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After Several Setbacks Along the way, Sunnyside’s Dog Run is Finally Open

Rick Duro, on opening day of new dog run

Rick Duro, on opening day of new dog run (Photo: QueensPost)

June 23, 2013 By Christian Murray

Sunnyside, Queens: It may have taken more than a decade, but it was well worth the wait.

The reopening of Lou Lodati Park, complete with a new dog run, took place on Saturday—after nine months construction and a decade of advocacy work by Sunnyside’s local dog group.

About 200 people attended Saturday’s ribbon cutting, along with 100 vocal canines. The occasion was particularly special for Rick Duro, the president of the Sunnyside United Dog Society, and many of that group’s new and long-serving members who helped make the day happen.

“Hey guys, we did it,” Duro said, to great applause. The park was filled with dogs—big and small– that had come out with their owners to mark the big occasion. Some dogs lay down on the new surface due to the heat, while others were restless sensing an air of excitement.

Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer described the completion of the dog run/park upgrade as an example of grass roots advocacy at best.

“When I was running for council in 2009, Rick [Duro] and members of SUDS invited me out to this site on one of the coldest days of the year,” Van Bramer said. “They put forward their idea [of the revamp] and I liked it,” he said. “I told them if I won, I would get it done.”

Within six months of being in office, Van Bramer said he had generated the funding needed to revamp the entire park—which the New York City Parks Department estimated to cost $1.4 million. He said $700,000 of it came from his allotment of discretionary funds [taxpayer money], with $700,000 from the Queens Borough President’s office.

“This is one of my proudest days as councilmember,” Van Bramer said, referring to the completion of the park—which is located just a few blocks from his house.

While the focus was on the new dog run, Van Bramer noted that the park received a complete makeover. A new asphalt surface was put down, softball lines were drawn and 2 ecuavolley courts were erected.  Furthermore, the project included two basketball hoops, better lighting and plenty of new shrubs and trees.

The park showed little resemblance to its condition just 18 months ago, when there was litter everywhere and sightings of soccer or volleyball players urinating against the walls.

“This dog run is great for the neighborhood,” said Lev Gartman, a 49th Street resident who was there for the opening with his fiancée Becky. “Every Saturday, Becky will go to the Farmer’s Market [on Skillman Ave] and I will take the dogs here. It’s a great space to have.”

Duro, who was greeted to great applause when he spoke on Saturday, said the park’s overhaul indicated the strength of the community as well as its political leaders, business people and community board.

He said Sunnyside’s dog group was created in Lou Lodati Park shortly after 9/11 when dog owners would meet at about 9 pm and comfort one another.

He said the group became a formal organization in 2003, under the name SUDS, and has been a tight-knit group since.

“Our goal all along was to fix up this park for everyone to use,” he said, adding that the dog owners had cleanup days and fundraisers.

“The dogs ran around and played while strangers became lifelong friends and helped one another out,” Duro said.  “They built friendships and networked; some dated, and some married and had children.”

He dismissed the notion that dog runs are for hipsters or yuppies, arguing that SUDS members were of all different occupations and backgrounds.

Van Bramer said he admired Duro and SUDS for their tenacity over the years in seeing the job through. “They didn’t get discouraged by all their setbacks along the way,” he said.

In 2004, SUDS approached Community Board 2 to request a designated space for their dog run in the park but were rejected, since the space was viewed as being too close to the children’s playground. In early 2005, SUDS tried once more, but its request was again rejected.

But in 2006, the community board approached SUDS with a proposal of its own. The board suggested the strip of land where the dog run is located today. SUDS plan was approved shortly thereafter.

SUDS members then asked Eric Gioia, the district’s councilmember at the time, for the funds from his discretionary budget. However, by that point SUDS had missed the deadline to apply for funds in 2007 and by the time 2008 rolled around the economic crisis had kicked in. They then turned to Van Bramer.

However, since it took so long before the dog run was complete, many of the founding members of SUDS or their dogs are no longer in the area. Many of the dogs have died.

Duro thanked many of the founding members of the organization—such as Joe Dineen, Jen Crammer, Ford Tronjanowski, Greg Smith, Michael Fitzpatrick, Juan Arache and Nora Connolly. He thanked newer members such as Mark Barberi and Debbie Hafner.

He said:  “I want to dedicate the park to the original SUD dogs.”

“Shane, Katey, Guinness, Isabel, June, Scooby, Spencer, Walter and Sasha…you will always be here in spirit.”

“I also want to dedicate the park to Matilda,” Duro said, referring to his own dog.

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It seemed like a great concept, but what happens when the baseball players are back? There is no netting or fences to protect the dogs or owners from flying balls to outfield.


its still crazy the amount of dog crap still around the park and notto mention the smell that comes from it. living in sunnyside for 30 + years and this was a horrible idea


@Ray – we have to make use of it so let’s play some Volleyball! I’m trying to gather people who’d be interested in playing and setting up the game(s).



Well There will be no EcuaVolley going on at this park. The nets are to low, what a disappointment, all the talk about the nets. These nets are to low for Ecuavolley.

Dorothy Morehead

@Walt. I couldn’t agree more. NYC is a complaint-driven bureaucracy. Unless a complaint or problem is brought to the attention of the appropriate agency, the presumption is that everything is fine. When you consider the complexity of running a city of 8 million people, NYC operates well most of the time. When it doesn’t, the local government (your council person and community board) are there to help. The capital and expense budgets are developed every fall so if you have a problem or a suggestion for a community improvement, be sure to make it known. The dog run was supported by the community board after a number of dog owners came to the board and requested it. Having an active and receptive councilman like Jimmy Van Bramer was the key to getting the funding and pushing it through to fruition. Congratulations to all.


The Dog run is great !! There will always be kinks to be ironed out. I am a Suds member, and remember the day I met Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer at the farmers market one Saturday years ago when he was campaigning. We spoke of issues, his stance on various topics concerning the neighborhood. I like what I heard, and remember telling him that he had my vote pending one last thing…a dog run. He promised, and delivered. I would also like to add that I am proud of his service in general and will continue to support such a visible and concerned councilman. I am grateful for him, and also for Ricks dream coming to fruition. Thank you both. Rick saw a need for something and went about it in a positive way. Those bemoaning the lack of restroom facilities for the park in general, and the abuse the park sees as a result of the supply, demand, and proximity issues of restrooms should do some lobbying of their own. Be a productive positive squeaky wheel instead of someone who finds the energy to write about issues rather then actually doing something about it.

tellin it like it is

from the article above it sounds like were going to need some wee wee pads over in the spanish speaking section

Rick Duro

Hose connector was too small and didn’t work. Parks Dept will work on it tomorrow.


Rick Duro

Joan, an original SUDS member, you are sorely missed!!

Bring Barney and the gang by soon:)


Joan Pagan

Congratulations all. sorry we moved before seeing it completed, but Barney, Penny (my newest old girl) and I may get to stop by on a visit sometime. The pool(s) sound great. That is an unexpected plus.


Doggie pool!!! I bet I will end up in it to cool off in this heat!!!!
Can anyone use the hose?
BTW – Sunnyside Volleyball for all is really happening, if you want in let us know!!


@Sunnyside Native thank you very much for pointing his comment out to me.
@RD Great it will be fixed soon!

Sunnyside Native

@ M – Rick is the President of SUDS. See Rick’s comment above at 11:26 AM.


The dog run is great but while we were there on Saturday and Sunday, some small dogs were able to escape under the door gates since they are several inches up off the pavement. They should really lower those gates to lessen the gap. Please look into this and fix this issue! It would be a shame and heartbreaking to have a dog go missing.


I’m getting the hose connection delivered today. Then we can clean the surface this eve and fill up the lil dog pool. We have a 2nd larger pool on order. Both were kindly donated by WesPawPets.



I gotta say, this place is pretty awesome. The community has never been better.

now if we can just do something about the Chaaaange Bum.

Sunnyside Native

The dog pool shaped like a paw is about a third full right now. We are getting a hose this week, so we can hose the runs down to keep them clean and then we can fill up the pool(s) all the way. 🙂


I’ve noticed that the dogs seem to like it, too. Something for everyone!


Thanks Sis! Even though you are in Astoria you are always welcome here. You are an adopted SUDS member;)

As for little dogs, there is a separate section for them. So, feel free to come anytime between 6am-9pm.

We have to fix one issue though, the fences were not made low enough on the gates to enter the 2 separate runs, it should get fixed this week. So, keep any eye on your lil’ guy so he can’t escape.



Thanks to Bliss & Skillman for continually referring to the SUDS members as overweight! One reference was that we waddle and the other was when we were called chunky dunkers. As you can see, the majority of the SUDS dog owners are not overweight. But thanks for your concern about our health!


@sunnyside_native there are two sections one for big dogs and one for small 🙂
I am so proud of my brother Rick and his organization SUDS for never giving up! I know all your doggy babies are so happy to have this special space just for them and they can go anytime of day not just at 9 pm 🙂

Bliss & Skillman

… thank you to the local C.S.O. for always being right there in everything S.U.D.S does!


Love the dog run. Thank you SUDS!!! We have been 3 times so far in the last two days.


Can anyone tell me if there is a special time for small dogs? I have a teacup, and I’d really like for her to be able to get socialized.



This is great!
I like to thank all from the bottom of my heart that made this park happen! My guy loved it and we were happy to meet new dogs and their people. (I’ll have pictures up soon and let everyone know. )
Simon- I’m down for a game. Let me know ( )
Now. How do we fill up the little doggie swimming pool?


Let’s get some real volleyball games going!

I’m willing to set it up, let me know who’s interested in playing volleyball!!!


Rick Duro

One clarification here. The idea of a dog run was never turned down. Our choices of spots w/i the park were the issue. The 2nd spot we inquired about was around the big trees in the back, building a fenced in area around them for the dogs to run around. Building those wooden platforms/stairs around them, a la Madison Sq Pk. In the end, neither spot was the right fit, CB#2 knew what it was doing.

Joe Conley and Pat O’Brien then came to us after that 2nd go-round and recommeded the location it was eventually built in.

@7Train: Matilda got first ‘marking’ honors @ the run:)



Thank goodness it’s now open. I’ve been waiting for the opening since the process began. I am sure the park’s new makeover will benifit Sunnysiders alike and I might come over to see the new space.

Thank you SUDS and Jimmy Van Bramer!


I wonder which dog was the first to, uhm, you know, shall we say “inaugurate” the dog run? He should get a special certificate.

Anyway, hopefully the market vendors got a boost in sales from the event.


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