July 22, 2019, Jackie Strawbridge
About 400 local residents remain without power Monday afternoon, following massive outages in Queens and Brooklyn during this weekend’s heat wave.
The local outages — which mainly struck the buildings on 51st St. and 52nd St. between 39th Ave. and Skillman Ave — were caused by a manhole fire when equipment overheated, according to a Con Edison spokesperson.
They are just a fraction of the outages that left more than 30,000 Queens and Brooklyn residents without power over the course of the weekend, when temperatures during the dangerous heat wave reached 100 degrees.
Con Edison is expecting to fully restore power to the 51st and 52nd Street buildings by 7 p.m. tonight.
When asked to explain that timeframe, a spokesperson responded that underground systems are harder to access and therefore take longer to repair.
The spokesperson also said that anyone wishing to submit claims for compensation due to lost service should call 1-800-752-6633.
I think its great. Its like the old days, like everyone posts here. The old days, the old days, the old days, well now its the old days….
NO A/C. ???
Where’s JVB oh wait hes probably to busy peddling his bicyle on the bike lanes conserving energy and saving the environment. But what this is really is Environmental Racism, you will never see upper east side residents without power.
>you will never see upper east side residents without power
You must have missed it but Times Square went dark a few days ago. Because of “Environmental Racism?” lol
2nd time in less than six months my Mom’s house lost power. No overhead lines, can’t blame trees. Last time it was 48 degrees with very light rain. ConEd blamed the weather.?
Whereeeee’s JIMMY?
It’s crazy how much an overheated man hole can effect the community.
Take a picture of any food in your freezer and send them to Con Ed. Tears ago when there was a brown out we did this, Con Ed reimbursed us. I can’t remember what the amount was. But since they are responsible they owe you.
The article never mentioned the time the power outage began. Around 4:00AM the news on television mentioned Con Ed wanted the people of Woodside and Sunnyside to conserve power along with Brooklyn and Richmond Hill. They never said the power actually went out in part of Woodside.
Not everyone watches TV, if it was hat urgent they can text people.
This is NYC. They should upgrade their systems to give enough power even if everyone was blasting AC at full power. This is not some 3rd world country.
Well if it was on TV how could they watch???
Thought this problem was affecting Phipps.