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De Blasio Warns That NYC Schools Could Close as Soon as Monday

Photo: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office

Nov. 13, 2020 By Christian Murray

Mayor Bill De Blasio warned today that New York City schools could close for in-person learning as soon as Monday amid a spike in COVID-19 infections.

The mayor told parents to brace themselves for closures during an appearance on WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show this morning. He said parents with children who are attending in-person classes should make plans in case schools close next week.

“People should get ready,” de Blasio said on the WNYC show. “Have an alternative plan for as early as Monday.”

The warning comes as the city continues to see the COVID-19 infection rate climb, with the latest data showing a 2.83 percent infection rate on a seven-day rolling average.

The mayor has warned that if the city hits 3 percent on a seven-day rolling average he would shutter school buildings.

He said if the infection rate rises over the weekend then parents might be alerted that school could close as early as Monday.

De Blasio urged New Yorkers to take precautions this weekend to get the infection rate down.

“We NEED to fight back this weekend, NYC,” he tweeted this morning. “We NEED to get this virus under control.”

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What about Long Island, everyone can go to long island where indoor dining is just fine. Numbers there are just as high, this is so weird. Why doesn’t Kuomo stop them too?
As for schools, they all should be remote learning, but kids can still go to school and learn the same lessons as google class lessons through their own workstations, in a limited seating per class with plexiglass dividers to hold coughs and sneezes in place.

There is no one solution to this, they royally messed up thanks to our everyone downplaying this, not just president, and sitting and waiting while rest of the world was dropping dead one by one. Complete shut down 2 weeks. Curfew, complete stoppage, gov can print money cover everyone’s salary not in terms of cash but paying the bills and food etc, don’t juts throw cash at them $2400 here you go, buy TVs and cellphones.


Suffolk county has a high infection rate. And long islanders pay a ridiculous amount of home taxes. Residents would vote officials out if they closed businesses.


Indoor dining including the outside dining tents in NYC should be banned before school closures. That way buses and parents will transfer students home faster. Also it will allow for cars, cabs, delivery trucks, ambulances, police etc. to get to destinations faster once we hit the above 3 percent threshold.


Hate to be pessimistic but it’s only a matter of time before NYC crosses the 3% threshold. Almost definitely after Thanksgiving super-spreader feasts. I suppose by then, it will almost be time for winter break

You aren't being pessimistic.

You are being REALISTIC!

Keep up the rallies and parties in the street, peeps! Y’all are going to make the numbers go up again and then the kids y’all are sending in to blended (cause y’all can’t stand them) HAVE to be at home!!!!


I’m working from home right now but I don’t want to do it forever. I want to go back to the office. I am sure teachers and students would feel the same if schools get shut down. Students need a school setting to socialize and improve their cognitive, emotional, speech and language and gross and fine motor skills. My child’s speech development regressed from being away from daycare. I am having him tested next week to see if he qualifies for free special education services in a school setting and/or SSI. I hope the testing site is open.

Shannon, there are things you can do at home.

Not saying you aren’t but it’s more than the school/daycare. Outside speech pathology can also help as well. Go to your pediatrician to find out about whom he or she recommends.


The country should shut down now!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no protection for people who do not want to get the virus!!!!!! No one seems to be in charge!!!!!!! The government has failed Americans!!!!! Let Biden rule!!!!! It is too late for testing!!!!!!!!!!!! We need action now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Book lover

Hey, Chloe, I never realized there were so many independently wealthy people living here in Sunnyside. Maybe you can chip in and pay my rent and other bills while I’m out of work because of lockdowns. I’m sure other out of work people would also like some help from you and other rich Queens residents. Hmmmm?? How about it, Chloe?


Maybe we should consider 4 day work schedules for parents. Work 10 hour shifts instead of 8 hours and alternate days between parents. This would allow for the work to be done and give 3 to 4 days in a week to allow supervision of the kids and care for younger kids. 4day work shifts have been done in other countries and did prove to increase productivity as well which is the only concerns for your bosses.


My granddaughters grades went up because she didn’t have the distractions she has in school ..remote learning at home can work.


Have they addressed the number of children that did not return to school or if they did are completely failing in school now.


Unless your parent is rich or smart and they send to private school , the NYC public school system is nothing but a baby sitting operation where the kids learn what bad things adult do while telling them they are special and have a dream. Shutting the school down is not going to hurt them.


I am afraid that business will be next and that crime will skyrocket again. I tried to make an appointment to see my doctor and there is a two month waiting list! My friend went and she said there was no physical exam. You basically chat with your doctor and they send you to others or tests as they see fit! We should be able to get routine blood work and such with results being sent to the doctor without their approval. All this wait time is costing people lives.


Why were they open anyway? Students are too stressed and anxious to learn and teachers are scared and complain all day.


I dont have money for somebody watch my children. I will have to take off of work! Why cant some stay open to teach. We need help! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez if you read this please help us. We need money to pay rent and bills and hire help for childcare.


Retreat back to your basements, close the blinds and curtains, wear a mask 24/7, scrub your hands with bleach. Oh, make sure to wear a mask during all Zoom calls.

Trump Flu season

Sad to see the virus affect our children. Parents are having a hard enough time finding work as it is.

BdB can shove it

I listened to his interview on Brian Lehrer this morning. BdB literally said it’s “important to limit indoor gatherings” but then completely dismissed the idea of shutting indoor dining.

Get your priorities straight.


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