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81-Year Old Sunnysider Beaten and Robbed at Chase Bank


Oct. 27, 2014 By Christian Murray

An 81-year-old Sunnyside resident was punched in the face and then robbed at the Chase bank branch at 46-10 Queen Blvd Sunday morning.

William Eichhorn, who has lived in the Phipps Houses for the past 50 years, had just finished mass at St. Sebastian’s church and walked up to the Queens Blvd branch to get cash for a newspaper and bagel and get pocket money for the week.

While taking out $100 at about 9:30 am, two men allegedly approached him from behind by the ATM machine and demanded money, the police said. He refused and was punched in the face and thrown to the ground. While on the ground, the men took his cash and riffled through his pockets. They fled with his debit card, the police said.

Eichhorn’s granddaughter Katie Flanagan said that a Good Samaritan came to her grandfather’s aid. She said he picked him up off the ground, called the police and escorted him to the 108 Police Precinct in Long Island City. “We don’t know who the Good Samaritan was but we would like to know and to thank him,” she said.

She also said that the 108 treated her grandfather well by taking him to the station, helping him with his cut check—pierced by knuckles—and by dropping him off at his apartment door.

Nevertheless, Flanagan said that her grandfather is now nervous about going out of the house. She is worried that her grandfather is so shaken that it will stunt his independence.

She said she hopes the police and residents will help her nab the perpetrators.

“I am hoping with enough attention we can find the cowards who beat up and robbed my elderly and nearly blind grandfather,” Flanagan said. “He’s 81 and 130 pounds–who could do such a thing such and elderly tiny man?”

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Shirley Focer - Tagliarino

This man was the first boss I ever had when I graduated from High School. I have never forgotten him and I recently found out about this disgusting attack on him. I always communicated with him and lost touch when I moved from Queens and lost his address. I hope his family reads this and can put me in touch with him once again he is and always will continue to be very dear to me you can reach me at through my email …. My prayers go out to your family and I am hoping they catch these thugs … hopefully they are not sleeping at night!

Sick of it

I think we need to start our own security force like the Jewish community has in williamsburg. Those guys got the right idea. I would donate money and time to that.

Elizabeth Lesar

This is disgraceful, unbelieveable that this can happen in broad daylight. Let’s get these bums!!


Keep your eyes open. strange things are happening in Sunnyside, unheard of.
A friend of mine was robbed in her apartment. With eyes open we will keep the bastards out!

Anonymous visitor

Liberals against stop&frisk. Well, it ain’t nice but it did the job.
Wonder why somehow all the gangsters are, well….you know.

Jimmy Van Patten

Their is two freeloaders at fault here!!!!
1. Van Bramer the biggest freeloader in all of queens. Where was he at the dog parade?
2. Chase bank with its mall cop management and costco security cameras but don’t forget about all of the monthly charges they rob us for to do banking with them.
This sickens me!!!!!!


I am very sorry to hear about this senseless attack. The people responsible for this crime are worthless wastes of life (I won’t give them the courtesy of even referring to them as human beings). That said, I am counting down the days till we move out of Sunnyside…..only 9 left. I don’t know what’s rising faster, the rent or the crime rate in this area. To hear about stories like this and to know that you live among people that are capable of doing such a thing to an innocent elderly man is disturbing to say the least. I feel sorry for those that are too deeply rooted in Sunnyside to pick up and leave. The last several years of living in this neighborhood have been forgettable.


Look at that camera quality and what do you know, description is another politically correct generic person. Katie, I hope you follow up and get results soon and get a chance to spit at this low life’s face, although I doubt that. However please try to get media to push 108 to request footage of the same time from other stores with cameras.

Also, announcement to all thugs, Chase has shitty camera, and they’ll never catch you with this type of picture quality. I hope shitty Chase upgrades their cameras soon. Until then I refuse to do business at this Chase branch.


What year is this again? How can a bank still have such terrible cameras? The cops might be worthless around here but the lack of security cameras aren’t helping either.


Moved from Sunnyside..To Forest Hills..Used to be Forest Hills was one of the most expensive places in Queens to live…now Sunnyside is more…and crime is creeping back.

Mary Ann Gasparro

I just want to thank Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer for his quick response to our family’s call for help. The police now have the video tape from
Chase and hopefully these terrible people can be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Thank you Council Member Van Bramer!

Concerned Hipster

Katie, I’m really sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope he’s on the road to recovery. Please let us know on here how things pan out and if there’s anything we can do to help organise in relation to this distressing crime.

Katie Flanagan

I just want to thank Jimmy Van Bramer for his quick response. We were already in contact and the police have the Chase videos. They are sending it down to headquarters and will hopefully circulate it to the media. More to details to follow.

Sunnyside resident

Sunnyside is falling apart and its so sad that nobody does anything about this , this is such a wonderful neighborhood ! But lately so much theft going around houses , peoples , cars and they keep doing this because they always get away with this !!!


This neighborhood needs to organize- Now! Please go to Facebook, there is now a group “Sunnyside Together” please join if you want to work to take this neighborhood back and come together as a community.


I was at that ATM on Sunday at 8:00 a.m (if it’s the Chase next to Key Food, not the one across the street) and got a really bad feeling from a guy outside. I am always hyper alert when at ATMs so was looking around and staring at a man standing outside near a car.
It’s dicey using the ATM when nobody is around.

I hope your father is OK. Key Food may have surveilance cameras that captured the people outside.


I joke a lot but I’m serious when I say Sunnyside has never been THIS bad. I have made comments about stores being drug fronts and I gotta believe a lot of these crimes are related to an unspoken MASSIVE drug problem in Sunnyside.

I’m speaking real here. There are people that walk up and down sunnyside and I am sure they are lookouts. You got cameras in front of some stores that never have people in them.

This is the only real explanation, these people are desperate…who does this stuff at these hours? desperate druggies thats who.


Lol! the 4 idiots who thumbed down my comment obviously own drug front properties.

Hood rich

What skumbags…. Wait till someone punches your father in the face for a couple of bucks. Lets see how u feel then … Definitely some drug addicts… Makin this hood go to sh**


Piece of shit Sunnyside. Wow. There are no photos released because Chase most likely has crap video and you can’t make anything out, or the surveillance wasn’t functional. I hope Mr. Eichorn will get well soon. At least they only got $100 and he wasn’t injured severely. Health first, money second.

Katie Flanagan

Below is the letter I e-mailed to Council Member Van Bramer asking for his assistance in getting the Chase Bank, across the street from his district office, to release the video tapes of the cowards. I’ve been told it will take the Chase Bank up to 30 days to release the video tape! How can we keep our neighborhood safe when it will take up to a month for Chase to release the video so we can identify the cowards who savagely attacked my grandfather?? I hope Council Member Van Bramer is true to his Sunnyside roots and upbringing and will do everything in his power to see the bank releases these tapes quickly. I am awaiting his quick response.

My name is Katie Flanagan, granddaughter of William Eichhorn, the 81 year old gentleman who was beaten and robbed at the Chase Bank directly across the street from your district office on Sunday morning October 26, 2014. Fortunately for my grandfather, a Good Samaritan came by, picked my grandfather up off the vestibule floor, called 911, and remained with grandfather until the police arrived and escorted him to the 108 precinct. The 108 precinct detectives were wonderful to my grandfather. They took all the information regarding this crime, generating complaint number 6789. The detectives even helped to bandage my grandfather’s open wounds from this heinous attack. For the record, my grandfather is not only 81 years old, he is legally blind, and is 5’9, and weighs a mere 130 lbs. A strong gust of air could have blown him over. These criminals had no reason to physically attack him except for their own enjoyment.

My family was in contact with the 108 detectives today regarding this crime. They informed us that it could take up to 30 days for Chase to release the video tapes of the perpetrators and until they could identify these cowards, and without much more information, it will be hard to identify the suspects and perhaps effect an arrest.

My grandfather has lived in this neighborhood for over 50 years. He raised 3 children in this neighborhood as well. I also spent all of my 24 years as a Sunnyside resident. This crime is NOT what Sunnyside residents have come to expect.

I am writing you today to see if there is anything you can do to contact the Chase Bank directly, the one across from your district office, to see that they release the video tape of this crime as quickly as possible to the 108 precinct detective squad. The detectives told my family that a supeona for the video tape has been generated and has been served upon Chase. The legal documents are in place now, it’s just a matter of time for the branch to turn over tapes.

Please use the power of your office to have Chase turn over the tapes as quickly as possible. Not only for my family’s peace of mind but to prevent this incident from happening to another vulnerable Sunnyside resident.

I have attached a link to the Sunnyside Post article. Many citizens are outraged and now fearing for they safety. Many also suggested I contact your office, hence my letter.

Thanks in advance for all your help. I await your quick response.

Katie Flanagan
(917) 734 – 0303


Good luck Katie, there has to be many sunnyside-resident accessible cameras in Sunnyside. If nobody is watching, we can watch it ourselves. Doesn’t Key Food have any cameras pointed outside, how about the Western Union place?

Sit William Regal

Oh please the Neighborhood is not getting worse you folks love to exaggerate just like the Media HYPE about Ebola.


Sad story. Our neighborhood is getting worse every day. On 49th Street, between Queens boulevard and 48th ave, we have those drugs dealers all night. Blasting music, smoking blunts, selling drugs (red vespa and Black Nissan Maxima plate GLY4535). We called the Police. Nobody showed up…


I moved into this neighborhood because it was safe, secure, low key and easy. I had never heard of so many things happening in the 6 years I have been living here. What is going on that it is no longer the secure nice place that it used to be?


Is it just a coincidence that ever since the pawn shop opened on 46th and Queens Blvd crime has gone up in the neighborhood. ..Are Sunnyside residents really patronizing this place?


I seriously doubt that. Pawn shop has brought nothing but trouble to our neighborhood. I remember the nice coffee shop that used to be there.


on Saturday October 25, 2014 my husband and I were on queens boulevard in our car and something else must have happened also because there were cop cars and under cover cars going up and down QB between QB and Chase Bank up to Rite Aid on 58th Street — no good at all — my heart goes out to this elderly gentleman — I hope he is okay —

Silent majority

@ Grace why are you killing the messenger? He is just giving you the facts. Christian works closely with the 108 and cannot jeopardize that relationship by bashing them deservedly so or not. If you have an issue with the 108 pct. you can attend the community board meeting and have your say, but then that would remove you from anonymity.


hearing stories like this makes me so scared to walk around the neighborhood… i always thought it was a pretty safe area…

Royale with Cheese

Best wishes for a quick recovery for Mr. Eichorn.

From Saint Sebastians to 46 and Queens Blvd is quite a hike for an elderly person, and uphill too. Mr. Eichorn is certainly in good shape.

Conway Stapleton

I’ve actually found that the homeless who live under the L are harmless and even friendly. Some of them have been there since I was a kid. I’m sorry that you’ve had such a negative experience Grace.


There is only one guy who is harmless and never bother anyone for change or cigarettes. The guy with sofa cushion, that guy has part of Sunnyside for years, but there are other guys, there is one who sits on steps and litters, takes off his underwear, and pees or defecates in between cars. I believe you’ve been lucky enough not to meet with this disgusting character. I don’t even know what to do with him when I see him.

The Rope

What Sunnyside needs is a local precinct! The 108 is 2 blocks from the East River. Build one where they wanted to put the FDNY facility!


Christian Murray, don’t make 108 look good by posting how they cared for this poor man and dropped him off at his house, big deal. Give us more information about what are they doing to catch the criminals? Where are the pictures. Is the local politician afraid that neighborhood image will be ruined if they post pictures of thugs around the neighborhood? Or is 108 concerned that more thugs will appear since they’ll realize 108 cannot catch them with all the posters around.

There is a group of thugs/lowlifes stationed at the corner of 48th st and47th ave, go walk by there between 11am 1pm, you will see those trouble makers, I bet they are part of the trouble makers that roam the gardens at night.

Let’s bet that the camera footage will reveal a couple of young gangsters at some kind of gang initiation. I guess sunnyside needs a drive-through ATMs now.


We need to make sure the police is more vigilant around the neighborhood. A woman was mugged in my building at 42nd st btw 43rd ave & skillman ave on October 26th around midnight


What a tragedy! I wish this poor man a speedy recovery.
How sad that such pathetic cowards can make us all question our safety in broad daylight. I hope they are caught and punished fast!

Anonymous visitor

Can you PLEASE ask the 108 to assign some officers to these cases who are not mentally subnormal. They have the video, they have vehicle plate numbers, they have people on this blog telling them the names and locations of perpetrators and yet they do nothing. 108 are beyond useless. They could have the culprits in handcuffs tomorrow if they wanted to.


This coward & thugs need to teach a lesson.. Does chase had security footage? of so, we need to kick this scum bag asses:-(

Silent majority

Lets make sure that the 108 pct. and the local politicians know that we will not let OUR neighborhood be held hostage to these thugs. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

President: Diane R. Ballek
Meetings: Community Council Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month. The meetings are held at 7:00 P.M. at Sunnyside Community Services, 43-31 39th Street 1st Floor, Sunnyside, 11104. All members of the community are welcome.

Mary Caulfield

Bill Eichhorn has been my neighbor all my life. His record of very quiet public service to this community goes back for decades. He, was, in fact born here, so his memory of Sunnyside is a treasure we could all learn from.

Crime happens, but it is heartbreaking when it happens to people who deserve our heartfelt thanks for being an exemplary neighbor.

Silent majority

Where is the surveillance camera footage? All ATM’s have cameras. Did this happen in the front ATM’s on Queens blvd. or the ATM’s in the back on Greenpoint? 9:30 on a Sunday morning how did no one see this happen? The bus stop in right in front on the bank entrance and the blvd is usually full of people. The animals who did this are POS!

Daniel Leyva

I have been in the area for several years and this recent string of crimes is concerning. I think Council member Jimmy Van Bramer should call for a town hall meeting with the police to discuss strategies to fight crime. This is a great neighborhood and we must keep it that way.


I would LOVE to see Jimmy Van Brammer address the crime issue going on in the neighborhood! Pharmacies being robbed. Apartments being robbed. Now muggings. How many times in the last year have the Chase Banks been targeted!?! Instead of making a public space under the subway, I would like to see some change in the crime. I know we have undercover police around, but I don’t think the sight of more uniformed cops would be a bad thing.

Manzar Haloumi

It makes me ill that people would do this. I hope that Mr. Eichhorn has a quick recovery, including his independence.


Is there no security video? The video should be circulated so folks can ID these thugs. Enough of this garbage!

Kramden's Delicious Marshall

This took place at the bank’s ATM. surely there must be some video of the incident.


Dirty Animals, this is getting out of control,bums,thugs and layabouts are all over the neighborhood,it is a disgrace,need more arrests and less talk.


Sunnyside Post, thanks for alerting us to be more careful at local banks especially at times when the bank is closed and you need to use your access card. Always check the area of the ATM machines and watch behind you.

Mary Ann Gasparro

William Eichhorn is my father. It takes real cowards to pick on the weakest in our community. Please help us catch these people and get them off the streets and put in a cage where they belong.


I am 66 yr old woman and I go to this bank regularly . I always try not to get money out when no one is there. or on the weekend by myself just for this reason. It takes a COWARD , such as the guy that did this to pick on an elderly man . I love to walk out neighborhood on a daily basis and would love to help this elderly man with anything he needed to do . It would be sad to not see him out and about , our neighbor hood is usually a great place . Until some idiot acts like this ..My thoughts are with William

John Z

Either it’s media hype, or the neighborhood is really going downhill. Van bramer, can we do something about this or are you still fixing to help the homeless? You know, people like “change” who pull their pants down under the train n crap on the pillars .. I see you haven’t done anything about this yet either. (For years now…)


Van Bramer doesn’t care about these things, it’s not just him, all local politicians are like this, his office is in Sunnyside but he doesn’t pay enough attention to sunnyside, unless there is a ribbon cutting or some other kind of nonsense recognition like sunnyside gardens historic district. I encourage all sunnysiders to show up at one of these events with posters and pictures about these terrible news in Sunnyside. Maybe then they’ll get more attention.


Van Bramer’s heart may have been in the right place at onetime, but he’s a politician. And , sad to say it , a media whore. He loves the attention he gets. Too bad he can’t do more.


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