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Subway Surfing Teen Dies at Queensboro Plaza


Nov. 25, 2019 By Allie Griffin

A teenager died Saturday night after attempting to surf atop a no 7 train at the Queensboro Plaza station, authorities said.

The teen fell from a Manhattan-bound 7 train around 9 p.m. and hit his head on a piece of metal on the tracks, according to the MTA and police.

The subway surfer was just 14 years old, according to the New York Daily News.

No. 7 and N trains were rerouted and bypassed the station for several hours due to the incident. The trains began stopping at Queensboro Plaza again around 11 p.m.

The dangerous stunt is not an isolated incident.

The prior weekend, two people were seen surfing atop a 7 train at the Roosevelt Avenue stop in Jackson Heights. A video of the incident was posted to the Instagram. (Warning: the video has explicit language)


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In 2017, a subway surfer shocked onlookers in Sunnyside and later turned himself in for the stunt.

Subway Surfer in 2017 at 40th Street Station (Photo Courtesy of Mark Alan Jones)

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This lesson is eons old-- since the 80s

So when will this lesson be learned?

The way parents”parent” now, I’d say never.

Darwinism at it’s best.


Put metal bars between each station that stops people or anything on top from remaining on top. Case closed.

cornelius pisarski

… You people who judge right off the bat do not know of the personal experineces of some. I say this, its sad to see someone so young get hurt doing something like this and i cant help but feel somewhat responsible for it happening on the 7 line. To the family affected i am sorry for your loss, to the young man i simply wish i had met you sooner, maybe this future could have been altered.. But you are where you are and i know you see us all. Support those you will and do more for those less understanding. I cannot ask anything of you but seeing this article has struck a chord in me that i have no choice but to resonate at.

Hey Cornelius

This is a incoherent rambling. were you sober writing it? What is it that you are saying: “I cant help but feel somewhat responsible for it happening” were you there, did you encourage this kid to do this? What does this mean: “I simply wish I had met you sooner”. What you wrote implicates yourself. And about “…You people who judge right off the bat” who judged this kid, nobody did, the comments were about how stupid, foolish this kid was. Lastly, wake up to what this selfish, foolish, dumb kid did to all the subway riders just trying to get to work, school, why no empathy for the subway riders trapped on the train because this knucklehead had to satisfy is selfish need to train surf. All the subway riders affected by this kid and you defend this kid who you ‘don’t know’ and you weren’t there either?


I see kids riding between cars sometimes, which is crazy enough, but riding on top is just completely insane.


I feel sorry for him and his family because he was only 14. Otherwise these people are reckless jerks.


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