of money from an ATM. The suspect then fled on foot.

The second robbery took place on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at approx. 7:30pm opposite 50-12 44 Street. In this case, the suspect approached the male victim, produced a firearm, removed the victim’s ATM card and withdrew an unknown amount of money with the card. The perpetrator then fled.

The third incident occurred on Monday, April 23, 2012 at approx. 7:35 pm at the intersection of 44 Street and 50 Avenue. The suspect approached the victim, displayed a firearm, removed the victim’s iPhone and forced him to remove an unknown amount of money from two ATMs, before fleeing on foot.

The suspect has a mustache, and was wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt, dark-colored hat, and glasses.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto Crime Stoppers’ website at or by texting their tips to CRIMES (274637), then enter TIP577.

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Dear Rocky-

ARROGANT is the person who believes they can fight an armed assailant with hairspray (good luck with that, Raquel!)

IGNORANT is the person who looks at a photo and thinks they have pegged where this person lives and whether or not they have a drug problem.

Foodie and Sunnyside of Life and I are not minimizing the drug problem or the days of rampant drug issues; what we are doing is pointing out the ridiculous, terrible advice that is being doled out in various posts.

Hairspray won’t clean up a drug problem, and anyone with a bit of common sense would agree.


Arrogant is the idiot who thinks they can take on an armed assailant with hair spray.

Ignorant is the moron who thinks they can deduce where someone lives and what they do in their spare time based on a grainy photograph.

Foodie is right, and Sunnyside of Life is only pointing out the ignorant assumptions made on this board about so-called “hipsters.”

Us, arrogant and ignorant?

I don’t think so.


Sorry Rocky, but ignorant is the person who thinks they can take on an armed robber with hairspray….

I don’t think Foodie or Sunnyside of Life are wrong when they point out how ludicrous this advice is. None of us are pretending to remember the “mean streets of Sunnyside”; however, if you applied a bit of logic and really thought about it, a lot of what’s been theorized thus far doesn’t make sense:

This criminal “looks like he lives on the south side”
“He looks like a drug addict”

All this from an out of focus grainy photo? And then, there’s the reckless advice:

If you encounter him (and his presumed weapon), spray him with hair spray.

Arrogant? I don’t think so. Arrogant is the person who believes they are quicker on the draw of a 16 ounce bottle of hair spray than a gun.

Ignorant? Not really. Ignorant is the person who assumes a lot about someone with little to no information.

Rocky, please reread the posts and get educated-you have it all wrong about us.


Yet again read the posts, we were talking about what to do when confronted by someone pointing a gun at you, you also assume a lot of things, I have also lived here a long time

Rocky Balboa II

southie, Sunnyside of Life and Foodie are eating too many sugary foods. I also think it is a drug addict. I sure don’t think it is a member of the Kiwanis doing this. Maybe Foodie thinks it is. I also carry pepper spray. You guys are not funny. I also have lived here many years and remember all the drug activity on 48th Avenue. You guys like making fun of those of us who have lived here long enough to know what goes on. You are arrogant. And ignorant.


According to southie, what can you do to protect yourself from a would be mugger? NOTHING.

Sunnyside of Life

As long as we’re drawing conclusions about the mugger, here goes: He does not live here-on the “south side” or otherwise; he lives in Greenpoint, BKLYN because the borough is entirely peopled with “hipsters” and as we all know “hipsters” are criminals and drug addicts. Ol’ Brown Hood finds the escape through the cemetery an easy way to dodge the po-po; he uses hillbilly heroin-that’s Oxy Contin for all you hepcats; he likes Taylor Swift and the writings of Charles Bukowski. He enjoys the truffled beet salad at Salt & Fat. He watches Dancing with the Stars, which is why he finishes up his evening so early. He’s a Libra. Oh, and one other conclusion: his gun might be loaded. So just pony up your meager wallet and live another day so you can give me a piece of your mind on the Sunnyside Post message boards, kids. Listen to me & Barry Gibb if you come across the anti-Jedi- just give him your cash: Ah-ah-ah-ah, stayin’ alive.


Once again , I never talked about a drug bazaar , I was talking about what happins when someone sticks a gun in your face, please try to follow the posts , thank you


NRO-not sure what posts you were reading, but I was civil; however, Raquel and others advocating the use of hair spray against an armed assailant is deathly dangerous advice, and I said so. I never said these muggings were a joke, but I am unclear as to how a grainy photograph would yeild enough clues to allow people to draw the conclusion that this assailant is a drug addict. I have no idea where he lives, whether or not he does drugs, etc etc.

It amazes me how many people on this site seem to think this kind of advice makes sense-it doesn’t. And to all the “street wise” vigilantes out there-good luck, I sincerely hope you don’t cross someone with a weapon because you will lose.


Foodie and southside (with a small s) – you should learn to be civil to people who have lived here for many years and know about the terrible drug problem that was on 48th Avenue – blatant and in your face. I was burglarzied on the southside and many of these crimes are committed by addicts. I also carry pepper spray at night and tell female friends to do so. I will bet you the mugger has a drug problem. Or do you think he belongs to the Chamber of Commerce? You guys make me laugh!


Get a life,I don’t know what conversation you were following but we were talking about being held up at gunpoint: that means someone pointing a gun at you, we were not talking about groping, try to stay on point and keep you keyboard tough guy stories to yourself

Get a Life

So let me see, Foodie: if somebody were trying to grope you, you would not resist? Boy! You make yourself an easy mark. And if somebody tried to grab you wallet, you would just hand it over, and say, “oh, please be nice to me”? Sorry, I was brought up in the fight bak school of thought and have chased muggers through crowds.

Get a Life

Foodie, stay off the sugar! I think Raquel was also thinking of the women who were being groped


Raquel owes everybody an apology for putting people’s life in danger ,just in case someone is stupid enough to follow her advice.


The only people hitting the bong are the ones who are advising people who are being held up at gunpoint to look through their pocketbook for hairspray and then spray the guy!every single law enforcement officer will tell you when someone points a gun at you give them want they want , you only have one life


Addicts are known to rob people – and then we have southie and Sunnyside of Life who are hitting the bong this weekend.


Sunnyside of Life and southie (lower s) – you guys are disgusting. I tell my female friends to carry pepper spray. And I remember the drug dealing on 48th Avenue – it was blatant and it was open and it was in broad day light. And I remember the dealers going up to people in cars to sell. Glad you two think it is comical. It is not. And Raquel is probably right – it is very possible that this guy is an addict. Or have you fogotten what happend in Long Island when four people in a pharmacy were gunned down by an addict who was assisted by his equally strung out wife? I have not forgotten! You guys are a couple of jerks. Do you think that the perpetrator is a Noble Prize winner? You owe Ra


Let’s be fair, “southie” – I have not mentioned “hipsters” in this thread. You have! As for sunnyside of Life, that he would joke about crack dealers on 48th Avenue shows his mentality. It was nothing to joke about, especially if your crib was robbed by them! Now, have a nice day! Jeeze – people get mugged and the two jokers think it is funny!


BTW: southie: I guess you think the mugger is an outstanding citizen and NOT A DRUGGIE????


Honestly, southie and Sunnyside of Life: you haven’t heard that hairspray in the eyes does the trick? You must have been fun on dates! And I am glad you were not around when somebody was shot on 48th Avenue (my babysitter heard it live). Hey, but then again, I had a father who was a judo instructor! Book ’em, Dano!

Just Looking

I’ll be there, Sunnyside of Life. How will I recognize you? Wear a red carnation. If I see you with one, I will show mine. Then perhaps we can have a face-to-face talk and see if we can’t find some common ground.

Sunnyside of Life

Lower Case southie-let it go with Raquel; she’s cleared watched decades of Law & Order and has a Mariska Hargitay complex; this is her town, punk!-and she’ll be damned if she lets it fall into the hands of some unshaven, Band of Horses loving, plaid shirt wearing, food-coop using hipster ruining the neighborhood with their micro brewed beers, Castro caps and eco-friendly diapers! Not to mention all the “intel” she’s been getting on “the street”. Maybe you and me could get Raquel and Just Looking to meet us at the council meeting on the 29th-we’ll get some of that 48th Avenue coke and take the ladies out to Molly Blooms. But watch out-she may be carrying some Aqua-Net!


Raquel and uppercase Southie-it is totally irresponsible for you to be advocating the use of hairspray against an armed assailant. Any police officer would tell you that if you are confronted with a weapon, you comply-not whip out Aquanet annd tame a case of the frizzies!!


Thank you, uppercase Southie. I go with my gut. And I have lived on both sides of the boulevard and I know the elements of both. I also know many police officers and there is one in my family. And I have been a crime victim on both sides of the boulevard. Yes, people can walk from one part of the boulevard to another but there seems to be a pattern here . . . and I remember the massive drug dealing on 48th Avenue and the lack of response for many years and complaining to the various police captains about it.


Sure thing uppercase Southie-good luck facing off armed robbers with hairspray. GREAT advice. Not irresponsible at all!!


Calm down lowercase southie. Raquel seems to know a bit about neighborhood crime trends. Even if she is completely wrong about where the guy lives, she gave some good info about pepper spray and hairspray that may be useful to others.


Gee Raquel, you never cease to amaze me with your moronic statements. The way you talk about the South side of Queens boulevard, I would think I was living in the south Bronx in the 1970s. How could you possibly make a statement like “I think that the perp has a drug problem and probably lives on the southside of Queens Boulevard”-maybe he’s PRETENDING to live on the south side to throw the police off his tracks! or MAYBE he’s not from this neighborhood at all but he’s been reading Sunnyside Post and he knows there’s a whole crop of idiots to take advantage of on BOTH sides of the boulevard.
And some Northside criminals are more “affluent”? It’s a stroll across the boulevard from north to south side, it’s not that difficult.
Keep the posts coming Raquel, you are always a good chuckle for me with your stupid statements.


I think that the perp has a drug problem and probably lives on the southside of Queens Boulevard – that is my gut feeling. Pepper spray is legal and can be bought at many hardware stores. I am told that hair spray in the eyes can also do the trick. I am told that the southside of Queens Boulevard has improved but all you need is a couple of criminals to ruin it for everybody – and on the northside of Queens Boulevard we are experiencing our own crime wave as well and in some ways it is worse because some of our criminals are more “affluent” and are gaming the system since they think they are so clever and intelligent and know to shut up when the police question them.


If I understand this correctly, the crimes took place near those stand-alone ATM machines? Not at Chase, or I’m assuming it would have said “Chase on 46th”. Well, those ATMs are all over, in convenience stores which is like every block. 7:30 and 3:30 PM? That’s not even late. Shouldn’t there be people around? You don’t even have to be at the bank, you could just be walking anywhere at any time and this could happen. God that sucks. Oh well. Still not likely. Where can I buy mace? I’m curious is it legal to carry tasers? I have a fantasy where I’m a quick draw with a taser against a mugger and I get him right in the face with it, zapping him for like a good 10 seconds. Kinda like shock therapy. Right in the brain. Keep him debilitated long enough for me to get away.


Looking at photo again: is he wearing sunglasses and a hat under the hoodie? And Pat is right: it does look as if he has one arm unless he is concealing the gun under the sleeve. I don’t know how much we can get out of this photo.

Just Looking

Maturity, thoughtfulness, consideration, respect and expansive rather than reductive thinking would go a long way toward shedding light rather than heat. Many readers have drawn exaggerated conclusions based on heated impulses, then expressed them in the most insulting way they could think of, acting rather like an angry mob rather than thoughtful individuals.

The kind of clash of opinions going on here is predictable. A massive influx of new people, who changed the very tenor of the neighborhood whether for good or for ill, make long-time residents irritated, unsettled and nervous. Home no longer feels like home. And the strangers are full of more ambitious plans for greater and greater change.

There is wisdom in the old saying, “When in Rome do as the Romans do.”
It would have been more polite to take a moment to honor the people who live in the community, to ask their opinions and glean some of the local wisdom of the community you moved into rather than insulting them. There is just no point in making enemies where you could have allies.

I will be much more circumspect in any future expressions of opinion here. Firefights are blinding, injurious and wasteful.

And those of us who have been here for a long time have to develop more patience and tolerance for the exuberance of newcomers who have not yet developed a taste for local history. Its to be expected.


Krissi, there was a very serious drug dealing problem on 48th Avenue years ago and most of the people lived in the neighborhood. Many of them lived in the Mets Houses. People were too terrified to turn them in.


NY Post printed photo of perp on their crime page. I hope enough people see it to turn him in. Can’t the 108th get a female police officer to walk around looking defenseless to see if this creep strikes again? There must be ways of finding him.

Richard-- love my nabe

What exactly is a “hipster,” and how do you blame this sub-group for crimes? Have these “hipsters” been known to harass old women and chihuahuas across the country? People that jump on here and blame others, who actually love it here and moved here because it is such a wonderful place to live, are idiots. Seriously, the area is nice and, therefore, a target for thieves and the like. We need patrols and neighborhood watch, though, by the look of it here, there will be more Zimmermans coming out of the woodwork.
Oh, and how the hell can one come here and blame things on businesses opening up? Who wants to live in NYC, in a place without restaurants and bars? Move to Long Island or Jersey and hate on liberals and minorities over there.

Also, I love that there are others here who enjoy restaurants, shops, and diversity. However, there will always be people who complain about any kind of development and change…Oh well, just glad I won’t be drinking with them at Claret…or Molly Blooms…or dining with them at Aubergine…or Salt and Fat…and that is fine with me.


Honeatly b4 judging u dnt kno.qtf is.going guys life.dick heads deres always a down fault

Patricia Dorfman

108 Meetings

The express purpose is to give the public access directly to their local police. If you see a crime in progress report it immediately– call 911 — take down the name of the person you talked to and the time and date. If you have to ask 20 times for the information on the phone, keep asking. 911 calls are prioritized so that the most serious crimes are addressed first. If a serious crime is in progress, calling the precinct just means, they have to call 911 next for you.

If you have to, call 911 again. If you think you saw a weapon, tell them. Give a description of suspect and the direction they went. What does not work is to show up at a meeting and say, I called 911 every day for months and no one came. Write down when and who. Of course, it must be horribly frustrating to be a victim and stand there and no one comes. Been there.

108 Public Meetings: Normally, in addition to the Commanding Officers and Community Affairs officers and sometimes Special Unit officers or the XO (2nd in command to the CO), representatives from the Queens DA, One Police Plaza, Queens North Command, Councilman Van Bramer’s Office attend. When we speak, we are heard all over the city. Pres. Diane Ballek is also Chief Aide for Cathy Nolan. Except for July when there is no meeting, and August when there is Night Out on Crime, and December, when there is a Needy Children’s party the good news is that meetings are ALWAYS at the same place and the same time….

…the last Tuesday of the month (yesterday) at 7:00 P.M. at
Sunnyside Community Services
43-31 39th Street 1st Floor meeting hall

so, Tuesday night, May 29.

Try to attend a few times a year. There is help for those who want to organize themselves and the like. The more we all stick together the safer we will be.

Everyone is welcome. There are about 50 regular members of the Council, and many people, even though they not have immediate complaints, never miss a meeting. They like to keep up with crime statistics and get the straight skinny direct from the CO.

Is it just me, or does the alleged perpetrator look as though he is one armed? Or could he have his arm inside his coat so he is concealing a weapon? Maybe this was mentioned above.

Pat, VP, 108 council


@Sunnyside of Life – Well said. You’re awesome. Now let’s go find this creep and make HIM withdraw some money out of an ATM.


@Sunnyside of Life – Well said. None of this matter though if this creeper isn’t caught soon.


I join in the criticism of blaming the crime on Molly Blooms or any other small business trying to make it in these tough times.

This crime, along with the groping and some others that have come in, are truly horrifying. I will print the picture out and hang it up and I hope others do the same. We really have to send a message that this isn’t tolerated.

On the changing neighborhood issue: Just Looking, I’m 27 and have been in Sunnyside only 2 years which means I’m apparently the kind of person you despise and blame. My wife and I moved here due to the safety of the neighborhood as we love it as much as anyone and do our best to support it. I know I can’t change your mind but I wish you wouldn’t over-generalize us, some of us really do care, I promise.



Is that your goal when conversing? Handing people their a** ?

You must be a charmer.


just wanted to point out/confirm how badly Just Looking got their a** handed to them by our wonderful neighbors.

nice work setting the record straight.


Raquel – I seriously doubt this criminals nor any of the recent “crimes” are caused by people from the neighborhood. We are too small of an encave – everyone knows (or at least recognizes) every one. My feeling is that the criminals come in from outside, notice our area is relatively safe and quiet, and figure we are easy pickings.

Of course I have no proof of this, but I really don’t think most of these people are actually from the Sunnyside area.


Question: do the police think these criminals are from the neighborhood or are they coming here because they realize the chances are they will not be caught, and it is easy to get away?


I hope people went to the police council meeting and complained. I remember the drug dealing on 48th Avenue and what a hellhole it was. the problem has spread to the north side of Queens Boulevard and, in any event, the criminals must be caught and punished. We are all in this together.


I just facebooked Jimmy Van Bramer and he replied right away:

“Thanks for reaching out to my office about this issue. Currently, we are working closely with the 108th Precinct to stay on top of this issue. I have passed along your contact details (phone and email address) to my Chief of Staff, Joe Kenton, who will be contacting you shortly to hear your concerns. We have already gotten the precinct to patrol the area even more but are also pushing to do more.”

Just Looking

@ Randy @ Sunnyside You don’t like my opinion, disagree. Calling names is for kids.

Winning points with an adroit turn of phrase is for people in bars and politicians. I’m just realizing now I’m out of place here. It all just irritates me. My mistake. Sorry.

you all make me laugh

So what’s the over/under that this guy has prior arrests? Guess we’ll have to cross our fingers and hope the police actually arrest him to find out. Maybe we should just round up a posse and hunt him down and string him up. My guess is once a criminal is found hanging from a rafter in a 99 cent store on queens blvd. the crime rate will drop in a heart beat.

Sunnyside of Life

@ Just Looking-nothing about your argument regarding blaming the “hipsters” or Molly Blooms for the crime is well reasoned, which resulted in me taking out a can of logic and a jar of smart ass and opening them up on you. If your grandparents settled this neighborhood, then that makes you about 55 years old. So-congrats on being internet savvy, anyway. But savvy-savvy? Not so much. The ‘hood has been growing and expanding your whole life then; what’s so horrible about now? People are advertising “us”? You think muggers are looking at real estate ads or shopping circulars to pick areas to mug people in? 50th Ave is quiet after 9pm and poorly lit between 48th St & 43rd St-the block with the rectory is practically a film set for a mugging. More lights, less crime. What happens when you go in the kitchen and turn on the light at 2am? The roaches scatter; same principle, larger critters. Lobby for a neighborhood patrol, more street lamps, more police presence; the “guards” in Celtic Park should do more walking the premises on 48th & 50th Ave’s-they’re asleep half the time-the pride of 32-BJ. But brunch menus and drink specials are not making anyone mug anyone. Don’t kid yourself. You’re not fooling us, so make it unanimous.


This is concerning especially cause the crimes have taken place in broad daylight and its on the path to the subway for us who live on 44th Street in between 50th Ave and the highway. Here I am cabbing it from the city at night due to safety concerns. Now I cant walk to the train during the day cause of a gun toting thief? I will be on the lookout and report anything I see.


I checked the addresses where these incidents. Two were right by Saint Teresas church and the nearest banks are about 3 blocks away. Something is missing from this story I think.


No you didn’t, and myself and Sunnyside of Life aren’t the only ones disagreeing. You’re on your own on this one. I’ve watched Sunnyside grow every year into a better place since I moved in years ago. Also, Kieran Staunton has done more good for the nabe than any of us combined.

Just Looking

@Randy @Sunnyside of Life You are careless readers and very mean. I laid out a well-reasoned argument from my point of view and you called me names. Who lives in a cave?

Just Looking

Calling attention to yourself gets all kinds of attention, that is my point. Calling out across the city to get people to come here and support your business gets all kinds of people to come here. That is my point.

I don’t blame hipsters for crime. Criminals are to blame for crime. I think the lot of you just love to find someone to disagree with. Can’t we all have our points of view? That is mine. It is one point of view in thousands, put them all together and we get an approximation of what it is humanly possible to conclude about this neighborhood.

And if I don’t like crowds, traffic and all that brings to the neighborhood my grandparents helped settle, that is my prerogative. I lived here because I was born here and never made enough money on my own to buy anything. I’m a renter, lifelong. So shoot me if I am uncomfortable to suddenly be surrounded by people with loads more economic power who have changed the nature of my home. People who tell me I should move away. People who make everything more expensive than I can afford. It feels like an attack on what had always been a safe, if dowdy, place to live. So bring it on, keep the insults coming! Do you wonder why we might resent you?


Maybe the police are reluctant to go after somebody in a hoodie after all the recent trouble.


This is quite terrifying as I only live a few blocks away and walk that area every night with my dogs. That and it is happening during the day!

We need to find this guy quick!

We should really get the city involved. Police should be patrolling 50th Ave. I’m going to contact Van Bremmer’s office as well as the precinct.

Pay attention

It’s not just our neighborhood where this is happening. Burglaries, bank robberies are UP. Follow any of the police scanner trackers on Twitter and you’ll quickly see how often banks are robbed around the city. Police patrols are down in other neighborhoods too, unless you live in a transit hub (I just saw EIGHT officers standing around in Penn Station, presumably as some sort of anti-terrorism security theater exercise).

No that doesn’t make what happened okay. Of course not. But the person to be blamed for the crime is the criminal. Not the fact that we have a few nice shops or restaurants. Just Looking is trying to draw a connection between an increased visibility in the media and more people deciding to come here for their criminal activity and MAYBE there is something to that. Hear me out: a person who wants to get up to no good may find his own neighborhood useless for robbing people if no one has money or bank accounts.

BUT…that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have nice shops, etc. I agree, however, that we seriously lack stores that sell what people need. But that’s another debate that never ends. (I need a new filter for my air purifier–it has to be a specific one. Where do you suggest I get that in Sunnyside? Or even Woodside? NOT Home Depot).

I agree with the poster who suggested more people should show up at the next 108 Pct community council meeting. I also wish that those meetings would be mentioned here before they happen–not the day before when it’s often too late for people to plan on attending–but some time before. I know Christian has enough to do already but if I could offer a suggestion for how this site could help, that would be it.


Well said Sunnyside of Life. Although I’m not a hipster I really don’t know why people are blaming them for a rise in crime. I’ve been living in sunnyside my whole life, a whopping 34 years. I don’t recall this much crime to be quite honest. The only problem any of the bars bring to the area is the loud rowdy people that scream when they go home at 2:00 am. Sorry folks but if you live near the blvd, you can’t tell me the obnoxious drunks don’t wake you up in the middle of the night. But still, I’ll take that over someone mugging me any day. Where’s the 108 on all of this crime? They didn’t show up for that woman who got mugged? That’s appalling. Someone pointed out there are no ATM’s by where this creep held people up, and that’s true. So did he walk two blocks up to withdraw the money? Always look behind you and keep an eye out for anyone suspicious fellow sunnysiders, we have to look out for ourselves because law enforcement won’t. Let’s stop blaming other groups in our community for this and for that. Let’s blame the creeps who decided to prey on our community and find a way to work together as a community to make it a safer place.


Just Looking, it seems to me you are the only one who sees things from your point of view and I don’t believe you are the only person who has been living in this neighborhood for a while. Just saying…..


Speaking of crime, There was a grave I frequently saw near a family member’s plot that had a large bronze bust of the deceased on it. Last time I walked by it, the bust was gone and it looked like it had been forcibly ripped off. I have heard that this type of thievery is rife in cemeteries now. Since this neighborhood abounds with graveyards, I wonder if criminals aren’t gravitating here for that. Are there any statistics or other anecdotal evidence of cemetery thievery?


Apparently, there is a simple answer here. Identify the hipsters in the neighborhood, hang around this area late at night, and when you get a gun pulled on you by this guy, direct him to the hipster. Then give him your ATM card for shooting the hipster.
Done deal.


Indeed, some of the comments in here seem to be coming from a different planet. Blaming the hipsters and the business owners for this??? Really?Really people? We need more police supervision and not the I-give-you-tickets-for-breathing type.

Sunnyside of Life

Hey Just Looking; 48th Ave between 44th St and 48th St in the 1990’s was a drug haven-the barbershops pushed coke out at an alarming rate; 33rd and Rawson was a wasteland stop after 10pm; All kinds of interesting things happen in Skillman Park after 10pm. I get that you used to think that Sunnyside was like The Shire but guess what? It wasn’t. I bet loads of people got mugged, you just never heard about it. No Internet, no blogs, no local papers, no local coverage on TV. Advertising Queens Blvd and shoppers “streaming” through are not the problem; the problem is the problem; if someone pays to advertise their hard earned business, who are you to say they should not? And why? To improve your own personal false sense of security? None of the shops you mention that went out of business because they were not profitable, did they? It was all “developers”, hmmm? Riiiight. And you’ve only been here the last decade-and guess what? Everywhere else you HAVEN’T been also changed in the last 10 years. Maybe the only thing that hasn’t changed is you, but I’d like to think that 10 years ago, you were less ignorant and close minded than you are now.


Hipsters and Molly Blooms are to blame? Genius stuff. Sunnyside was one of the worst neighborhoods in the 80’s, and the fact that’s it’s become the amazing area that it is now is remarkable. I just wish the people that hate what it’s become now would move away from it. Your bullshit attitude is ruining our peaceful nabe. Not to mention the ACTUAL CRIMINALS!


Mike Bloomberg has armed bodyguards protecting him 24/7. He does not give a damn about you nobodies who have to walk the streets by yourselves and unarmed.

I can’t remember the last time I saw any cops on foot in the neighborhood. They zip around in the patrol cars insulated from what’s going on around them though.

Sunnyside of Life

You know who we should blame for this? THE GUY IN THE PICTURE. Not “hipsters” or a bar. Nothing new under the sun, or the Sunnyside sign. Don’t be an easy target; don’t fall asleep mentally once you get out of the tunnel. Be smart , be awake. It’s still NYC, it’s always been NYC. Nothing has changed, except you KNOW about it and it happened near your doorstep. These things were and are always possible. You move to the forest, you can get eaten by bears, you move to Forest Hills, you can get mugged by the stairs. It happens in a vast Metropolis-any of you old, print loving pre-hipster age people ever read Superman? By what’s being written here, some of you sound like you caught the original broadcast of the George Reeves series. Listen, people, I am one of you, but do not decry the advent of “hipsters”; they pay for their coop just like you. Don’t be jealous of them-you had your 20’s and 30’s- don’t begrudge anyone else theirs. And by the way-“Just Looking”? I’d blame the three pawn shops, the 7 fast food chain stores and the bargain bin basement stores for attracting a bad element before blaming Molly Blooms. Not that I would blame a business owner directly for the actions of a random petty thief in a hoodie. Try thinking instead of looking.

Just Looking

It was a quiet little place, nicer than most quiet little places. Nobody but its residents knew or cared about it. It was a little neglected, like lots of other NYC neighborhoods.

Then developers decided to do us a favor and shine a light on us. Old factories on Northern Blvd became regional shopping areas. People of all kinds, most of whom can’t afford to live here, started streaming through, whereas no one ever streamed through before, it wasn’t on the way to anywhere. Now they come to shop.

The tenor of the neighborhood changed from unselfconscious working class to very self-conscious some other kind of class. Tailors shops, shoemakers, hairdressers, butchers, cleaners, candy stores, etc. were replaced by boutiques, cafes, restaurants, etc. They do business differently. They don’t supply what people need: a place to do their laundry, a place to get a haircut, a place to get their shoes fixed, they supply what people want: an experience, a feeling. So they have to build their image and entice people from near and far.So some people call press conferences, get their business written about in the papers and magazines, go on television saying what a great neighborhood Sunnyside is (Did anyone else see on the owner of Molly Blooms on channel 13 last night promoting Queens Blvd.?). More attention, more traffic, more profits, more crime.

That is how greed and hipsters bring an increase in crime. And some of this is inevitable. Time always brings changes. Some are welcome, some are not. If I hadn’t spent the last decade watching it happen I wouldn’t have believed it myself. But that is my experience. You tell it your way, I’ll tell it mine.


This article is terrifying. The 108th has no presence here. A few months ago I called 911 for a woman who had been attacked and robbed. I did not know her–she approached me crying on the sidewalk. I was so upset for this woman. She was new to the area and kept saying things like “they said this was a good area” “I thought it was safe here” to me. It should be noted that this happened near the corner of 42nd street and 43rd Avenue at around 5:30pm. There were people around–lots of them. I don’t know how many people witnessed this, but I have to assume there were people who saw something and kept walking. I waited with her for about an hour for the police to show up (they didn’t). She was upset and decided she did not want to wait around any longer with a stranger on the sidewalk waiting for the police. She said “I know they have left me” and she went home. I waited a bit longer and then went home myself. I missed a “restricted” call on my phone, which I believe to be 911 showing some interest in the situation, THREE HOURS after I made the call. I assume they finally went over to the location and could not find their victim.
A few days after this occurred, I sent an email to JVB’s office through his website requesting information on the number of calls to police to report crimes vs. the number of crimes investigated that make it to the “official” statistics. I have not received a reply yet.
I am sad to hear of these recent armed robberies. I will print the pic and post it in my building.


As this neighborhood changes – for better or worse – there is a greater contrasting mix between those with money vs. those without, perhaps as never before. So it’s important to acknowledge that there is a clash of money cultures in the area – one that would benefit from tolerance and sensitivity on both sides. Of course that’s no justification for crime!

Time's Up

I’m struggling to figure what’s funnier:

1. The fact that people basically assume as fact that a fictitious homogenous group of people called “hipsters” exist, or

2. That some people think this fictitious group is somehow responsible for the crimes committed by the person in this news story


PS. How anybody can also link this criminal activity to the presence of Molly Bloom’s pub is beyond me. Some really twisted logic at work there.


Yeah, screw the hipsters! But leave Molly’s alone. The guy just lost his son, for Chrissakes! besides, there are rarely hipsters in there.


Hipsters can be annoying, amusing and the butt of jokes for native New Yorkers but to blame them for the rise in crime is simply ridiculous. I prefer to blame the criminals themselves.

Now if we only had as many cops patrolling the neighborhood as we do meter maids writing out tickets. Apparently, an armed thief doesn’t provide the city with revenue and is less of a priority.

Long time sunnysider

Sunnyside s getting less and less safe. Why don’t some of the people who hav time to write all the comments on this site attend some of the local meetings eg united 40s and voice their opinions to the captain of the 108 precinct who continuously tells us how safe a neigherhood we live in and that there s not much crime here. The people of Sunnyside need to stand together and get out there and do something to stop the muggings, burglars, car thieves and groupers who hav now decided that Sunnyside s an easy place to commit crimes and get away with it because of the lack of police presence.


“Hipsters”, wine bars and Molly Bloom are what’s wrong with Sunnyside? How people this moronic ever learned how to use a computer is beyond me. You live in New York City, remember? This isn’t Mayberry. The greatest thing about Sunnyside is that it’s a real community of people who care about it and care about living here. Stop blaming your neighbors and any newcomers who want to be part of a good thing and try looking out for each other instead. I’m guessing there was crime 25 or 50 or whatever years ago too. Before the neighborhood was smited with the plague of evil, godless hipsters.


Now I don’t understand what hipsters and Molly Blooms have to do with this guy but if some how some people believe there is a link I should probably assume I will be viewed as part of the problem. I bought an apartment in Sunnyside in 2009 and I’m a professional photographer so call me what you want. I am on the board of my building and have contacted 311, 108th and Van Bramer about issues on my block and Sunnyside. I am invested in this neighborhood as much as many of you are; I walk my dog late at night after work, I have a car that is parked on the street and when a store goes vacant and a block looks desolate it hurts my property value. Young people come into a neighborhood for many reason and that should be something to embrace. Young people have a voice in many outlets, drive for progress, and most importantly spend money. You show me one shop keeper that does not want more customers or a landlord who doesn’t strive to make a little bit more off their investment. No woman(young or old) wants to walk home from the subway worried about getting rapped or attacked. Now Sunnyside has been quite nice to me over the past 3 year but I have seen an up tick in crime but I think the whole city has too. I think it is time to start acting like a community and work together. Over my past 3 years here a big complaint has been with the 108th and there lack of patrol in Sunnyside, it might be time for us to push for an sub station.


Looks like one of the bums who sleep and take a piss in front of Associates bottle redemption area.

As for hipsters bringing these to the area? Get real please. I would blame the landlords who don’t inspect their tenants and rent to anyone who is willing to pay, no matter 1 or 10 people in one crummy apartment.

yes, print this picture and post it everywhere.
By the way, it sounds like he forced people to get cash from ATMs not Banks. How would he know you got ATM card or even know the code to withdraw money. I carry a credit card and I never ever used ATM before.

Time to pack some heat! Otherwise precinct should do its job. Lazy donut boys


Given that they seem to have a pretty clear picture of this alleged perpetrator I hope the police are doing something to try and stop this from escalating. What police?? Do we even have police in our neighborhood?

All I can say is, I hope they catch this prick before I do.

On a side-note, I don’t see why the people who are helping to make the neighborhood better by opening businesses for the use and benefit of residents here should be blamed or criticized for the behavior of anti-social, most likely drugged up criminals like this. What the hell has Molly Blooms on Queens Blvd got to do with anything?? I’ve lived here for over fifteen years, I’m no ‘hipster’ and as a long-time resident, I have only got praise for people who choose to invest in our neighborhood. Anyone who says otherwise, and who looks for scapegoats instead of laying blame where blame lies e.g. axxholes running around with guns and the cops in the 108th Precinct who apparently couldn’t care less about doing anything to patrol the streets of Sunnyside/Woodside and keep us safe, can fxxk off with their attitude and go live somewhere else. There are cameras everywhere including at all the ATMS where all these alleged withdrawals at gunpoint took place. How hard can it be for the banks and cops to collect and study the footage, go round the general area, interview everyone and catch this idiot before he mugs someone else or worse kills someone? Oh yeah, that might actually involve doing some work …

Marty Concerned

I have lived here for 20 yrs and I have always felt somewhat safe.Lately everyone is on edge and I am beginning to wonder how safe this area is.It’s record is definately diminishing.A lot to be said for what is happening to NYC of late and how America is showing signs of crumbling Apparently Lou Dobbs was wasting his breath and our time on CNN yrs ago about the mexicans taking our jobs etc…..according to a report recently Mexicans are now returning home and for the first time in 30 yrs ,they is now an outflow out of America back to Mexico.


We should print out his photo and post them on lump posts. We can do it together to catch this guy! Spread the news on FB and other social media as well! Let’s involved and save our neighborhood! There are many children, elderly people as well as hard working class women and men! He can’t get away with it!


Great work douchebag hipsters. Your disease brings this. This neighborhood was great when we knew the criminals and they were not targeting us. Take your bullshit cafes and wine bars out of here.


If I’m not mistaken, the intersection of 50th Ave and 44st is where St. Teresa’s church is. There are no banks or stores with ATM’s in that immediate area. The victim and the perp had to have walked a block or too together at least.

Just Looking

What happened? We’ve been “developed,” advertised, promoted, sold and resold, all to enrich business people. So now people from all over are streaming through here, most good people, but many of them see easy targets for crime here. Thank Michael Bloomberg, real estate developers, business promoters (Molly Bloom, I’m talking to you.) and all the hipsters who believe their hype.

Marty Concerned

Whats happening to our neighbourhood , seems like a lot of serious crimes creeping in ?


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