Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Photo: Wiki Commons)
April 1, 2020 Staff Report
Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are urging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to revise its policy of turning away blood donations from gay and bisexual men in light of the long-term impacts of the coronavirus crisis on the nation’s blood supply.
The pair, who both represent portions of western Queens, wrote a letter to the agency calling for the FDA to change its current policy.
“This antiquated policy is not based on current science, stigmatizes the LGBTQIA+ community, and undermines crucial efforts to increase the nation’s blood supply as the United States grapples with the coronavirus crisis,” they wrote.
More than 4,000 blood drives across the United States have been canceled due to coronavirus, resulting in approximately 130,000 fewer donations, Maloney and Ocasio-Cortez said. The New York Blood Center alone, they said, reportedly canceled more than 600 blood drives, resulting in approximately 25,000 lost potential donations.
The pair argue that the current FDA policy unnecessarily restricts blood donations.
Revising the current restriction could result, they said, in as many as an estimated 615,000 additional pints of blood being donated each year.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (Photo: Wiki Commons)
FDA’s policy is not based on current science, the pair says. They argue that the policy prevents “low-risk individuals from contributing to our blood supply” and “is not based in science but appears to be modeled after other countries’ choices and fears.”
“In light of the potential long-term impacts the coronavirus outbreak may have on the nation’s blood supply, we urge FDA to act swiftly in revising its policy so every person who can safely donate blood in the United States has the opportunity to do so,” the Members wrote.
The pair requested a briefing from the FDA regarding its current policy, any plans to revise this policy, and efforts to ensure adequate supply as a result of the coronavirus crisis.
At one time I lived on a planet among hard working, decent, civic minded, law abiding people. I’m starting to believe I may have been kidnapped by aliens and sent to an alternate universe….
Edwards- What planet are you living on? Fox Fantasy World? 1-Maloney is not talking about HIV infected people donating blood. 2-America has always imported poverty. Pick up a history book. Visit the tenement museum or Ellis Island. 3-Open boarders? Which version of open boarders are you talking of ? Open boarders runs the gamut of the political spectrum.. Go back to Fox Entertainment and find out which open boarders policies you should be touting and provide us with some type of details.
There are new drugs that have saved the lives of numerous people afflicted with HIV. While these medications are highly effective at preventing the onset of the disease …they DO NOT ERADICATE the virus nor are they a CURE. They allow most people afflicted with HIV to lead normal lives and test undetectable for the virus. BUT that doesn’t mean they do not carry the virus. Would AOC or Maloney want their child exposed to blood potentially infected ? I guess the SCIENCE doesn’t matter in this case eh? Isn’t time to stop this insanity…..open borders….importing poverty…identity politics….rewarding bad behavior instead of success ………………we are already a 3rd world country in many regards and it may be too late to turn things around Wake up!