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ABC Variety Store to Get a New Look

Photo: QueensPost

Sept. 13, 2013 By Christian Murray

ABC Variety Store, located at 45-20 Greenpoint Avenue, is putting up a new store sign.

The old sign, however, was not removed by the owner for aesthetic reasons or to improve the overall look of the neighborhood. Instead, the weather-beaten sign was removed by mistake.

The sign was mistakenly removed by workers who were supposed to take down an adjacent store’s sign. They took down and damaged ABC’s.

As restitution, a new sign is being erected.

The new sign is expected to go up next week.

Previous Look (Photo: QueensPost)

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Wow a civil war is about to erupt between the newbies of the south side of Sunnyside and the northerners! AHAHAHAHA AHAHAH

Potsie from Happy Days

The best part about the south side of Sunnyside is White Castle!!! Until the next day.


Mr Magoo

“chicken places like Pio Pio Riko & Don Pollo are what is moving in on the South side of the blvd”

Both of which are completely AMAZING. I have no problem with being inundated with Peruvian, Colombian, Ecuadorian, etc chicken!!!!

Sunnyside Native

Some of you people can be baited SO easily by the likes of Mr. Magoo. You must not be native NY’ers, becasue we are not that sensitive & easily baited.

South Side Johnny

South vs. North is a pointlss conversation- there is good & bad on both sides of the boulevard. I’m interested in the RULES and LAWS that address what a merchant can and cannot do with the sidewalk outside of their shop. I remember hearing that scooter/moped shop on QB was violating the law and that he was going to be stopped. Doesn’t look like anything’s happening.

There are merchants all over Sunnyside who put racks of merchandise out on the sidewalk- the florists, ABC Variety (and its equivalent on the north side of QB, 99c Treats,) the thrift stores, the scooter mechanic and so forth. Instead of wild speculation and grumbling about portly north-siders clogging up our sidewalks, how about Sunnyside Shines or Sunnyside Post researching and reporting on the rules and regulations that govern the use of space in front of an establishment?

Is this too much to ask? Then we could be proactive, instead of reactive.

joanie luvs chachi

I send my butler on slurpee runs to 7-11! he always takes a long time because my slurpees always melted, be the’s yuckin it up with all his butler ilk over there by the rotating hot dogs.

Hoof Hearted

Mr. Magoo secretly sends his butler over to ABC to pick up his $2.99 tube socks and boxer briefs when he thinks nobody is paying attention.

Mr. Magoo

You can have ABC Variety, the post office and the library. Post office is broke and libraries are shutting down left and right in our 5 boroughs. There are so many empty store fronts on Greenpoint Avenue, it is downright depressing! 99c stores & chicken places like Pio Pio Riko & Don Pollo are what is moving in on the South side of the blvd. You can have it. BTW – I do have a garage to park my car.


LTSR, I was just about to comment on same thing, magoo is just another ignorant gardener who thinks sunnyside consists of sunnyside gardens and nothing else, while the Sunnyside gate arch is actually on the south side, as well as the post office, library, all major supermarkets. It’s ok, let him roll the dong on his backyard. There are a lot of Sunnysiders on north side who knows the value of the south side, like most of us. Most of the north siders are just upset that they cannot get a driveway or garage in the gardens, and most of the houses are crumbling into pieces from negligence or from so called landmark regulations. I lived on all 4 corners of sunnyside and they are all equally important to sunnyside, just because the local politician seems to spend more time on the north side does not make that side important, he lives on that side for god’s sake!


I love this store!!! been going there forever – every now and then you can find a treasure – for all you whiners – go shop in Manhattan or Williamsburg

Long time Sunnyside resident

At mr magoo another stupid comment about the south side of the blvd. what s the real dif between the north side and south side ??? More money on the north side and more police activity??? Amazing how there also seems to b more crime on that side. Stay over there. We don’t need or want you on our side.


This the kind of gutsy reporting that we need more of around here. Controversial, thought provoking, take no prisoners journalism like this will bring about true change

Long time Sunnyside resident

Why can’t they be like most other stores and have their merchandise INSIDE their store???its a total eyesore on greenpoint avenue. Would rite aid or cvs be allowed to set up a stand outside their stores? I doubt it very much. One rule for one business another rule for another business . Outdoor bars and resteraunts have to pay a lot of money for sidewalk Seating. Why don’t the stores have to pay also?

The Simon Cowell Of Signage

The question is: Will they spend for a decent sign or go with the standard Sunnyside Special for 99 bucks, my moneys on the Sunnyside Special.

a Walker

Are you kidding? It has nothing to do with weight. The tables extend out to the middle of the sidewalk, the trees block another part and people checking out the merchandise take up what little is left and they don’t move out of your way.

South Side Johnny

Hoof, I know what you mean. While there ARE people out side, looking at the merch, I can never recall a time that I was unable to get by on the side walk. There’s more crap in the way in front of the produce store on 46th, along with a lot of garbage.

Always find something to complain about! Such negative outlooks on life.

Hoof Hearted

Even with the tables outside, there is plenty of room to walk. Really, how fat are people getting?


Isn’t there a law about all of their merchandise put out on the sidewalk. Certainly makes it harder for people to walk there …
Looks like the old Delancey street …

a Walker

Now if they would only put the merchandise inside the store we might have room to walk.

Don’t tell me just to cross the street, I want to walk on that side to get to where I am going.

Michelle Pratt

I bought bed sheets from that place that was marked 100% cotton, turned out to be polyester crap. They didn’t refused to give me a refund. Will never spend a dime there again!

Nom de Plume


I don’t know what the new sign will look like but I would not say the old one had any appealing character.

Nom de Plume

The guys who accidentally took down the sign did them a favor. The sign was decrepit. I don’t understand why businesses leave shabby signs up. It’s a good investment to have one that gives a positive impression.

James south side

These idiots don’t understand whats new is not necessarily appealing. They destroy character in the name of renovation.. They trendiest neighborhoods in NY relish whats “old”.


“The sign was mistakenly removed by workers who were supposed to take down an adjacent store’s sign.”

omg that’s too funny!


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