Location of death (Photo: Google Earth)
Dec. 20, 2013 By Christian Murray
An 8-year-old boy was struck and killed by a tractor trailer in Woodside this morning on his way to PS 152.
The police said that Noshat Nahian, a third grader at PS 152, was hit while crossing Northern Boulevard at 61st Street while walking with his sister just before 8 am. The truck hit him while turning left onto the boulevard. The driver remained on the scene.
Nahian was rushed to Elmhurst Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The driver of the truck, Mauricio Osorio-Palominos, 51, was driving without a license, the police said. He was arrested and charged with aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle and operating a vehicle in violation of safety rules.
Nahian was struck just a block away from PS 152, on the last day of school prior to the break.
A crisis team was sent to the school to offer counseling to students and staff.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, in a statement, said “I am devastated to learn of the tragic death this morning,” adding that an investigation is going on as to exactly how this happened.
“I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of this young boy and to Principal Vitolo and the entire PS 152 community,” he said.
Ssphm is just bitter yuppies, not hipsters, are having fun and not acknowledging him on the street. His pretty problems don’t concern us.
Get a vida amigo.
So sorry to learn of this tragedy. Just wonder if the unlicensed driver was also undocumented invader?
The truth hurts doesn’t it? Only those I expose get offended and I do enjoy exposing the hypocrisy and idiotic behavior of this neighborhood and those in charge. This site has no problem showing everyone rubbing each others backs saying “good job” to each other but ignore the real issues. Focus on stupid Dog stuff and lame decorations but ignore the real needs of Sunnyside. That’s what I do.
I’ve seen plenty on here show blatant racism and yet you’re still on MY nutsack. I guess I must have said some stuff that hits close to home for you. Sorry you’re so butt hurt.
Because you are offensive, nasty, and rude? Change your name to “everyonehatesme,exceptmyMomma(andshecouldbejivin’)” if you are concerned with accuracy.
how am I a troll moron? By showing you the hypocrisy of people? Tell me where is the attention and street naming and fund raising surround this poor kid? noooo….but when it’s related to something that generates media attention these people are ALLLLL over it dropping names. Why is that? Tell me….
you call that trolling? Or just really good observations.
Ignore Ruben- he lives off of how others react to his special brand of idiocy. If no one reacts to trolls, they sometimes wither and die, I’ve head.
Sunnyside Native, Please refer to me by my Handle, not the name you think you know me for, its annoying already.
Sorry kid Noshats given by the Sunnyside street naming committee. Maybe if your parents were “involved” in the community. By that I mean white.
Ruben aka SSPHM14 – please go back on your lithium!!
i’m a little confused, where was his parents? how old was his sister?
I have no words to express how I feel about this little boy. What a horrible tragedy for this family.
So how long is it going to take before they name a street after the poor kid? Where’s the fund raising for the family’s hardships and financial issues after this terrible tragedy? Where’s the move to avoid this situation again by maybe making it law to have a crossing guard in these areas..
or does nobody give a shit because the words SandY Hook not in front of things? Say what you want about me but I call the bullshit when I see it and I always do.
Just tell his classmates and his teachers that he moved somewhere? You can’t be serious. Maybe his sister can explain to them all how it is she has remained behind when she regains composure. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to dealing with a school population at a time like this, do you? None whatsoever, I’ll bet. How about being honest with them? Make it a teachable situation; review the basics of road safety? Don’t start lying to them. (They might grow up to be cranky and suspicious of others.)
Building pedestrian overpasses is not the solution. They’re expensive to build and maintain There is a huge residential section by this intersection. There should be crossing guard and traffic needs to be slowed. It’s not hard to find cars traveling well over the speed limit on both boulevards. Let’s control traffic and slow it down.
Traffic laws must be enforced, and drivers must remember that the pedestrian always has the right of way. Anyone caught driving without a license needs to suffer a severe penalty, especially when they’re involved in a fatality like this.
Omg heart goes out to family how tragic, soo very sad
What a tragedy that this family has to go through! God help the child’s parents through this difficult time.
What is the point of the crisis team, why do they feel they have to tell all the kids what happened to this one? Just let them know he moved somewhere else and case closed. Now kids who had no idea what happened will be exposed to the situation. Unless I am missing something.
Also, I fail to understand one more thing, how difficult is it to put some pedestrian overpass on northern and queens blvds? Why isn’t pedestrian overpasses more common in New York with all the accidents we see every single day, also may actually help with the obesity problem we have, at least on school crossing there should be overpass and all students required to over the bridge.
There has been quite a few unfortunate incidents like the one this morning in the area lately. Why isn’t there a school crossing guard at this intersection to assist the children who have to cross Northern Blvd to get to their school? Believe me even for an adult is very dangerous to cross this main artery, I have to cross the intersection of Northern & Broadway, not far from the accident often & believe me is like the running of the bull, you have to run for your lives, the crossing light is not long enough for pedestrians & cars drive through it at high speeds. What is the Board of Education, & the DOT doing to stop this tragic accidents from continuing to happen?…My heart goes out for this family, dealing with their loss, specially at this time of the year.
Stop hiring illegal drivers!! That the second child killed in recent weeks!
Thoughts & prayers with his family x
Such tragidy, very scare… Wow!
This is horrible news, prayers for the boy and his family.
This is terrible; I can imagine the pain of the poor mother. Prayers.
Good God, comfort his family, console all those involved in this horrible accident.